I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

"I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor"

Because it conflicts with failed, ridiculous conservative dogma – the 'disincentive' myth in particular.
"The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities."

Not sure if Jesus, or Lincoln...

Pay people a decent wage to live on, or don't complain when they need help. As a society, we're supposed to be more advanced than a pack of wolves :wink_2:
Who claimed MW was designed to create jobs?
I would say it's meant to add value to your job...

As recent voluntary wage increases at large national retailers has demonstrated, a federally mandated MW is unnecessary. Only a few million workers - over half of whom are between 16 and 24 years of age - earn MW. Anyone with any marketable skills is paid more. The real machine behind the MW war is unions whose contracts are often MW+ based. Move the MW up and all their peeps also get increases.
You are so thick. You live in a fantasy land. All i am talking about is raising the minimum wage. THAT'S IT. The wealthy will still be wealthy. The world will keep turning. Capitalism will thrive you ass.

So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
You are so thick. You live in a fantasy land. All i am talking about is raising the minimum wage. THAT'S IT. The wealthy will still be wealthy. The world will keep turning. Capitalism will thrive you ass.

So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.
Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.

I'm not an advocate of the $15 deal.
I support what Obama suggested in his 2013 SOTU. Increase to $9 immediately to bring MW back to the average it was at for fifty years and later bring it up to $10 indexed to inflation. I don't know how you all could argue that it's somehow better to have lower wages today than forty years ago.
As far as other wage levels, they will be adjusted as well to maintain separation.
MW was designed to put upward pressure on wages. That's exactly what it does. In a world where wage growth has all but stagnated in the last decade, a little upward push is needed.
The min wage was raised in 2009. Where are all the jobs that produced? The very opposite happened. There was stagnation and lack of job growth. Obviously not all of that was from min wage, but some of it surely was.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.

Who claimed MW was designed to create jobs?
I would say it's meant to add value to your job.

Now, when will you show me the trickle-down jobs gains data from a decade of Bush tax cuts? You all have had a few years to get them out there.

It "adds value" to those that HAVE a job...however for those trying to get entry level jobs it makes that harder to accomplish. You've got a whole generation of young people who can't START working because higher minimum wages have employers looking at other strategies to cut down on entry level employees. They aren't learning basic job skills like being dependable and working well with others. That's going to hamper them further on down the road.
So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
So, in your pinhead somebody aspiring to make a career out of a mindless, zero skill job isn't a problem? You lefties are such simpletons.

Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

Actually the way it works is that if they are a great employee YOU PROMOTE THEM! The people that STAY at entry level jobs don't do them well! That's why they're stuck where they are.
Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
Not a career but a stepping stone to something better. Kind of hard to move foreward if you work full time and still need food assistance to get by.

get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

Actually the way it works is that if they are a great employee YOU PROMOTE THEM! The people that STAY at entry level jobs don't do them well! That's why they're stuck where they are.
Gee and as usual in the today's market, a promotion leads to little in pay increase. America has the worse wage mobility in the entire developed world. These are facts. Learn them
get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job
get a second job, thats what I did when I was young. Stop the whining and begging and self pity, and get off your ass and take responsibility for yourself.

I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

Actually the way it works is that if they are a great employee YOU PROMOTE THEM! The people that STAY at entry level jobs don't do them well! That's why they're stuck where they are.
Gee and as usual in the today's market, a promotion leads to little in pay increase. America has the worse wage mobility in the entire developed world. These are facts. Learn them

What in God's name are you babbling about? A promotion leads to little in pay increase? I've never gotten a promotion that didn't come with a sizable pay increase. They pretty much come hand in hand.
I last worked a MW job
I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

Actually the way it works is that if they are a great employee YOU PROMOTE THEM! The people that STAY at entry level jobs don't do them well! That's why they're stuck where they are.
Gee and as usual in the today's market, a promotion leads to little in pay increase. America has the worse wage mobility in the entire developed world. These are facts. Learn them

What in God's name are you babbling about? A promotion leads to little in pay increase? I've never gotten a promotion that didn't come with a sizable pay increase. They pretty much come hand in hand.

These America hating freak liberals should just board a boat to China and go live their socialist/communist dream working for the collective.
I'm beginning to wonder if some of you people have ever worked at a real job. Seriously...
We have. That's why we see the disadvantages.

