I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

76% of Americans will not vote for a socialist, Comrade Billy. Perhaps y'all should have considered that before sliding down your rabbit hole. :lol:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors are willing to write big checks in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Like the polls that had Shrillary crushing Trump? :laughing0301:
They can fool silly commies all of the time.

Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. That is a fluke as far as presidential elections go.

Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral college.

You know what they call people who won the popular vote but lost the electoral college?

In her case, drunken, corrupt, loser.
Lol no one gives a shit what you think of Hillary.

That's because they are evil drunken corrupt losers, like Hillary. And that's fine that evil drunken corrupt losers don't care what we think. Equally we don't care about you either. If all of you died off, it would only be a net benefit to the entire country.
You don't understand because you only read one side of the story and you ignore all the examples of socialism's failure.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I'm to old and set in my ways to embrace socialism

After all, I'm used to luxuries like toilet paper, bread, and water to drink.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I'm to old and set in my ways to embrace socialism

After all, I'm used to luxuries like toilet paper, bread, and water to drink.

You greedy bastard!
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I'm to old and set in my ways to embrace socialism

After all, I'm used to luxuries like toilet paper, bread, and water to drink.

You greedy bastard!

It's true, I feel so ashamed.
I notice on posts like these, I don't see many republicans presenting any "conservative" policy solutions that improves anything for the so-called working class people they claim to care about so much....

All that talk about repealing Obamacare and how Trumpcare would be great....now you don't hear ANY REPUBLICAN talking about Trumpcare or any other policy solutions....too busy fearmongering about brown people, where trannies use the bathroom and 40 other things they are scared of

I'm a working middle-class American, and I'm bringing home more pay. I got a larger refund this year from 2018. Next year I won't have to pay the Commie Care penalty.

What have Democrats done for us working people?
I don’t pretend to know how this election will go like you do, but I do know it is worth noting how currently Bernie crushes Trump in hypothetical match up polls.
Hypothetical poll match ups are useful to help guess direction, but not position. Socialism is really popular until people find out who's really paying for it...
Medicare-for-all polled at 60% approval until the same respondents were told what it would cost them at which time the approval was halved.

These polls only tell half of the story to get desired results. For instance: would you like to have cleaner air and water? Well duh. How do you think people are going to answer that question? If asked honestly, like: would you like cleaner air and water at your cost of $1,000 more per year? You get an entirely different answer.

They are designed to tell people what to think rather than tell us what they think.
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Where have I heard that before?
Yanno, Billy's desperation is obvious and but 1 result of 34 months of painful TDS which has driven him and those like him batshit crazy.

Come Nov 2020 it will get worse … much, much worse. Very sad. :lol:

And they'll come up with a half-dozen excuses why they lost. Of course, it will by the typical Republicans cheating again.
1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

There is a difference when people pitch in money to benefit all, and people who are pitching in money to help some.

The Democrats use tax dollars to buy votes, not advance the country entirely. They take from some and give to others. The others are usually people that vote for them, or people they are trying to buy votes from.

We all pay road taxes, whether you drive a personal vehicle, use taxi services, or a bus. But we all benefit from roads whether you drive or not.

We all pay for our police whether you use their services or not. We all benefit from their protection.

But when you tell me I have to pay for college of a person that doesn't benefit me or my family, that's socialism.
Whether somthing is socialist has nothing to do with whether you feel receive benefit.

Another example: the farm bailouts. Is it socialist because you dont receive benefit from farm bailout?

We all benefit because government being involved in farming keeps our grocery bill down. I'm assuming you know we all eat.
1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

There is a difference when people pitch in money to benefit all, and people who are pitching in money to help some.

The Democrats use tax dollars to buy votes, not advance the country entirely. They take from some and give to others. The others are usually people that vote for them, or people they are trying to buy votes from.

We all pay road taxes, whether you drive a personal vehicle, use taxi services, or a bus. But we all benefit from roads whether you drive or not.

We all pay for our police whether you use their services or not. We all benefit from their protection.

But when you tell me I have to pay for college of a person that doesn't benefit me or my family, that's socialism.
Also, it doesn’t matter if you or your family doesn’t benefit from programs or not. That’s still socialism either way.

The government being involved in certain things is not necessarily Socialism, particularly those things listed in the Constitution.

Socialsim is a political system that attempts to make everybody equal. If you don't have a large house, government will give you a large house, and make the family in the larger house move into a smaller house the government gave you.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is wonderful until you run out of other people's money to spend.

On that note, Democrats (and yes, some Republicans) did give us socialism. For instance, my HUD neighbors. You can't make them equal to the rest of us working people in the suburbs. You may have improved their life, but at the same time, they are ruining the life of others around them.

Since they moved in two years ago, I've had to call the police at least a dozen times, and my neighbors have done the same. I've lost a lot of sleep because they are up all night making noise, uncaring about the rest of us who have to get up for work in the morning.

This is Socialism: Benefiting those who don't work at the disadvantage of those who do. If I am forced to wake up in the morning to work, create tax money, so they can live in the suburbs, don't you think the least they can do is allow me the sleep I need to accomplish that?
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

There is a difference when people pitch in money to benefit all, and people who are pitching in money to help some.

