I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

It aint free dude. We pay for all this junk through taxes. I dont care about giving more money to a worthless frivolous govt that cant control spending and has 21 trillion in debt. Thats not how I run my finances. Its time for the govt to do without.
You’re just making shit up that sounds good lol. I don’t pretend to know how this election will go like you do, but I do know it is worth noting how currently Bernie crushes Trump in hypothetical match up polls.
Hypothetical poll match ups are useful to help guess direction, but not position.

Socialism is really popular until people find out who's really paying for it.

Santa Clause wins every election held by 8 year olds.
I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles

This does not surprise me. It isn't shocking that many on the left lack the intelligence to figure it out.
1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

Social programs are only fed by the means of capitalism, which is where all the government's money comes from. The government does not create wealth and basically does not have one red cent which wasn't taken from the private sector.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
Free shit?
Medicare isn't free shit you dumb ass I pay into it.
Emergency services aren't free shit dumb ass if I use it I'm sent a bill for the ride
Public roads aren't free shit because I pay for them
How are you so retarded to not even read what I wrote? Do you not even understand what I said?
This thread is but a taste of your future Comrade Billy - cold, dark, and bitterly miserable - just like your past & present. Americans will not vote for socialists & socialism, and any advertising company intern could easily paint the Democrat Socialist Party and their nominee as such.

Your belief that the US is and always has been a socialist country - it is not - exemplifies your desperation. Somewhere inside you is a gnawing sense that 2020 will not go well for you and will result in 4 more years of Trump with all the trimmings.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads..

Actually many Republicans, and all Conservatives reject many/most of those things. ESPECIALLY at the Federal level. Some of them might be acceptable at lower levels of Government or in extremely restricted terms at the Federal level but most are things the Feds gave no legitimate mandate to legislate or spend on.
Decades of the Dem's nanny-state thing have proven disastrous in many of our once fine cities as their policies squeezed out the middle class leaving only the wealthy and the destitute. They would do the same at the state and federal levels so as to insure there will be no place for the middle class to escape the clutches of the Dem's insatiable and inscrutable socialist BORG ("resistance is futile").

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance
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"medicare for all" ----does that mean every person in the USA gets MEDICARE BENEFITS as medicare benefits ARE TODAY?. OK-----I got news-----education
and experienced based. The people who are pushing this agenda ----for the sake
of their CONSTITUENCIES (and ----more importantly for the VOTES of their
constituencies) are in for a surprise------THEIR CONSTITUENCIES-----will hate it
to the point of MASS RIOTS and MASS HYSTERIA
Wait … do you infer that it may not be a good idea to cede total control of America's healthcare system to the raving morons we elect to public office?

I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
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Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
76% of Americans will not vote for a socialist, Comrade Billy. Perhaps y'all should have considered that before sliding down your rabbit hole. :lol:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors are willing to write big checks in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.

Where have I heard that before?
1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

You mean the ones that only half of us pay for?
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
76% of Americans will not vote for a socialist, Comrade Billy. Perhaps y'all should have considered that before sliding down your rabbit hole. :lol:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'

Meanwhile back on the Dem Plantation, DNC Chair Tom Perez has 3 Mexico City fundraisers on his Sept schedule because neither of the rational Dem donors are willing to write big checks in support of the socialist silliness their candidates are peddling. The party is desperate because - as Perez admitted - “Our eventual nominee won't stand a chance against Trump and the GOP's fundraising machine..."

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Like the polls that had Shrillary crushing Trump? :laughing0301:
They can fool silly commies all of the time.

Hillary won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. That is a fluke as far as presidential elections go.

If it was a fluke why are dems trying to get rid of the electoral College?
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Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Where have I heard that before?
Yanno, Billy's desperation is obvious and but 1 result of 34 months of painful TDS which has driven him batshit crazy.

Come Nov 2020 it will get worse … much, much worse. Very sad. :lol:

..........and very entertaining.
Lol I love how you ignore all the polls that show Bernie would crush Trump in an election.
Where have I heard that before?
Yanno, Billy's desperation is obvious and but 1 result of 34 months of painful TDS which has driven him batshit crazy.

Come Nov 2020 it will get worse … much, much worse. Very sad. :lol:

..........and very entertaining.
That was for many 2016 voters a plus in the Trump column and he has not disappointed. Both the Trump show and the hysterical leftarded reaction have been worth the price of admission.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

I'm not a Republican, but I do oppose the kind of government that Bernie wants. For me, the issue is the power and control that these programs create for government. I don't understand why liberals want Donald Trump to be in charge of their health insurance, or their college education.
...Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
It aint free dude. We pay for all this junk through taxes. I dont care about giving more money to a worthless frivolous govt that cant control spending and has 21 trillion in debt...
No organization, family, or individual can sustain chronic deficit spending and our now $300 billion/yr interest on the WashDC debt will - according to the CBO - be $900 billion/yr by 2030. For perspective, that is 30% more than our current military budget … just in interest.

It was George Washington who noted that no generation has the right to spend that which will be the fruit of their progeny's labor. We have an obligation to them to be the adults in the room and clean up our own phookin' mess.
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I don’t pretend to know how this election will go like you do, but I do know it is worth noting how currently Bernie crushes Trump in hypothetical match up polls.
Hypothetical poll match ups are useful to help guess direction, but not position. Socialism is really popular until people find out who's really paying for it...
Medicare-for-all polled at 60% approval until the same respondents were told what it would cost them at which time the approval was halved.
"I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles."

This does not surprise me. It isn't shocking that many on the left lack the intelligence to figure it out.
They are like mindless children playing with matches.
1) People who get an advanced education make more money than blue collar people. Why should blue collar people pay for that? An advanced education is an investment, and taxpayers should not be paying for personal investments of any kind. What the Socialist is suggesting is that I pay for the education for somebody to be a lawyer, and in the future when I need their services, they charge me 200 bucks an hour for it.

2) Yes, the Democrats want to see more people on the dole. Why do you think they have a welcome mat at our southern border. Do you really believe that Hussein created 50 million new government dependents by accident?

Medicare for all would bankrupt this country. It would lead to a reduction of services, and government deciding who should live and who should not.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
So how do you justify all of the socialist programs that currently exist that you and every other American takes advantage of?

You mean the ones that only half of us pay for?
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury." A.F. Tytler

The half that does not pay federal income taxes currently gets to vote for those who decide how much those who do must pay.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.

If you don't understand why people don't want to pay for other peoples "free shit" you're way dumber than you look.
I'm not a Republican, but I do oppose the kind of government that Bernie wants. For me, the issue is the power and control that these programs create for government. I don't understand why liberals want Donald Trump to be in charge of their health insurance, or their college education.
Trump will be gone by 2025 but the socialist policies the Dem's would impose would live on until the money runs out. Then it's Venezuela.

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