Only if you're one of the losers who never gets promoted, Billy! Is that you? Is that why you want a higher minimum wage so doggone badly? I've got news for ya', little buddy...that minimum wage raise you think is going to make your life so much easier...has the very real potential to make it much worse. The people who are going to be let go if you raised the minimum wage are those same losers that aren't promotable. That's a common sense concept.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.

Because fuck 'em, that's why.
according to the libs its the white hillbilly trailer trash who are all poor... so you want to help them, then? even though they are white and conservative? thanks!
I last worked a MW job
I last worked a MW job 32 years ago while in HS. At that time every cashier or stocker anywhere you went was a HS kid. Not so much today. Who do you see working the register at the grocery store or any retail store? Not kids. You all need to stop recalling your success with MW and look realistically at how and who MW affects. Times have changed.
Why do you suppose that is? It isnt that there are no jobs for those people. It's that you have people who are worth 10/hr, people worth 8/hr, people worth 5/hr and people worth 2/hr. But if you set the minimum at 10/hr you'll only hire people who are worth 10/hr. The people worth less than that wont get hired at all. Which is whyyou dont see them working at those jobs anymore.
Who the fuck decides, objectively, what workers are worth? You are so dumb.

This logic isn't hard to grasp: if an employee is a shitty worker, you fire them. If they do their job well and work full time, you pay them a wage they can actually live off of. Problem solved you ass clown.

Actually the way it works is that if they are a great employee YOU PROMOTE THEM! The people that STAY at entry level jobs don't do them well! That's why they're stuck where they are.
Gee and as usual in the today's market, a promotion leads to little in pay increase. America has the worse wage mobility in the entire developed world. These are facts. Learn them

What in God's name are you babbling about? A promotion leads to little in pay increase? I've never gotten a promotion that didn't come with a sizable pay increase. They pretty much come hand in hand.
Promotions, on averagem in this country in today's economy are small. I don't understand why you people dont pay attention to these critical facts. They really do matter. The wage gap is huge and it is criminal. Mobility is not nearly what it used to be.
I'm beginning to wonder if some of you people have ever worked at a real job. Seriously...
We have. That's why we see the disadvantages.

Only if you're one of the losers who never gets promoted, Billy! Is that you? Is that why you want a higher minimum wage so doggone badly? I've got news for ya', little buddy...that minimum wage raise you think is going to make your life so much easier...has the very real potential to make it much worse. The people who are going to be let go if you raised the minimum wage are those same losers that aren't promotable. That's a common sense concept.
That's the problem with you cons. You think one's experience is the only thing that dictates one's political philosophy, That's how it is with you people, sure. You have no concept of empathy or any sense of a collective mindset. Your philosophy is "I got mine. Fuck the rest."

No, actually I am quite comfortable in my job.

Your final point is probably your dumbest. Low wage jobs are in high demand by both hard working and lazy people. One's wage hardly reflects their work ethic anymore,. That is the nature of today's economy. You're living in the past. 1.000,000 people applied for 50,000 McDonald's jobs last year. The average person making minmum wage (local, state, and federal) is 35 years old.

You see how I give you facts and all you give me is rambling?
The minimum wage protects people from being taken advantage of by their super rich boss. If there wasn't a minimum wage some people would be paid pennies per hour as they are in southern Asia! While the rich pig would be making big bang on your hard work...The minimum wage and the workers rights laws here in America make it impossible for the rich to screw the worker as hard as they would love to do.

You on the far right for some reason would love to see us join the third world? Where half or more of the country would be working for piss water. The huge difference between a third world shit hole and a first world nation is the fact that the first world nation allows the other 99% to make some of the profit.
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The minimum wage protects people from being taken advantage of by their super rich boss. If there wasn't a minimum wage some people would be paid pennies per hour as they are in southern Asia! While the rich pig would be making big bang on your hard work...The minimum wage and the workers rights laws here in America make it impossible for the rich to screw the worker as hard as they would love to do.

You on the far right for some reason would love to see us join the third world? Where half or more of the country would be working for piss water. The huge difference between a third world shit hole and a first world nation is the fact that the first world nation allows the other 99% to make some of the profit.


Minimum wage was never meant to be lived on. Its a wage you start a job at and then work your way up if your a good worker. If not there's the door.

Idiots like you think every worker is worth his weight in gold. Ain't so. Loads of ain't worth squat and they know it.

I've started many a job at minimum wage and within a month I was up the pay scale. So or millions of other workers out there. As for the others. I could give a shit.

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