I don't understand why Republicans can't carry loaded weapons at their convention.

Gun carriers this one is quite vexing. I thought touting the 2nd amendment was in fact to carry your gun on you REGARDLESS of what the government wants. Nobody in the government can single handedly declare their rules are above the Constitution. Why are you backing down on this? I know you'd think I'm being facetious but I'm not.

If the 2nd amendment guarantees you are free to own and open carry a gun in public, why is this venue different than a Chipotle or Walmart? The venue should have no bearing on the argument, if the 2nd amendment is the governing authority in all the land, and that is what the Constitution is, then you need to show up with your guns. Be peaceful, but armed. Isn't that the reason for showing up at all these places with a rifle slung over your shoulder?

I'm being honest, I don't get it. You give up your 2nd amendment rights TO THE GOVERNMENT of all entities the very second they say 'give up your guns'. What then is the point of having the rights if you can't exercise them?
There are more pressing things concerning the 2nd,fighting.over guns allowed or not at the convetion isn't very high on the list the left is making a big deal about it kinda funny
Too bad, really.....All those right wing guys are going to pass up the chance to say to one another, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....."
Because there are rather high profile targets on stage. Given the protests Trump rallies encounter, no, no and no.
Gun carriers this one is quite vexing. I thought touting the 2nd amendment was in fact to carry your gun on you REGARDLESS of what the government wants. Nobody in the government can single handedly declare their rules are above the Constitution. Why are you backing down on this? I know you'd think I'm being facetious but I'm not.

If the 2nd amendment guarantees you are free to own and open carry a gun in public, why is this venue different than a Chipotle or Walmart? The venue should have no bearing on the argument, if the 2nd amendment is the governing authority in all the land, and that is what the Constitution is, then you need to show up with your guns. Be peaceful, but armed. Isn't that the reason for showing up at all these places with a rifle slung over your shoulder?

I'm being honest, I don't get it. You give up your 2nd amendment rights TO THE GOVERNMENT of all entities the very second they say 'give up your guns'. What then is the point of having the rights if you can't exercise them?
There are more pressing things concerning the 2nd,fighting.over guns allowed or not at the convetion isn't very high on the list the left is making a big deal about it kinda funny

To be more precise, allowing or disallowing guns at a convention have nothing to do with the amendment.
UPDATE: Petitioners for guns at RNC in Cleveland soar to 45,179; Secret Service says ‘No’

Updates March 28: As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, climbing more than 500 hourly and up from 5,000 Friday morning. Commenters appear to be heavily anti-Republican.

As of 8 p.m. petitioners numbered 48,044.

The Washington Post is reporting that the Secret Service has said “no” to guns at the RNC.


I think they should just go ahead and carry them anyway. Who's gonna stop 'em?

The Secret Service has legal jurisdiction because the future President Trump will be there....

The NRA convention allowed concealed carry as did the Texas Republican state convention.....
Too bad, really.....All those right wing guys are going to pass up the chance to say to one another, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....."

again..the sexual reference when guns are mentioned.....you guys really need help...guns are not for sex....please, go see a therapist before you hurt yourself or someone else...
Too bad, really.....All those right wing guys are going to pass up the chance to say to one another, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....."

Good for you... as a regressive you have nothing to show. I start to see why you guys are so anti-gun.
Now that you right wingers got the above out of your system.....don't forget to wash your hands and flush.
Gun carriers this one is quite vexing. I thought touting the 2nd amendment was in fact to carry your gun on you REGARDLESS of what the government wants. Nobody in the government can single handedly declare their rules are above the Constitution. Why are you backing down on this? I know you'd think I'm being facetious but I'm not.

If the 2nd amendment guarantees you are free to own and open carry a gun in public, why is this venue different than a Chipotle or Walmart? The venue should have no bearing on the argument, if the 2nd amendment is the governing authority in all the land, and that is what the Constitution is, then you need to show up with your guns. Be peaceful, but armed. Isn't that the reason for showing up at all these places with a rifle slung over your shoulder?

