I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

If a person works full time for min wage then they should get gov't assistance. I dont think anyone has a problem with that. They ARE working. If they need extra to make ends meet then nobody has a problem with that. Its those that dont get out and work at all.
The short of it is you have no idea what you'[re talking about and are willing to believe anything that supports your world view.

This describes you to a T.
Since you dont know me I'd suggest you fuck off. You're way out of your league here.

LMAO. Oh no rabbit. The poster knows you VERY well. YOU don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you do cling to what ever bullshit it out there that supports your distorted world view.

Dragonlady is playing in the majors. You the rabbit are bush league.
If a person works full time for min wage then they should get gov't assistance. I dont think anyone has a problem with that. They ARE working. If they need extra to make ends meet then nobody has a problem with that. Its those that dont get out and work at all.

I have a problem with it. I have a BIGTIME problem with it.

Every $1 of assistance given costs US taxpayers much more than $1. I don't have figures on administration costs. The Feds say 5% but that's just their end of it. The states and the feds share administration costs. The money has to be collected, applications for assistance have to be processed and approved, the money has to be distributed. Every 5 years the legislation is reviewed and amended. It's a huge bureaucracy, all of which costs money. And it still comes down to taxpayers are subsidizing wages for large, highly-profitable multi-national corporations. Increasing minimum wages decreases the amount of money spent on these income assistance programs.

If those large multi-national corporations are required to increase their level of pay, it reduces the number of people qualifying for these assistance programs, and hence the $$ spent on administration of these programs. Additionally, the employer can claim the increased pay as a business expenses and their taxes are reduced accordingly. If the corporation is paying 35% in taxes (yeah, I know about "effective tax rates" which is why I said "if"), then in reality, every $1 of increased wages only costs them $0.65. Every taxpayer in the US contributes $2,500 to Walmart employees. Walmart, being one of the most profitable companies in the US, can well afford to pay their employees enough that they don't qualify for this assistance.

I would rather have the money go from the employer directly to the employee and eliminate administration expenses of funneling it through the government.
If a person works full time for min wage then they should get gov't assistance. I dont think anyone has a problem with that. They ARE working. If they need extra to make ends meet then nobody has a problem with that. Its those that dont get out and work at all.

I have a problem with it. I have a BIGTIME problem with it.

Every $1 of assistance given costs US taxpayers much more than $1. I don't have figures on administration costs. The Feds say 5% but that's just their end of it. The states and the feds share administration costs. The money has to be collected, applications for assistance have to be processed and approved, the money has to be distributed. Every 5 years the legislation is reviewed and amended. It's a huge bureaucracy, all of which costs money. And it still comes down to taxpayers are subsidizing wages for large, highly-profitable multi-national corporations. Increasing minimum wages decreases the amount of money spent on these income assistance programs.

If those large multi-national corporations are required to increase their level of pay, it reduces the number of people qualifying for these assistance programs, and hence the $$ spent on administration of these programs. Additionally, the employer can claim the increased pay as a business expenses and their taxes are reduced accordingly. If the corporation is paying 35% in taxes (yeah, I know about "effective tax rates" which is why I said "if"), then in reality, every $1 of increased wages only costs them $0.65. Every taxpayer in the US contributes $2,500 to Walmart employees. Walmart, being one of the most profitable companies in the US, can well afford to pay their employees enough that they don't qualify for this assistance.

