I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

I always tell my Republican friends to steer clear of the Minimum Wage issue. It's a big Lose/Lose for them. Some of them actually argue that American Workers making pitiful wages is a 'Good Thing.' I just tell em to be quiet and stop digging that hole. They come off as greedy old fat white dudes. And that image kills them in the General Election.

They just seem way too quick to insult struggling Workers , while worshipping greedy Corporate bastards. That's just not a winning platform in General Elections. The People prefer Politicians who at least give the impression they're fighting for the struggling American Worker. Too many Republicans just don't give that impression. In fact, they give the opposite impression. So take my advice Republicans, don't touch the Minimum Wage issue anymore. You already lost bigtime on it.
You don't have any Republican friends. We've covered this before. Friends don't smear friends.
Not smearing em. Just stating the reality. That ugly 'greedy old fat white dude' image is gonna kill em in future General Elections. They should take my advice, and start standing up for struggling American Workers. It's what the People want.
The people spoke in November, we don't let internet pussies run our country, sorry. The reality is that you are a smear monger and have no Republican friends. Likely no Democrat ones either.

You guys gotta let go of your hate & greed. Your disdain for average struggling workers is irrational and unjust. Jesus would not approve. Those Cashiers, McDonalds workers, and Bag-stuffers are your fellow Americans. And they provide you with services you both want and need. They're not sitting around milking Welfare. They're out there working hard. You guys gotta stop insulting and ridiculing them.

There's gonna be a big backlash on the insults and ridicule. In fact, it's beginning to happen right now. You're gonna hand the White House to the Democrats again. You guys gotta ditch that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It's gonna kill ya in future General Elections.
you don't get it.

Those cashiers, McDonalds workers and Bag Stuffers are our fellow Americans, yes....but they are supposed to be the youth of America...not adults trying to support families.

When I was in high school, every cashier, McDonalds worker and bag stuffer was a friend...a classmate....a teenager looking for weekend cash.

But over the last decade or so, adults deemed those jobs as worthy...you know....a little welfare, some food stamps, the ER for free...and hey..."I can work at McDonalds and not have to worry about stress and working hard."

Sorry Obama...those adults that work at McDonalds are NOT hard working Americans. They are WORKING Americans that don't want to work hard.

So no, they should not increase the minimum wage to a wage that can support a family. They should tell those people to stop taking jobs away from the kids and get a real job.
Really? People who work 40+ hrs a week don't work hard?
What you believe it SHOULD be has absolutely nothing to do with what it actually is. Do you honestly believe that people choose to work for MW over something better? That's what you seem to be saying.
I always tell my Republican friends to steer clear of the Minimum Wage issue. It's a big Lose/Lose for them. Some of them actually argue that American Workers making pitiful wages is a 'Good Thing.' I just tell em to be quiet and stop digging that hole. They come off as greedy old fat white dudes. And that image kills them in the General Election.

They just seem way too quick to insult struggling Workers , while worshipping greedy Corporate bastards. That's just not a winning platform in General Elections. The People prefer Politicians who at least give the impression they're fighting for the struggling American Worker. Too many Republicans just don't give that impression. In fact, they give the opposite impression. So take my advice Republicans, don't touch the Minimum Wage issue anymore. You already lost bigtime on it.
You don't have any Republican friends. We've covered this before. Friends don't smear friends.

Not smearing em. Just stating the reality. That ugly 'greedy old fat white dude' image is gonna kill em in future General Elections. They should take my advice, and start standing up for struggling American Workers. It's what the People want.

And then they will be unemployed. Your system will get politicians elected, and people impoverished.

Nah, the sky won't fall. It never does. Businesses will bitch & moan about having to pay Employees more, and then they'll shut up and deal with it. Life will go on. It always does.

Republicans really have painted themselves into a corner. They're seen as people who blame Workers for everything, while worshipping and licking corporate bastard boots. They're basically handing another Election over to the Democrats. They desperately need to shed that 'greedy old fat white dude' image. It is what it is.

But it has dude. Everything we said would happen, has happened. Exactly as we said it would.

Try this.... look up the unemployment rate for 25 and younger. Compared the rates of unemployment before 2007, and to thereafter?

What happened in 2007? The minimum wage went from $5.25 to $7.25.

IF you were right..... then why isn't everyone super happy? The minimum wage is way higher than before.

Instead, we have higher unemployment, and a sluggish economy.

I thought you people said that raising the minimum wage would improve the economy? Sure doesn't seem to have.

YOU harmed them. YOU HARMED THE WORKERS. You did. Not us.

Wild ass speculation dude. You need to show some correlation, some cause and effect. 77 years worth of data out there and no one has done this? Maybe because it's not real. Kind of like trickle down that no one seems to be able to measure or quantify.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

It's just an example of how far they have to go to justify their position. You would think that Heritage or someone would have put together a concise report making their point clearly, especially with nearly eight decades of data to work from. It should be simple to chart MW increases and unemployment together.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.

So true.
For example:
70% of our GDP is consumer spending.
80% of consumers are middle class and below.
By their estimation, somehow raising wages for the bulk of consumers damages our economy.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat

There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW.
Now it's time to raise it again.
The real wage for MW averaged around $9/hr for nearly fifty years of MW.
Why are you advocating for people to make less than they did fifty years ago? Don't you think wages should rise as time goes by?
You are an idiot. I guess every computer programmer in Silicon Valley is earning $7.50 or whatever the lowest wage allowed by law is.

