I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Progressive economic policy come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. It creates only 2 classes of people: the ruling class and slaves
You're just making shit up as usual. That bullshit just sounds correct to you but in reality it is completely ridiculous.

nope, what he said is accurate. in a socialist marxist progressive collectivist system like you fools say you want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is "equally" miserable.
Apparently what you're too stupid to realize is that simply raising the minimum wage doesn't even come close to a goddamn communist state. You don't even fucking know what communism is.
I always tell my Republican friends to steer clear of the Minimum Wage issue. It's a big Lose/Lose for them. Some of them actually argue that American Workers making pitiful wages is a 'Good Thing.' I just tell em to be quiet and stop digging that hole. They come off as greedy old fat white dudes. And that image kills them in the General Election.

They just seem way too quick to insult struggling Workers , while worshipping greedy Corporate bastards. That's just not a winning platform in General Elections. The People prefer Politicians who at least give the impression they're fighting for the struggling American Worker. Too many Republicans just don't give that impression. In fact, they give the opposite impression. So take my advice Republicans, don't touch the Minimum Wage issue anymore. You already lost bigtime on it.
You don't have any Republican friends. We've covered this before. Friends don't smear friends.
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Republicans are gonna have to shake their 'greedy old fat white guy' image, if they expect to ever win the White House again. Everytime they start arguing that American Workers making shite wages is a 'Good Thing', most immediately think 'greedy old fat white guy.' They don't realize they lost on the Minimum Wage issue a long time ago. It's time for them to accept that and move on.
They don't argue that. You must be on morphine. They believe an improving economy is the workers' best chance. And the liberal answer leads to failure.
Progressive economic policy come with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. It creates only 2 classes of people: the ruling class and slaves
You're just making shit up as usual. That bullshit just sounds correct to you but in reality it is completely ridiculous.

nope, what he said is accurate. in a socialist marxist progressive collectivist system like you fools say you want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is "equally" miserable.
Apparently what you're too stupid to realize is that simply raising the minimum wage doesn't even come close to a goddamn communist state. You don't even fucking know what communism is.
If the min wage was $15 an hour, in my state that would put it above what first year teachers and cops get. (Cops can make a LOT more moonlighting, though, and teachers get bumped up esp if they get a masters, and it's pretty available for them in summers.)
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.
Stfu about what we reject....just do what we recommend to energize the economy and provide opportunity for you to work and support yourself. It will do much for your self respect....which is sorely lacking in the libtard community.
You repubs have such one track minds. Yes obviously many single women have children that they shouldn't have had, but why don't you ever think of the kids? Should those kids grow up in poverty because of their irresponsible mother?

Yes. It's called life and isn't fair. Deal with it.
Thats because you're stupid.
WHat is hard to understand about some people being worth only 5/hr or 10/hr?

Who's worth $5/hr In your estimation?
Unless you're in your 80's , MW has existed your entire lifetime. What criteria do you use to determine who is worth less than MW?
It s not my estimation. It is the business owner's estimation. Lets say I own a car wash. I am washing cars at $5 or 10 a car. I can afford to pay up to 8/hr. But I cannot afford to pay 8/hr to a guy who maybe shows up for work on time, maybe shows up 20 minutes late, maybe doesnt show up at all. Or a guy who wants to sit on his ass and not wash cars. Or a guy just out of prison who may beat up my customers. For them, they're worth $5/hr until they can prove they show up on time sober and ready to work
Is that not clear to you?

It's not clear because it's not reality. There's a MW to protect workers from D-bag employers like the one you presented.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:
Who's worth $5/hr In your estimation?
Unless you're in your 80's , MW has existed your entire lifetime. What criteria do you use to determine who is worth less than MW?
It s not my estimation. It is the business owner's estimation. Lets say I own a car wash. I am washing cars at $5 or 10 a car. I can afford to pay up to 8/hr. But I cannot afford to pay 8/hr to a guy who maybe shows up for work on time, maybe shows up 20 minutes late, maybe doesnt show up at all. Or a guy who wants to sit on his ass and not wash cars. Or a guy just out of prison who may beat up my customers. For them, they're worth $5/hr until they can prove they show up on time sober and ready to work
Is that not clear to you?

It's not clear because it's not reality. There's a MW to protect workers from D-bag employers like the one you presented.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?
It s not my estimation. It is the business owner's estimation. Lets say I own a car wash. I am washing cars at $5 or 10 a car. I can afford to pay up to 8/hr. But I cannot afford to pay 8/hr to a guy who maybe shows up for work on time, maybe shows up 20 minutes late, maybe doesnt show up at all. Or a guy who wants to sit on his ass and not wash cars. Or a guy just out of prison who may beat up my customers. For them, they're worth $5/hr until they can prove they show up on time sober and ready to work
Is that not clear to you?

