I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Like i said, i'm sure greedy fat ass Republicans will continue laying Americans off and Outsourcing their jobs. I certainly understand that. But your apocalyptic 'Sky is Falling' scenario will not happen. Just like it didn't happen all the other times you guys said it would. Life will go on.

But it has happened, exactly as we predicted it would.

Did you know that in 2006, the average Walmart store had 336 employees per store. By 2010, that number had fallen to 281.

You keep saying people are not losing their jobs, and yet the facts are exactly what we on the right have claimed. 60 employees per walmart store have lost their jobs, and the only thing that changed between 2006 and 2010, was the minimum wage went up from $5.25 to $7.25. And ironically sales at walmart increased during the recession. But the Store still has to make a profit, on a 3% profit margin. The only way to do that with drastically higher wages, is to cut employees..... EXACTLY what they did.

Walmart is a prototypical 'Evil Corporation.' Let's not look to it for anything. Its ugly business practices have harmed countless good American small businesses. To hell with it.

Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.
Tell me more about the monopolization, horrible wages, where walmarts products come from... Yeah, it's typical of the capitalist apologist to frame their arguments as you do.
Believe it or not, both the left and the right want to end welfare for the poor. The left just has a realistic and humane way of doing it.

$153 billion of public assistance is spent on people because of their low wage jobs. 18 million people make less than $10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than $15? If the minimum was raised to $10.10, republicans are to stupid/immature to realize that far less people would be eligible for programs like food stamps. It would dramatically fix the fucking problem of the poor on welfare!

Like it or not, $15 as a minimum wage would be a base wage kept up with the rate of inflation. The last time someone could live comfortably off 10.10 per hour was the fucking 60s. Since the recession, low wage jobs out number higher wage jobs. That means MILLIONS OF PEOPLE have no choice but to accept low wage jobs.

As long as it was gradually raised over a couple of years, the initial cost to the market would be minimized. Prices would go up, but not nearly enough to offset the consumer spending power created by it. Consumer spending would boom. The market would begin to create jobs. Way more than the jobs that would have been scrapped initially. Prices would also go down.

Look the only reason most (not all) CEOs are against raising wages is because it just easier to for them to keep the ridiculous money they make rather than invest in a strong labor force. The average CEO makes over 300x what the average worker makes. Sure we can all agree CEOs deserve a wealthy life for all their hard work, but do you really think they deserve 300x more?

Hell no.

Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.
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Does Walmart provide more jobs? How many jobs have been lost because of Walmart's business practices?

How many retail jobs were lost when Walmart moved in and "cratered" downtown business districts all across America?

How many manufacturing jobs were lost when Walmart pressured suppliers to move manufacturing offshore to cut costs?

How many many jobs have been lost because low wage Walmart employees can't afford to buy more than necessities because they're so poorly paid?

Furthermore, other retailers cut wages to remain competitive with Walmart driving down wages across the retail sector.

The ONLY people who truly benefitted from Walmart's domination of the market, are the Walton Family.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.
I must say that, as an Independent, I'm baffled that the GOP-crafted budget now in Congress seeks to cut WIC. WIC is one of the best federal programs around because it's targeted and comes with strict rules about how recipients can use WIC funds. Trying to cut WIC is not only bad policy but it allows the Democrats to paint Republicans as uncaring and cold toward the poor.

Meanwhile, Republicans have resisted efforts to end the tax deduction for executive bonuses. Why in the world should Uncle Sam be subsidizing bonuses for corporate executives? If a company wants to give an executive a bonus, fine, but they should not be able to claim that as a tax deduction.
I must say that, as an Independent, I'm baffled that the GOP-crafted budget now in Congress seeks to cut WIC. WIC is one of the best federal programs around because it's targeted and comes with strict rules about how recipients can use WIC funds. Trying to cut WIC is not only bad policy but it allows the Democrats to paint Republicans as uncaring and cold toward the poor.

Meanwhile, Republicans have resisted efforts to end the tax deduction for executive bonuses. Why in the world should Uncle Sam be subsidizing bonuses for corporate executives? If a company wants to give an executive a bonus, fine, but they should not be able to claim that as a tax deduction.
The GOP is the party of the extremely wealthy, they can care less about the working people.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.