The context was who determines the LEAST worth of an employee. Christ you fools are dense. Still waiting for the proof of rising unemployment from MW.
Move the goalposts when unmaksed as a moron.
Guess what: there are people getting less than min wage. They're called "unemployed."
You make a point that has been answered over and over: check the UE rates of those most likely to work MW jobs. Those rates have been going up steadily with every increase in MW.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.

So true.
For example:
70% of our GDP is consumer spending.
80% of consumers are middle class and below.
By their estimation, somehow raising wages for the bulk of consumers damages our economy.
Here's a hint: When Matthew talks about economics, the opposite of what he says is likely true.
In this case he assumes prices will stay the same. It isnt true. It can't be true. Businesses have to get the extra revenue to pay out highjer wages fro somewhere. And it comes from higher prices. And since the businesses that employ more MW workers are also the ones that cater to lower income consumers, it is the lower income consumer who suffers a net loss of buying power.
Min wage is racist and favors middle calss people over working class people.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.

So true.
For example:
70% of our GDP is consumer spending.
80% of consumers are middle class and below.
By their estimation, somehow raising wages for the bulk of consumers damages our economy.

But yet cutting wages for the bottom 80% somehow will grow the economy. LOL. What will really happen is people just won't be able to afford it and our economy will decrease in size. The rich 1% will have to go to other countries as ours won't have the base to support their businesses.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.

So true.
For example:
70% of our GDP is consumer spending.
80% of consumers are middle class and below.
By their estimation, somehow raising wages for the bulk of consumers damages our economy.

But yet cutting wages for the bottom 80% somehow will grow the economy. LOL. What will really happen is people just won't be able to afford it and our economy will decrease in size. The rich 1% will have to go to other countries as ours won't have the base to support their businesses.
The min wage was increased in 2009. Have earnings gone up or down since then? Hint: Household income has declined for anyone under the top 10% of earners.
But yet cutting wages for the bottom 80% somehow will grow the economy. LOL. What will really happen is people just won't be able to afford it and our economy will decrease in size. The rich 1% will have to go to other countries as ours won't have the base to support their businesses.

Silliness. There is no effort to cut wages paid to the bottom 80% of earners but there certainly is one to raise the federal MW, a move that will have the oh-so conveeenient effect of raising many union wages despite the fact that none of those union workers currently earn MW.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
Where do you people get this retarded idea that raising the minimum wage devalues the currency?

Does exactly the opposite as a lot more people can buy stuff and it increases the wealth of our nation through doing so. Conservatives don't know economics.

So true.
For example:
70% of our GDP is consumer spending.
80% of consumers are middle class and below.
By their estimation, somehow raising wages for the bulk of consumers damages our economy.

But yet cutting wages for the bottom 80% somehow will grow the economy. LOL. What will really happen is people just won't be able to afford it and our economy will decrease in size. The rich 1% will have to go to other countries as ours won't have the base to support their businesses.

Sure. What drive a business to hire more employees? Increased demand. Where does increased demand come from? Consumers buying more goods.
What drives consumers to buy more goods?
Increased disposable income.
Not only do the liberals want to set a minimum wage they also want to set a maximum wage. Actually they really want to control all wages through central planning.

A regular "Worker's Paradise." I guess they don't know how all that worked out for Russia.
There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW...

Inncorrect Sparkey. If that were true all hourly wage earners would be making MW. Employers pay what the labor market requires for the help they need and workers sell their labor for whatever the market will bear:
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I've already answered that. The context was how an employer determines the LEAST an employee is worth. Obviously no one is required to only pay the minimum.
And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat

There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW.
Now it's time to raise it again.
The real wage for MW averaged around $9/hr for nearly fifty years of MW.
Why are you advocating for people to make less than they did fifty years ago? Don't you think wages should rise as time goes by?
You are an idiot. I guess every computer programmer in Silicon Valley is earning $7.50 or whatever the lowest wage allowed by law is.

The context was who determines the LEAST worth of an employee. Christ you fools are dense. Still waiting for the proof of rising unemployment from MW.
Move the goalposts when unmaksed as a moron.
Guess what: there are people getting less than min wage. They're called "unemployed."
You make a point that has been answered over and over: check the UE rates of those most likely to work MW jobs. Those rates have been going up steadily with every increase in MW.

I moved nothing. You just have nothing to counter with. Now show me how and why UE rates correlate to MW and why that has been the case for 77 years. How many jobs do you figure have been lost in those 77 years? How many have been created over the same period? Is it a net loss or gain in jobs over that period?
I take it you're not aware that the Republicans have repeatedly proposed sizable hikes in the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as an alternative to job-killing hikes in the minimum wage. Go read the Congressional Record if you don't believe me.

As the Republicans have often pointed out, hiking the minimum wage hurts many low-wage workers because many employers cut jobs with each hike in the minimum wage.

Raising the EITC makes a lot more sense because it gives more help to those low-wage earners who are supporting dependents with their income or who will be working low-wage jobs for a long time.
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I take it you're not aware that the Republicans have repeatedly proposed sizable hikes in the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as an alternative to job-killing hikes in the minimum wage. Go read the Congressional Record if you don't believe me.

As the Republicans have often repeatedly pointed out, hiking the minimum wage hurts many low-wage workers because many employers cut jobs with each hike in the minimum wage.

Raising the EITC makes a lot more sense because it gives more help to those low-wage earners who are supporting dependents with their income or who will be working low-wage jobs for a long time.

Wouldn't the EITC be a nice multiplier when combined with a higher MW?

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