I would rather have the money go from the employer directly to the employee and eliminate administration expenses of funneling it through the government.
You keep repeating this same drivel over and over. And every time it gets knocked out of the park.
For starters, the government is not subsidizing WalMart. WalMart is subsidizing the gov't. If WM did not offer the jobs they did their employees would be completely unemployed and totally dependent on gov't
Second, if the gov't mandated a "living wage" (assuming there even is such a thing) WM would reduce the number of jobs it offered, throwing more people on unemployment and off setting whatever higher wages they paid.
It is not up to you to say what someone can and cannot afford. WM is in business to make money. They have an obligation to their shareholders to do just that. If they stopped making money their shareholders would sell. Or sue for breach of fiduciary duty.
You are yet another worthless troglodyte who has never run a business, never had responsibility for one thinking she can dictate to others what they can and must do.
Never said you should accept 'destruction.' I said you should accept that we are and always will be Big Government


Never said you should accept 'destruction.' I said you should accept that we are and always will be Big Government. In fact, it's gonna get much bigger. There is no going back. I'm not embracing it, i'm just accepting reality.

You are fighting for it, that is embracing it

I'm gonna fight for those i think really need the help. Because the money's gonna get spent. That's for sure. You should just to accept that and get past it. So, struggling Workers getting their piece? Sure, why not?

I understand what you're saying and, while I might not agree, I could at least have sympathy for your view if minimum wage laws actually did help people. Many other welfare state policies do help people, even if they may be bad for society as a whole, and I can see standing up for those in the face of all the other state corruption going on. I also agree that there's nothing more repulsive than the judgmental view of many conservatives that poor people "deserve" whatever suffering they experience.

But minimum wage laws are pablum - phony crap to sucker the dummies. They don't help workers, they simply make low wage jobs illegal.

That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.
How happy are they going to be when they're laid off?
Libs are bad at thought.

People get laid off all the time now. That's nothing new. Your 'Sky is Falling' scenario will not happen. It never does. The reality is, Businesses with bitch & moan about paying their Employees more for awhile, and then they'll shut up and deal with it. Life will go on. It always does.
Never said you should accept 'destruction.' I said you should accept that we are and always will be Big Government


Never said you should accept 'destruction.' I said you should accept that we are and always will be Big Government. In fact, it's gonna get much bigger. There is no going back. I'm not embracing it, i'm just accepting reality.

You are fighting for it, that is embracing it

I'm gonna fight for those i think really need the help. Because the money's gonna get spent. That's for sure. You should just to accept that and get past it. So, struggling Workers getting their piece? Sure, why not?

I understand what you're saying and, while I might not agree, I could at least have sympathy for your view if minimum wage laws actually did help people. Many other welfare state policies do help people, even if they may be bad for society as a whole, and I can see standing up for those in the face of all the other state corruption going on. I also agree that there's nothing more repulsive than the judgmental view of many conservatives that poor people "deserve" whatever suffering they experience.

But minimum wage laws are pablum - phony crap to sucker the dummies. They don't help workers, they simply make low wage jobs illegal.

That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.

And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

You are fighting for it, that is embracing it

I'm gonna fight for those i think really need the help. Because the money's gonna get spent. That's for sure. You should just to accept that and get past it. So, struggling Workers getting their piece? Sure, why not?

I understand what you're saying and, while I might not agree, I could at least have sympathy for your view if minimum wage laws actually did help people. Many other welfare state policies do help people, even if they may be bad for society as a whole, and I can see standing up for those in the face of all the other state corruption going on. I also agree that there's nothing more repulsive than the judgmental view of many conservatives that poor people "deserve" whatever suffering they experience.

But minimum wage laws are pablum - phony crap to sucker the dummies. They don't help workers, they simply make low wage jobs illegal.

That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.

And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?
I'm gonna fight for those i think really need the help. Because the money's gonna get spent. That's for sure. You should just to accept that and get past it. So, struggling Workers getting their piece? Sure, why not?

I understand what you're saying and, while I might not agree, I could at least have sympathy for your view if minimum wage laws actually did help people. Many other welfare state policies do help people, even if they may be bad for society as a whole, and I can see standing up for those in the face of all the other state corruption going on. I also agree that there's nothing more repulsive than the judgmental view of many conservatives that poor people "deserve" whatever suffering they experience.

But minimum wage laws are pablum - phony crap to sucker the dummies. They don't help workers, they simply make low wage jobs illegal.