The Democrats use tax dollars to buy votes, not advance the country entirely. They take from some and give to others. The others are usually people that vote for them, or people they are trying to buy votes from.

We all pay road taxes, whether you drive a personal vehicle, use taxi services, or a bus. But we all benefit from roads whether you drive or not.

We all pay for our police whether you use their services or not. We all benefit from their protection.

But when you tell me I have to pay for college of a person that doesn't benefit me or my family, that's socialism.
Um we’d all benefit from Medicare for all. So what about people who pay taxes but their kids don’t go to public school? Should we let them not pay those taxes? How about those in the military? Should they be expected to pay for their own service? And again, society itself would benefit if more people were to seek higher education. You can ignore that if you want but it’s true.

Anybody can get higher education if they desire. My family is not wealthy, but my niece and nephew both graduated college; him with a Masters degree.

Mind you, they are now in their early 30's and still paying off their school loans, and if not for their semi-wealthy uncle passing away last year, they may be paying into their 40's.

I'm one of those people who are paying into a school system that me nor any of my tenants have children in, and yes, I'm against that. I don't mind paying my "fair share" but my fair share should not be more than the person down the street with five kids in the schools. Our taxes are based on property value instead of who uses the school system.

The ultimate for me is for parents to pay for their own children's education. Why is it my responsibility to educate and yes, feed your kid in school?
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
76% of Americans will not vote for a socialist, Comrade Billy. Perhaps y'all should have considered that before sliding down your rabbit hole. :lol:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors are willing to write big checks in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Like the polls that had Shrillary crushing Trump? :laughing0301:
They can fool silly commies all of the time.


Yes, well we have the Russians helping us out this election, so they don't stand a chance. :laughing0301:
Unfortunately that’s probably true. I’m guessing if you came to believe this to be true, you wouldn’t care because your side won.

It was a joke son, don't you get it? Just a joke.

When Trump wins next election, I'm expecting a lot of comments like yours in 2020.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.

I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer.

I'm an educated consumer and I never heard of your illegal collusion story.

It's clear to me what took place.

Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.

I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer.

I'm an educated consumer and I never heard of your illegal collusion story.

It's clear to me what took place.


You can check it out for yourself. I have nothing to hide. That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

I know Walmart. We have a few customers who manufacture for Walmart. I know how they operate. But like I said, make some phone calls yourself. The insulin name is Novilin, and outside of Sam's Club (which is Walmart owned) tell me who has anywhere near the price of Walmart.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I have paid into Medicare for my entire working life. It is owed to me and it was not free. Medicare for all will cost millions of jobs, will decimate the economy, increase unemployment. Before people screw with the known, its best to figure out the unknown. Short sighted well doer politicians can totally destroy what we have. Look at McCain and his CFR that led to the Citizens United debacle. Sounds good, however there are always the unforeseen.
You can buy goddam insulin for $25 a vial cash price at Walmart. Insulin isn't what people want. They want its analogues which are a bit more pricey.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.

People who make a good living, or have prescription coverage on their medical plan don't know Walmart sells insulin cheaper. They just go to their local pharmacy, and whatever they charge, that's what you or your insurance is going to pay.

Frankly, I think it should be illegal.

What Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the insulin makers. The companies gave Walmart a huge price decrease and increased it on every other pharmacy in the country.


I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer. I learned the hard way. Every other place I went to, insulin was anywhere from $55.00 to $85.00. Then I ran across a pharmacist who understood my problem, and told me about Walmart's generic insulin.

Generic insulin? Not me! But after a while, spending hundreds of dollars every month led me to investigate.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the manufacturers. I couldn't get a straight answer from my State Rep. I couldn't find anything on the internet about it. It seemed hopeless. But then I remember the advice that pharmacist gave me.

So I went to Walmart and asked for a vial. It was $25.00. What was strange is that it had nearly the exact same packaging as my regular insulin. When I got it home, the same exact vial as well. The only difference? On the box was an ® which stands for Reliance, the Walmart generic brand name.

It's clear to me what took place. Walmart made a dirty deal with the insulin makers. That's why their prices kept going up at every other pharmacy in town, and why it was still low at Walmart.

I have no link because that information is not known except by the educated consumer.

I'm an educated consumer and I never heard of your illegal collusion story.

It's clear to me what took place.


You can check it out for yourself. I have nothing to hide. That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

I know Walmart. We have a few customers who manufacture for Walmart. I know how they operate. But like I said, make some phone calls yourself. The insulin name is Novilin, and outside of Sam's Club (which is Walmart owned) tell me who has anywhere near the price of Walmart.
You can check it out for yourself.

I googled illegal price fixing, nothing.....

That is unless you can explain to me how every other pharmacy kept increasing prices through the years, yet Walmart kept their insulin at the price I was originally paying before the huge price increases everywhere else.

Maybe Walmart is selling it at cost? Maybe they lose money...….for good publicity?
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