I'm being honest, I don't get it. You give up your 2nd amendment rights TO THE GOVERNMENT of all entities the very second they say 'give up your guns'. What then is the point of having the rights if you can't exercise them?
There are more pressing things concerning the 2nd,fighting.over guns allowed or not at the convetion isn't very high on the list the left is making a big deal about it kinda funny

If you whine day and night that the Constitution says you can open carry a gun in public whenever you want, and there is no higher government official that can override the Constitution, and you give up your guns the MOMENT a government official says 'give up your guns', then you have no rights. The Constitution doesn't protect anything and all your bloviating about the subject is laughable kids stuff.

You people aren't afraid to exercise the very rights you demand to exercise when you go into a Wendy's fast food joint with a rifle slung over your shoulder because it's a bunch of unarmed civilians in there, but the second the government says 'this is a gun free zone' you bow down and kiss their feet.

You are posers. You aren't interested in any rights, it's just another con meme that makes you feel good.
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Too bad, really.....All those right wing guys are going to pass up the chance to say to one another, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours....."
Your irrational fear of an inanimate object is palpable. Might I suggest seeing a mental health professional?
As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
The Republican Party is a private organization. They can tell the SS to fuck off.
You people are afraid to exercise the very rights you demand to exercise when you go into Wendy's fast food joints with a rifle slung over your shoulder, but the second the government says 'this is a gun free zone' you bow down and kiss their feet. You are posers. You aren't interested in any rights, it's just another con meme that makes you feel good.

Cute narrative. Unfortunately, it's a false one (like all libtard narratives). Unlike libtards, conservatives are law abiding citizens. And even though we have a Constitutional right, sadly, libtards have placed people in office that trample on that right. Now, we could be lawless libtards and resort to violence (like you people do at Donald Trump rallies) - but that's not who we are. That is an absolute true last resort for real Americans. As conservatives, we prefer to use the 1st Amendment (as we are here) and the ballot box to restore our Constitutional government.

How sad that you attempt to manipulate someone into resorting to violence. That's clearly what you desire here (I'm sure you in your infinite libtard ignorance, thinking that will be one less conservative voter come November). But that kind of "Jedi Mind Trick" nonsense only works on the weak minded. In other words - other liberals.
As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
The Republican Party is a private organization. They can tell the SS to fuck off.
No, they can't dumb ass. Donald Trump is not going to surrender his Secret Service protective detail in light of all of the violence that asshole liberals like you have resorted to. And as long as the Secret Service is responsible for Trump's life, they aren't going to allow armed people into a convention with him. It really is that simple. Though considering your IQ and history of posts, I can see why it would confuse you.
It's a bedrock premise of pseudo-cons that "gun free zones" are killing zones. Even Trump has said this.

In order to avoid looking like raging hypocrites, people should be allowed to bring their guns to the convention.
As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
The Republican Party is a private organization. They can tell the SS to fuck off.
No, they can't dumb ass. Donald Trump is not going to surrender his Secret Service protective detail in light of all of the violence that asshole liberals like you have resorted to.
So you admit gun free zones are much safer.

As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
The Republican Party is a private organization. They can tell the SS to fuck off.

It is very bizarre how conservatives wail and gnash their teeth about 'gun rights' and the 'Constitution', but the moment the government says put down your guns these people comply without a whimper.

Thus the more important factor in a population losing it's rights is revealed, it isn't the weapons, it is the backbone to demand their Constitutional rights IN EVERY INSTANCE IN EVERY PLACE in the face of a hostile government.
Remember cartoons like these?


It is time to make one about Trump.
As of Monday afternoon, 45,179 had endorsed a Change.org petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland

So why won't Republicans believe in democracy. I say arm the base.
You got your,gottcha question answered in your thread title,the secret service said no not the party.
The Republican Party is a private organization. They can tell the SS to fuck off.
No, they can't dumb ass. Donald Trump is not going to surrender his Secret Service protective detail in light of all of the violence that asshole liberals like you have resorted to.
So you admit gun free zones are much safer.

Not sure how you get safer from that post!!?? But spin away.

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