That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.

And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
I understand what you're saying and, while I might not agree, I could at least have sympathy for your view if minimum wage laws actually did help people. Many other welfare state policies do help people, even if they may be bad for society as a whole, and I can see standing up for those in the face of all the other state corruption going on. I also agree that there's nothing more repulsive than the judgmental view of many conservatives that poor people "deserve" whatever suffering they experience.

But minimum wage laws are pablum - phony crap to sucker the dummies. They don't help workers, they simply make low wage jobs illegal.

That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.

And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.
That's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. But someone currently making $7hr is gonna be very happy now making $9/$11hr. I assure you, they see it much differently than you do.

And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
And someone who can't convince someone to pay them $9/$11hr, but could get work at $7hr, is going to be out of luck. And they will see it differently than you do.

If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?
If you're paying people $7hr, you're likely a real piece of shit. The individual would be better off seeking Government assistance. Who can live on $7hr in today's America?

Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?
For that matter why is zero dollars an hour too low? For example, I know someone who is currently working at a volunteer fire department. What he gets out of that job is experience in firefighting, and the reward of helping out the community. Should it be illegal to have not for pay jobs?
Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?
I think it depends on circumstances surrounding the job. Is the employee in training, is the job one in which the employee gets to watch tv, read a book, or browse the internet most of the time. Is the employee incapable of doing but 1/10th the work that people getting paid 20bucks an hour are doing? Does the employee get tips from customers. Many issues involved in determining pay.
Not everyone works to make a living. Some people have money saved up, and want to learn something new. Or they might have family willing to help them out while they try something that doesn't necessarily support them. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to work at a job that wasn't worth enough to an employer to pay them a living wage. It doesn't make sense to me to tell them they can't.

What about my earlier question? About people volunteering? Or interning for no, or very low, wages. Should that be illegal in your view?

Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?

I think it's not too low for some people in some circumstances. In any case, it should be up to them. You've yet to answer the questions about people who aren't working for sustenance. Should be able to apprentice, or intern for less than a minimum wage? What about people who put in extra hours, or do outside study or catch up work on their own time? Should that be illegal as well?
Ha, if you're paying someone $7hr, you are a real piece of shit. Period, end of story.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?

I think it's not too low for some people in some circumstances. In any case, it should be up to them. You've yet to answer the questions about people who aren't working for sustenance. Should be able to apprentice, or intern for less than a minimum wage? What about people who put in extra hours, or do outside study or catch up work on their own time? Should that be illegal as well?

Sorry, sounds like more greedy Republican fantasies. If you're paying someone $7hr, you're not a good person. You're a greedy piece of shite.
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?

I think it's not too low for some people in some circumstances. In any case, it should be up to them. You've yet to answer the questions about people who aren't working for sustenance. Should be able to apprentice, or intern for less than a minimum wage? What about people who put in extra hours, or do outside study or catch up work on their own time? Should that be illegal as well?

Sorry, sounds like more greedy Republican fantasies. If you're paying someone $7hr, you're not a good person. You're a greedy piece of shite.

You're just dodging now. Best not to talk about the details, eh?
Let me get this straight. If someone wants a job that only pays seven bucks an hour, his boss is a piece of shit for giving him that job.

Yes, his boss is a real piece of shit. $7hr?? Ha, pretty hilarious. :laugh:
Why? Why is seven dollars too low?

What do you think?

I think it's not too low for some people in some circumstances. In any case, it should be up to them. You've yet to answer the questions about people who aren't working for sustenance. Should be able to apprentice, or intern for less than a minimum wage? What about people who put in extra hours, or do outside study or catch up work on their own time? Should that be illegal as well?

Sorry, sounds like more greedy Republican fantasies. If you're paying someone $7hr, you're not a good person. You're a greedy piece of shite.
Yeah cause anyone running a charity or a volunteer fire department is a piece of shit. ROLLS EYES

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