It's not clear because it's not reality. There's a MW to protect workers from D-bag employers like the one you presented.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.
It's not clear because it's not reality. There's a MW to protect workers from D-bag employers like the one you presented.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.

I'm not an advocate of the $15 deal.
I support what Obama suggested in his 2013 SOTU. Increase to $9 immediately to bring MW back to the average it was at for fifty years and later bring it up to $10 indexed to inflation. I don't know how you all could argue that it's somehow better to have lower wages today than forty years ago.
As far as other wage levels, they will be adjusted as well to maintain separation.
MW was designed to put upward pressure on wages. That's exactly what it does. In a world where wage growth has all but stagnated in the last decade, a little upward push is needed.
Billy, why do you engage these dumb fucks?
It would be one thing if they could prove what they say. But I get so fucking tired of the bullshit about how prices are going to rise so dramatically if some poor working person gets a modest raise.

They are full of shit billy. But you already know that.

For instance, the idiot posing as a Claudette, in one post shows how fucking ridiculous their position is.
Right off the bat; Raising the MW will reduce jobs. A sentence later, she claims that MW workers get a raise within 30 days of working.

Which of course begs the question; where is all this fucking inflation in the general economy from MW workers getting a raise in only 30 days, and why are companies still hiring MW workers when the know they will give them more money quickly. Evidently the companies don't know that the increase in wages they gave to a MW workers would mean less hiring. And terrible inflation.

Then our resident right wrongers still can't understand what you told them already. An increase in earnings will mean fewer people qualifying for and receiving government assistance.

Good luck in your quest to educate the willfully stupid.
You've made it clear the only way you can make more money is if the government forces businesses to pay their lowest skilled employees more. Instead of improving yourself and becoming more marketable you want to confiscate someone else's earnings. Like a leach.

When people work for minimum wage in highly profitable companies, it's the money for the wages of the workers which is confiscated and given to the shareholders who didn't earn it. Over $6 billion went to Walmart shareholders last year. This is the wage subsidy paid by US taxpayers to fund food stamps, Medicaid and earned income credits given to low-wage Walmart staff.

McDonalds and other low wage retail and service industry companies are also receiving similar subsidies. Conservatives seem to enjoy paying taxes which end up in the pockets of shareholders.

Corporate profits and executive wages are at their highest level ever, while wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest level ever. Workers are more productive than they've ever been, and today's high tech jobs required more skills than ever, but the wages aren't keeping pace.

Executive pay isn't based on performance or the success of a company. Executive wages are whatever the board of directors decides to give the executive. Since boards are usually made up of other business executives, they're voting for raises for people in the same positions so their own wages continue to rise. But their workers don't have friends controlling their salaries.

The low regard conservatives here have for hard working men and women is disgusting.
When people work for minimum wage in highly profitable companies, it's the money for the wages of the workers which is confiscated and given to the shareholders who didn't earn it. Over $6 billion went to Walmart shareholders last year. This is the wage subsidy paid by US taxpayers to fund food stamps, Medicaid and earned income credits given to low-wage Walmart staff.

McDonalds and other low wage retail and service industry companies are also receiving similar subsidies. Conservatives seem to enjoy paying taxes which end up in the pockets of shareholders.

Corporate profits and executive wages are at their highest level ever, while wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest level ever. Workers are more productive than they've ever been, and today's high tech jobs required more skills than ever, but the wages aren't keeping pace.

Executive pay isn't based on performance or the success of a company. Executive wages are whatever the board of directors decides to give the executive. Since boards are usually made up of other business executives, they're voting for raises for people in the same positions so their own wages continue to rise. But their workers don't have friends controlling their salaries.

The low regard conservatives here have for hard working men and women is disgusting.
No, you don't understand how it works. Have you ever even had a job? Minimum wage is a starting wage, nothing is confiscated. Liberals seem to enjoy lying. It's what they do.

If it isn't your company you don't have the right to dictate anything for anyone else. I know it hurts but that's tough shit. Most of us learn we don't get what we want simply by demanding it when we are 5 or 6.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.

I'm not an advocate of the $15 deal.
I support what Obama suggested in his 2013 SOTU. Increase to $9 immediately to bring MW back to the average it was at for fifty years and later bring it up to $10 indexed to inflation. I don't know how you all could argue that it's somehow better to have lower wages today than forty years ago.
As far as other wage levels, they will be adjusted as well to maintain separation.
MW was designed to put upward pressure on wages. That's exactly what it does. In a world where wage growth has all but stagnated in the last decade, a little upward push is needed.