You'd have been more honest to just say that you support suppression of all thing you disagree with.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.

You'd have been more honest to just say that you support suppression of all thing you disagree with.
No, that's several posters on here who openly support Pinochet
Does Walmart provide more jobs? How many jobs have been lost because of Walmart's business practices?

How many retail jobs were lost when Walmart moved in and "cratered" downtown business districts all across America?

How many manufacturing jobs were lost when Walmart pressured suppliers to move manufacturing offshore to cut costs?

How many many jobs have been lost because low wage Walmart employees can't afford to buy more than necessities because they're so poorly paid?

Furthermore, other retailers cut wages to remain competitive with Walmart driving down wages across the retail sector.

The ONLY people who truly benefitted from Walmart's domination of the market, are the Walton Family.
Oh I dont know. How many have been lost?
How many jobs have been created out of the $3000/year savings every family has experienced because WalMart has low prices, even if they dont shop at WM?
How many import and transportation jobs have been created because WM sources things overseas?

Libs hate poor people. They consistently work for policies that raise costs and reduce job opportunities.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.

You'd have been more honest to just say that you support suppression of all thing you disagree with.
No, that's several posters on here who openly support Pinochet

Nope, it's the American Left that tries relentlessly to suppress all dissenting thought.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.

You'd have been more honest to just say that you support suppression of all thing you disagree with.
No, that's several posters on here who openly support Pinochet

Nope, it's the American Left that tries relentlessly to suppress all dissenting thought.
Pinochet has been dead for some years. Marxist is an idiot, which is why he's on Iggy.
Does Walmart provide more jobs? How many jobs have been lost because of Walmart's business practices?

Oh I dont know. How many have been lost?
How many jobs have been created out of the $3000/year savings every family has experienced because WalMart has low prices, even if they dont shop at WM?
How many import and transportation jobs have been created because WM sources things overseas?

Libs hate poor people. They consistently work for policies that raise costs and reduce job opportunities.

Well the $3,000 savings is fair since every taxpayer in America is already donating $2500 per year to Walmart's coffers by way of wage subsidies to their employees.

As for the transportation jobs, they're a drop in the bucket compared to the manufacturing jobs lost. You assume that Walmart is using American shippers to import those goods. That may not be the case.[/
But it has happened, exactly as we predicted it would.

Did you know that in 2006, the average Walmart store had 336 employees per store. By 2010, that number had fallen to 281.

You keep saying people are not losing their jobs, and yet the facts are exactly what we on the right have claimed. 60 employees per walmart store have lost their jobs, and the only thing that changed between 2006 and 2010, was the minimum wage went up from $5.25 to $7.25. And ironically sales at walmart increased during the recession. But the Store still has to make a profit, on a 3% profit margin. The only way to do that with drastically higher wages, is to cut employees..... EXACTLY what they did.

Walmart is a prototypical 'Evil Corporation.' Let's not look to it for anything. Its ugly business practices have harmed countless good American small businesses. To hell with it.

Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.
Tell me more about the monopolization, horrible wages, where walmarts products come from... Yeah, it's typical of the capitalist apologist to frame their arguments as you do.

A monopoly only exists because the government itself creates it. For example, USPS. The reason we have to subsidize the wages of mail service, have to fund their pensions, have to keep giving money to rich millionaires who do very little, is because the law is, no one can compete with USPS.

Equally, in the 1940s, the FCC created 48 white spaces in the radio spectrum specifically for broadcast TV. Yet how many channels did we have? Three. NBC, CBS, and ABC. Fox came later. The UPN network tried to startup in the 1940s, but the FCC shut them out of the market, protecting the tri-opoly of NBC, CBS, and ABC. It was government that created that protection of the big three.

This has been seen numerous times in US history. Another example would be the auto manufacturing sector. In the largely unregulated 1960s and prior, there were dozens of independent car companies. After the regulation of the 1970s, and 80s, by 1990, there were just three big manufactures. The rest were forced to sell off by government regulations.

