I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.

I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer.

I'm an educated consumer and I never heard of your illegal collusion story.

It's clear to me what took place.


You can check it out for yourself. I have nothing to hide. That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

I know Walmart. We have a few customers who manufacture for Walmart. I know how they operate. But like I said, make some phone calls yourself. The insulin name is Novilin, and outside of Sam's Club (which is Walmart owned) tell me who has anywhere near the price of Walmart.
You can check it out for yourself.

I googled illegal price fixing, nothing.....

That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

Maybe Wlamart is selling it at cost? Maybe they lose money...….for good publicity?

Walmart didn't become the largest outlet for good by selling everything at cost or at a loss. After all, the only reason I go there is for my insulin, and I'm sure others who pay cash like I do (that know about this scam) do the same.

I don't know the legalities of it all, but it must have something to do with their generic name, Reliance. Otherwise they would not be claiming it's generic while selling the exact same insulin at half or a third of the cost of everybody else.

There is nothing generic about it. It's made by the same people, in the same containers as the insulin you buy anyplace else.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I don’t understand why

I'll add it to the list of 2000 other things you don't understand.

republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

Because communism sucks.

republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid,

2.9% of every paycheck......not free.

public school for kids,

Property taxes.

emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them,

No shit, you stupid fucking twat.

Tuition-free education

That is an awesome idea! Like the Peace Corps.
You get a bunch of teachers to work for free....it'll be awesome!

Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Nah. Government interference has already made healthcare (and college tuition) much too expensive.

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism

Only because it is.

he believes in common sense government investment

That's hilarious!!

and overturning Citizens United.

I should be prohibited from making a video highlighting Dem corruption? Screw you, comrade.
Funny how stupid Dems say it's free when it is not.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
76% of Americans will not vote for a socialist, Comrade Billy. Perhaps y'all should have considered that before sliding down your rabbit hole. :lol:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors are willing to write big checks in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Prove it. Like most pussy libs Bernie couldn't crush an egg shell.
What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.

I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer.

I'm an educated consumer and I never heard of your illegal collusion story.

It's clear to me what took place.


You can check it out for yourself. I have nothing to hide. That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

I know Walmart. We have a few customers who manufacture for Walmart. I know how they operate. But like I said, make some phone calls yourself. The insulin name is Novilin, and outside of Sam's Club (which is Walmart owned) tell me who has anywhere near the price of Walmart.
You can check it out for yourself.

I googled illegal price fixing, nothing.....

That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

Maybe Wlamart is selling it at cost? Maybe they lose money...….for good publicity?

Walmart didn't become the largest outlet for good by selling everything at cost or at a loss. After all, the only reason I go there is for my insulin, and I'm sure others who pay cash like I do (that know about this scam) do the same.

I don't know the legalities of it all, but it must have something to do with their generic name, Reliance. Otherwise they would not be claiming it's generic while selling the exact same insulin at half or a third of the cost of everybody else.

There is nothing generic about it. It's made by the same people, in the same containers as the insulin you buy anyplace else.

Walmart didn't become the largest outlet for good by selling everything at cost or at a loss

Obviously. They became the biggest by convincing their competitors to charge higher prices.

There is nothing generic about it. It's made by the same people, in the same containers as the insulin you buy anyplace else.


Some people don’t understand why people with diabetes get upset at the price of insulin. They see insulin for sale at a relatively reasonable price in Walmart and don’t see the problem. What they don’t know is that these Walmart insulins just don’t perform nearly as well as the more expensive insulins, and that gap in performance can have a very negative effect on the health of people with diabetes.

There are three insulins available at Walmart for the price of $25 – NPH, Regular, and 70/30 (a mix of the two). NPH was first approved by the FDA in 1950, Regular was approved in 1982, 70/30 in 1989. That means NPH has been around for 66 years, Regular for 33 years, 70/30 for 27 years.

Why Walmart Insulins Aren’t the Answer to High Insulin Prices | Insulin Nation

You're welcome.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I don’t understand why

I'll add it to the list of 2000 other things you don't understand.

republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

Because communism sucks.

republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid,

2.9% of every paycheck......not free.

public school for kids,

Property taxes.

emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them,

No shit, you stupid fucking twat.

Tuition-free education

That is an awesome idea! Like the Peace Corps.
You get a bunch of teachers to work for free....it'll be awesome!

Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Nah. Government interference has already made healthcare (and college tuition) much too expensive.

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism

Only because it is.

he believes in common sense government investment

That's hilarious!!

and overturning Citizens United.

I should be prohibited from making a video highlighting Dem corruption? Screw you, comrade.
Funny how stupid Dems say it's free when it is not.

When it comes to economics, they're like children.
All of Bernies socialist agenda sounds real good as long as you just look at the headline but when you dig past that it becomes very clear it's not practical, realistic or sustainable.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

Not really. insulin like sold at Walmart has a lot of down side that people do not want--potentially fatal downsides. It causes people's blood sugar to suddenly crash. Doctors prescribe the analogues which are still under patents and therefore are still really expensive because they have been modified enough to better regulate blood sugar to avoid those rapid crashes. They still can happen but aren't as guaranteed to happen as with injectible human insulin.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

Your post makes you a hypocrite. I would even acquiesce to your ideas if you would agree to ratify the 14th amendment that gives those born here to illegals automatic citizenship. I would amend to what Europe has (at least one of the parents must be a citizen).

I can see your point with state colleges but private universities should be able to charge what they want to.

How would you solve the shortage of doctors? If doctors cannot charge what they want to as the Govt controls their pay why would people want to become doctors and spend $400k for their education to become a Govt employee? Even now many are headed toward practices of LASIK and beauty enhancements as those are cash pay vs insurance.

Problem with you and Bernie and your ilk is you don’t do a deep dive into your ideas you just spout them.
Socialism is wrong no matter which party does it.

And both party's are doing it. Democrats want to take over health care. Republicans want to take over the internet. They both want power, first and foremost.
Socialism is wrong no matter which party does it.

And both party's are doing it. Democrats want to take over health care. Republicans want to take over the internet. They both want power, first and foremost.

We need to get government out of our lives. While the Republicans are always better than Democrats that won't insure liberty. Most of the oppressive things done by the Democrats have been with the help of Republicans. The 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1994 AWB, almost every increase in taxes and even Obamacare are all examples.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

I agree, Dem twats should stop promising free college. Fucking liars.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

No, it's not. Which is why I usually put "free shit" in quotes. It's not "free" in the slightest. It's the opposite of free. Selling it as "free" is what Democrats do, when they're trying to buy off the plebes.
I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

"Gimme free shit" is not a "principle", its a recipe for disaster, and a sop to lazy fucks.

I am not going to pay taxes for an illegal alien to get healthcare or some punk to go to college.
For those wanting to live in a socialist system like Venezuela or North Korea, I'm currently selling some designer trash cans to eat of.

They are all the rage in South America.

Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

Not really. insulin like sold at Walmart has a lot of down side that people do not want--potentially fatal downsides. It causes people's blood sugar to suddenly crash. Doctors prescribe the analogues which are still under patents and therefore are still really expensive because they have been modified enough to better regulate blood sugar to avoid those rapid crashes. They still can happen but aren't as guaranteed to happen as with injectible human insulin.

It's the same exact insulin made by the same exact people. Even the brand name is on the packaging and vial itself (Novolin). They were selling Humulin, but I guess that company didn't give them a huge enough discount so they switched to Novolin which is basically the same insulin.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

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