I have to say that was one of the more thought out responses Iv'e heard from a liberal regarding MW in a long time.
Not that I totally agree with it,but it has some merit.
How is preventiong workers from getting jobs protecting them? If the min wage is 10/hr I will never hire someone who isnt worth that to me. Those people will remain unemployed, which is precisely why teen unemployment is so high.
How is someone offering a job a "D-bag"? Do you think employment is a form of charity?

You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.

I'm not an advocate of the $15 deal.
I support what Obama suggested in his 2013 SOTU. Increase to $9 immediately to bring MW back to the average it was at for fifty years and later bring it up to $10 indexed to inflation. I don't know how you all could argue that it's somehow better to have lower wages today than forty years ago.
As far as other wage levels, they will be adjusted as well to maintain separation.
MW was designed to put upward pressure on wages. That's exactly what it does. In a world where wage growth has all but stagnated in the last decade, a little upward push is needed.
The min wage was raised in 2009. Where are all the jobs that produced? The very opposite happened. There was stagnation and lack of job growth. Obviously not all of that was from min wage, but some of it surely was.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.
When people work for minimum wage in highly profitable companies, it's the money for the wages of the workers which is confiscated and given to the shareholders who didn't earn it. Over $6 billion went to Walmart shareholders last year. This is the wage subsidy paid by US taxpayers to fund food stamps, Medicaid and earned income credits given to low-wage Walmart staff.

McDonalds and other low wage retail and service industry companies are also receiving similar subsidies. Conservatives seem to enjoy paying taxes which end up in the pockets of shareholders.

Corporate profits and executive wages are at their highest level ever, while wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest level ever. Workers are more productive than they've ever been, and today's high tech jobs required more skills than ever, but the wages aren't keeping pace.

Executive pay isn't based on performance or the success of a company. Executive wages are whatever the board of directors decides to give the executive. Since boards are usually made up of other business executives, they're voting for raises for people in the same positions so their own wages continue to rise. But their workers don't have friends controlling their salaries.

The low regard conservatives here have for hard working men and women is disgusting.
No, you don't understand how it works. Have you ever even had a job? Minimum wage is a starting wage, nothing is confiscated. Liberals seem to enjoy lying. It's what they do.

If it isn't your company you don't have the right to dictate anything for anyone else. I know it hurts but that's tough shit. Most of us learn we don't get what we want simply by demanding it when we are 5 or 6.
Libs are bad at economics.
Based on her opening argument,workers are stealing money that ought to go to the CEO.
They are afraid that might go to obama's
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.
they are afraid that it might go to obama's brother who lives in Kenya.
The min wage was raised in 2009. Where are all the jobs that produced? The very opposite happened. There was stagnation and lack of job growth. Obviously not all of that was from min wage, but some of it surely was.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.

Many factors contributed to job stagnation including a weak economy and tech advancements. The former is temporary but jobs lost to technology are permanently lost. I watched 1 tech install a windshield at the my home using a mechanical arm to lift the glass into position. No shop, no office, not even a helper was needed. Those jobs are gone forever. Like many I often shop online which also eliminates many jobs ... permanently.
You're simply wrong. Employers need the number of people they need to meet their obligations.
If my McDonald's needs 15 people to meet the demand for my lunch rush I'm not going to let 4 go because of a MW increase and cut my own throat. I'll keep all 15 and find a way to make it work. By your logic after a few decades of MW increases there should only be 2 people left on shift.

Find a way to make it work? :lmao:

Yes, as they and every other business has done every time the MW has been raised over the last 77 years.

Got any data for me yet on that?

A raise is one thing. Doubling it is another.
And you still haven't said what you'd do for all those people who worked to get to that point?
You'd be screwing them over royally.

I'm not an advocate of the $15 deal.
I support what Obama suggested in his 2013 SOTU. Increase to $9 immediately to bring MW back to the average it was at for fifty years and later bring it up to $10 indexed to inflation. I don't know how you all could argue that it's somehow better to have lower wages today than forty years ago.
As far as other wage levels, they will be adjusted as well to maintain separation.
MW was designed to put upward pressure on wages. That's exactly what it does. In a world where wage growth has all but stagnated in the last decade, a little upward push is needed.
The min wage was raised in 2009. Where are all the jobs that produced? The very opposite happened. There was stagnation and lack of job growth. Obviously not all of that was from min wage, but some of it surely was.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome.

Who claimed MW was designed to create jobs?
I would say it's meant to add value to your job.

Now, when will you show me the trickle-down jobs gains data from a decade of Bush tax cuts? You all have had a few years to get them out there.

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