In a true free-market capitalist system, anyone can engage the market and compete. A few people could start a new car company and compete with the big three. Instead, government regulations make that impossible, creating the very monopolies you claim to be against.
Walmart is a prototypical 'Evil Corporation.' Let's not look to it for anything. Its ugly business practices have harmed countless good American small businesses. To hell with it.

Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.
Tell me more about the monopolization, horrible wages, where walmarts products come from... Yeah, it's typical of the capitalist apologist to frame their arguments as you do.

A monopoly only exists because the government itself creates it. For example, USPS. The reason we have to subsidize the wages of mail service, have to fund their pensions, have to keep giving money to rich millionaires who do very little, is because the law is, no one can compete with USPS.

Equally, in the 1940s, the FCC created 48 white spaces in the radio spectrum specifically for broadcast TV. Yet how many channels did we have? Three. NBC, CBS, and ABC. Fox came later. The UPN network tried to startup in the 1940s, but the FCC shut them out of the market, protecting the tri-opoly of NBC, CBS, and ABC. It was government that created that protection of the big three.

This has been seen numerous times in US history. Another example would be the auto manufacturing sector. In the largely unregulated 1960s and prior, there were dozens of independent car companies. After the regulation of the 1970s, and 80s, by 1990, there were just three big manufactures. The rest were forced to sell off by government regulations.

In a true free-market capitalist system, anyone can engage the market and compete. A few people could start a new car company and compete with the big three. Instead, government regulations make that impossible, creating the very monopolies you claim to be against.

Tell me where the government is responsible for what Walmart is doing.
Don't sweat it Billy Bob we don't understand the Left's penchant for Government control of everything....well we do, we just don't care for it.

I don't understand right wingers penchant for lying about who liberals are and what liberals want. Well, I do, because accepting facts isn't their strong suit.

I yearn for the day when people do the right thing without pressure: things like paying workers fairly, not polluting the environment, respecting the rights of others, and showing respect for women and minorities. Until then, we have to legislate against their excesses and greed.

Ironic given the number of facts we've cited, and the left has ignored, and/or refused to accept.

Apparently when the left talks about "facts" they only mean information that seems to support their claims in the moment.

Workers are paid fairly. Pollution is unavoidable. If you exist, and live in this world, you pollute. When no leftists are driving cars, taking mass transit, or eating food.... any food.... THEN you can talk about how other people shouldn't pollute. Until then you are just a hypocrite who expects everyone else to not pollute, while you yourself DO pollute.

The right-wing does show respect for women and minorities. It's the Left that treats both as if they are too stupid, too ignorant, and too worthless to compete in the market place. That's why you tell them they can't make it without arrogant self-centered leftists helping them with your lousy programs.

And every time you "legislate against their excesses and greed", you end up harming those people you claim to be in favor of. And we have detailed numerous times on this thread, how your legislation has harmed them, and you refuse to believe it. So much for you people accepting the facts.
Yes Comrade, Heil Hitler

The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.
Tell me more about the monopolization, horrible wages, where walmarts products come from... Yeah, it's typical of the capitalist apologist to frame their arguments as you do.

A monopoly only exists because the government itself creates it. For example, USPS. The reason we have to subsidize the wages of mail service, have to fund their pensions, have to keep giving money to rich millionaires who do very little, is because the law is, no one can compete with USPS.

Equally, in the 1940s, the FCC created 48 white spaces in the radio spectrum specifically for broadcast TV. Yet how many channels did we have? Three. NBC, CBS, and ABC. Fox came later. The UPN network tried to startup in the 1940s, but the FCC shut them out of the market, protecting the tri-opoly of NBC, CBS, and ABC. It was government that created that protection of the big three.

This has been seen numerous times in US history. Another example would be the auto manufacturing sector. In the largely unregulated 1960s and prior, there were dozens of independent car companies. After the regulation of the 1970s, and 80s, by 1990, there were just three big manufactures. The rest were forced to sell off by government regulations.

In a true free-market capitalist system, anyone can engage the market and compete. A few people could start a new car company and compete with the big three. Instead, government regulations make that impossible, creating the very monopolies you claim to be against.

Tell me where the government is responsible for what Walmart is doing.

