I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs.

So you want to hold the low skill individuals accountable for their minimal job skills, by shutting down the subsidies that perpetuate their means to sustain themselves on minimal skills?


You want to further inflate the US Currency, by forcing the value of minimal labor, which in nature is zero... to $15; making $15 the equivalent of $0.

If it's the former, congrats! Because that demonstrates that you're a viable human being.

If on the other hand, it's the latter, then you're a rube being manipulated by a thoroughly corrupt force, which has spent and intends to continue to spend the United States into irretrievable bankruptcy; demonstrating that you're dead weight and counter productive to the general welfare of the species itself.

And just as an FYI: You do not help those bringing zero skills to the job, by devaluing the currency which pays them.


But in fairness to you, as a Relativist, there was NO WAY you could have known that.
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I'm not a Republican, but I opposed them because they are corrosive pablum designed to control people.

The point is to make sure the super rich don't use people without paying enough to live on. Yes, that takes government force! So did ending slavery, child labor and piss poor work conditions.
What are you rip van winkle? The year is 2015 in America not 1902, Switzerland Don't have minimum wage laws and they never had a high unemployment rate in recent memory, countries like Greece has a very high minimum wage law and very high Unemplomemt
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) get MW and the decision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat
$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps.

And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Actually, what will happen is that the cost of goods and services will increase so that the new $100/hr minimum wage becomes effectively the same as the old minimum wage. The poor will thus stay poor with more nominal money, but with no increased buying power. And they'll have no access to welfare to alleviate their blights.
$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps.

And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Actually, what will happen is that the cost of goods and services will increase so that the new $100/hr minimum wage becomes effectively the same as the old minimum wage. The poor will thus stay poor with more nominal money, but with no increased buying power. And they'll have no access to welfare to alleviate their blights.

Let's go for the $100 an hour MW and then double the Social Security the elderly get so they can afford a $10 hamburger.
And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

Fucking ridiculous. Point out the post where anyone who supports an increase in MW is calling for a 100 dollar an hour MW.

Point out the post so I can go make fun of them instead of you. The only posts I see calling for some crazy number like you just did is the crazy ass right wingers who hate the idea of raising the MW.
And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

Fucking ridiculous. Point out the post where anyone who supports an increase in MW is calling for a 100 dollar an hour MW.

Point out the post so I can go make fun of them instead of you. The only posts I see calling for some crazy number like you just did is the crazy ass right wingers who hate the idea of raising the MW.

I agree, it's ridiculous. Every argument the left uses to advocate for increasing the minimum wage is ridiculous. I used the very same argument to support a $100/hr minimum wage, and you yourself called it ridiculous.

But the difference between you and me is that you think it's ridiculous because of the amount. You're too stupid to comprehend that it's your reasoning that is ridiculous.
And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

Fucking ridiculous. Point out the post where anyone who supports an increase in MW is calling for a 100 dollar an hour MW.

Point out the post so I can go make fun of them instead of you. The only posts I see calling for some crazy number like you just did is the crazy ass right wingers who hate the idea of raising the MW.

you libs keep saying that higher is better. He just took it to the next logical step.

why not guarantee every american an income of 100K per year? why not make that both the minimum and the maximum. So that beyonce and your garbage man would make the exact same amount? Wouldn't that be a wonderful world?
$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps.

And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Actually, what will happen is that the cost of goods and services will increase so that the new $100/hr minimum wage becomes effectively the same as the old minimum wage. The poor will thus stay poor with more nominal money, but with no increased buying power. And they'll have no access to welfare to alleviate their blights.

Let's go for the $100 an hour MW and then double the Social Security the elderly get so they can afford a $10 hamburger.

The burger now costs about half the MW so a $100 MW means a $50 burger and a $70 combo meal. Want cheese on that?
So the OP doesn't understand why the GOP would be against welfare and the minimum wage of $15/hour.

It's been over 200 replies since and I'll bet he still doesn't inderstand.

He's a Progressive hack and will never ever understand because he refuses to. It's a waste of time to try and explain.
So the OP doesn't understand why the GOP would be against welfare and the minimum wage of $15/hour.

It's been over 200 replies since and I'll bet he still doesn't inderstand.

He's a Progressive hack and will never ever understand because he refuses to. It's a waste of time to try and explain.
He doesnt understand how somoene can not think the way he does. i.e. a progressive hack, as you say.
So the OP doesn't understand why the GOP would be against welfare and the minimum wage of $15/hour.

It's been over 200 replies since and I'll bet he still doesn't inderstand.

He's a Progressive hack and will never ever understand because he refuses to. It's a waste of time to try and explain.

But it's OK, PF ... normal, rational peeps who understand what it takes to operate a household or a biz get it. We just can't save the loony libs but maybe we can send them to Greece.
And if we make the minimum wage $100/hr nobody would be eligible for food stamps! Let's do it!

Fucking ridiculous. Point out the post where anyone who supports an increase in MW is calling for a 100 dollar an hour MW.

Point out the post so I can go make fun of them instead of you. The only posts I see calling for some crazy number like you just did is the crazy ass right wingers who hate the idea of raising the MW.
Why is that number crazy? Is there a tipping point where the number becomes crazy? If so, how is the tipping point determined? Should the minimum wage be raised to just under the "crazy" tipping point?
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat

There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW.
Now it's time to raise it again.
The real wage for MW averaged around $9/hr for nearly fifty years of MW.
Why are you advocating for people to make less than they did fifty years ago? Don't you think wages should rise as time goes by?
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat

There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW.
Now it's time to raise it again.
The real wage for MW averaged around $9/hr for nearly fifty years of MW.
Why are you advocating for people to make less than they did fifty years ago? Don't you think wages should rise as time goes by?

My daughter got a job as a greeter at a fast food restaurant when the MW was $5.15 and they started her at $7.50 so what you say is BS. They pay whatever it takes to get people to work there.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

And that, Billy Boy, is exactly how our economy works. Those who are worth more than MW get more. Those who are worth only MW (or less) cision is made by the parties involved ... the employee (by his acceptance of MW) and his employer (who is willing to pay it). You and the federal gov't have no business in their decisions.
You know what's funny? In a liberal mind they think the government is subsidizing a company for paying a employee low wages.

In fact the opposite is true, the government is subsidizing the low skilled 35 year old employee.

The company pays what he or she is worth in the free market.

The government then picks up the tab for Obama smart phones, 50 inch flat television, steak dinners and crap like that, so they don't revolt and vote democrat

There is no free market moron.
The employer pays the lowest wage ALLOWED BY LAW.
Now it's time to raise it again.
The real wage for MW averaged around $9/hr for nearly fifty years of MW.
Why are you advocating for people to make less than they did fifty years ago? Don't you think wages should rise as time goes by?

You are completely out of touch with reality...
Because artificially increasing the cost of labor in this country will produce less of it and cause more people to be on an already overloaded government assistance system.
The point is to make sure the super rich don't use people without paying enough to live on. Yes, that takes government force! So did ending slavery, child labor and piss poor work conditions.
That's the argument for all things liberal. All those things you mentioned were solved by technology. The government didn't do shit until it was possible.

The super rich got that way for a reason, they use the marketplace and the worse the overall economy is the better they can do because there are less opportunities for the workers. The liberal solution is backwards, which is why the pay gap is getting bigger, not smaller.

Not only do the liberals want to set a minimum wage they also want to set a maximum wage. Actually they really want to control all wages through central planning.

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