Providing 2.2 million jobs, and providing hundreds of millions of people with low cost products? The government is not responsible at all for that. Government couldn't do that if they wanted to. Far too incompetent.
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The fact you choose Walmart to represent your interests, truly says it all about you. You're worshipping evil. The Walton family thanks you very much. ;)

I don't even know how you people can suggest such a thing. So in 'your world'™ supplying millions of Americans access to lower cost goods, and providing 2.2 Million people with jobs they otherwise would not have....... is "evil"?

Have you worked at tiny mom&pop shops? Mom and pop shops are the placed that you actually earn minimum wage and zero benefits. Mom&Pop shops don't have the capital funding to provide benefits. I worked at a Gas Station owned by the guy who literally built the building. I was paid $6/hr, and there was no paid vacation, no 401K, no stock purchase plan, no tuition reimbursement, no nothing. If you showed up, you got paid for what you worked, at $6/hr, and that was it.

Walmart pays more than minimum wage, and has all those benefits I just listed.

You idiots..... you don't know what working at a truly small business is like. Walmart is way better, and provides far more jobs. IT's just fact. I've actually worked those small business jobs, and it's not better. Not by a long shot.
Tell me more about the monopolization, horrible wages, where walmarts products come from... Yeah, it's typical of the capitalist apologist to frame their arguments as you do.

A monopoly only exists because the government itself creates it. For example, USPS. The reason we have to subsidize the wages of mail service, have to fund their pensions, have to keep giving money to rich millionaires who do very little, is because the law is, no one can compete with USPS.

Equally, in the 1940s, the FCC created 48 white spaces in the radio spectrum specifically for broadcast TV. Yet how many channels did we have? Three. NBC, CBS, and ABC. Fox came later. The UPN network tried to startup in the 1940s, but the FCC shut them out of the market, protecting the tri-opoly of NBC, CBS, and ABC. It was government that created that protection of the big three.

This has been seen numerous times in US history. Another example would be the auto manufacturing sector. In the largely unregulated 1960s and prior, there were dozens of independent car companies. After the regulation of the 1970s, and 80s, by 1990, there were just three big manufactures. The rest were forced to sell off by government regulations.

In a true free-market capitalist system, anyone can engage the market and compete. A few people could start a new car company and compete with the big three. Instead, government regulations make that impossible, creating the very monopolies you claim to be against.

Tell me where the government is responsible for what Walmart is doing.

Providing 2.2 million jobs, and providing hundreds of millions of people with low cost products? The government is not responsible at all for that. Government couldn't do that if they wanted to. Far too incompetent.
So you admit the government has nothing to do with walmarts monopoly? Good to know.
Does Walmart provide more jobs? How many jobs have been lost because of Walmart's business practices?

How many retail jobs were lost when Walmart moved in and "cratered" downtown business districts all across America?

How many manufacturing jobs were lost when Walmart pressured suppliers to move manufacturing offshore to cut costs?

How many many jobs have been lost because low wage Walmart employees can't afford to buy more than necessities because they're so poorly paid?

Furthermore, other retailers cut wages to remain competitive with Walmart driving down wages across the retail sector.

The ONLY people who truly benefitted from Walmart's domination of the market, are the Walton Family.

I hear you, Mao, the rich, the corporations, blah blah
Does Walmart provide more jobs? How many jobs have been lost because of Walmart's business practices?

How many retail jobs were lost when Walmart moved in and "cratered" downtown business districts all across America?

How many manufacturing jobs were lost when Walmart pressured suppliers to move manufacturing offshore to cut costs?

How many many jobs have been lost because low wage Walmart employees can't afford to buy more than necessities because they're so poorly paid?

Furthermore, other retailers cut wages to remain competitive with Walmart driving down wages across the retail sector.

The ONLY people who truly benefitted from Walmart's domination of the market, are the Walton Family.

I hear you, Mao, the rich, the corporations, blah blah
Facts are facts.
In a true free-market capitalist system, anyone can engage the market and compete. A few people could start a new car company and compete with the big three. Instead, government regulations make that impossible, creating the very monopolies you claim to be against.

Tell me where the government is responsible for what Walmart is doing.

Oh, they aren't, government gets zero credit for all the great things Walmart has done for America

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