I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit.

If the tax rate is too high, why would they invest at all?

Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Did they steal it? Or did they make it by providing a desired good or service?
Man I get tired of dumbass users such as yourself who demand evidence but never provide your own. You come across so pathetic.

Michael Moore's film Capitalism claims richest paid top tax rate of 90 percent in the 1950s

Effective Progressive Tax Rates in the 1950s - Roosevelt Institute

Thanks for the links.

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


The data Greenberg draws on couldn’t come from a more reputable source, the Distributional National Accounts compiled by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. Greenberg points to their data series on effective top tax rates by income quantile. It shows that the effective tax rate for the top 1% of households (by income) was 42% in the 1950s, versus 36.4% today.

Thanks for proving you're a fucking idiot.
Is this another one of those "You are a socialist whether you know it or not" threads?

Geez, those sure get old in a hurry.
Despite their accuracy?

No. Because of their mindless repetitiveness. Repeating the same things over and over while expecting a different result, is the definition of "insanity."
Socialism is wrong no matter which party does it.

And both party's are doing it. Democrats want to take over health care. Republicans want to take over the internet. They both want power, first and foremost.

Republicans want to take over the internet? How?

Half the dimwits on the board are calling for a government crackdown on the internet companies who are defying Trump.

Queue the excuses about how it's not "really" control, just a little regulation. You can probably find quotes from the Democrats that you could cut and paste.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

As I mentioned before Billy you MUST change your avatar. Why do leftists consistently apply false labels, and why is talk more important than action?

We were the only game in town during the 50s. Ever heard of globalization, technology, China and progressive immigration? You might look those up, learn something new. Then comeback and tell us how the USA today is in the same competitive position we were during the 50s..........SMH

Incidentally, the mega-wealthy you speak of are primarily "liberals". Then you have assholes like Obama who ride climate change narratives, only to buy ocean front property for a "wet" 15 million.
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit.

If the tax rate is too high, why would they invest at all?

Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Did they steal it? Or did they make it by providing a desired good or service?
Man I get tired of dumbass users such as yourself who demand evidence but never provide your own. You come across so pathetic.

Michael Moore's film Capitalism claims richest paid top tax rate of 90 percent in the 1950s

Effective Progressive Tax Rates in the 1950s - Roosevelt Institute

Thanks for the links.

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


The data Greenberg draws on couldn’t come from a more reputable source, the Distributional National Accounts compiled by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. Greenberg points to their data series on effective top tax rates by income quantile. It shows that the effective tax rate for the top 1% of households (by income) was 42% in the 1950s, versus 36.4% today.

Thanks for proving you're a fucking idiot.
It’s amazing how your dumbass only learns facts when I post them and then feels superior by pointing out something I missed lol. God forbid you ever do your own fact checking. Republicans are generally too stupid for that I guess.
Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit.

If the tax rate is too high, why would they invest at all?

Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Did they steal it? Or did they make it by providing a desired good or service?
Man I get tired of dumbass users such as yourself who demand evidence but never provide your own. You come across so pathetic.

Michael Moore's film Capitalism claims richest paid top tax rate of 90 percent in the 1950s

Effective Progressive Tax Rates in the 1950s - Roosevelt Institute

Thanks for the links.

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


The data Greenberg draws on couldn’t come from a more reputable source, the Distributional National Accounts compiled by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. Greenberg points to their data series on effective top tax rates by income quantile. It shows that the effective tax rate for the top 1% of households (by income) was 42% in the 1950s, versus 36.4% today.

Thanks for proving you're a fucking idiot.
It’s amazing how your dumbass only learns facts when I post them and then feels superior by pointing out something I missed lol. God forbid you ever do your own fact checking. Republicans are generally too stupid for that I guess.

Your own link showed you were a lying idiot.

That's the funniest thing I've seen all week!
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit.

If the tax rate is too high, why would they invest at all?

Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Did they steal it? Or did they make it by providing a desired good or service?
Man I get tired of dumbass users such as yourself who demand evidence but never provide your own. You come across so pathetic.

Michael Moore's film Capitalism claims richest paid top tax rate of 90 percent in the 1950s

Effective Progressive Tax Rates in the 1950s - Roosevelt Institute

Thanks for the links.

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


The data Greenberg draws on couldn’t come from a more reputable source, the Distributional National Accounts compiled by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. Greenberg points to their data series on effective top tax rates by income quantile. It shows that the effective tax rate for the top 1% of households (by income) was 42% in the 1950s, versus 36.4% today.

Thanks for proving you're a fucking idiot.
It’s amazing how your dumbass only learns facts when I post them and then feels superior by pointing out something I missed lol. God forbid you ever do your own fact checking. Republicans are generally too stupid for that I guess.

Your own link showed you were a lying idiot.

That's the funniest thing I've seen all week!
Lol you’ll take anything you can get won’t you? Too bad for you that i am still right the wealthy paid more in taxes in the 50’s. Also it’s worth noting the variety of income wealthy people get now that they didn’t get in the 50’s. Hell, 2/3 of corporations don’t even pay EFFECTIVE federal income taxes despite the official rate being as high as it is.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit.

If the tax rate is too high, why would they invest at all?

Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Did they steal it? Or did they make it by providing a desired good or service?
Man I get tired of dumbass users such as yourself who demand evidence but never provide your own. You come across so pathetic.

Michael Moore's film Capitalism claims richest paid top tax rate of 90 percent in the 1950s

Effective Progressive Tax Rates in the 1950s - Roosevelt Institute

Thanks for the links.

Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now.


The data Greenberg draws on couldn’t come from a more reputable source, the Distributional National Accounts compiled by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman. Greenberg points to their data series on effective top tax rates by income quantile. It shows that the effective tax rate for the top 1% of households (by income) was 42% in the 1950s, versus 36.4% today.

Thanks for proving you're a fucking idiot.
It’s amazing how your dumbass only learns facts when I post them and then feels superior by pointing out something I missed lol. God forbid you ever do your own fact checking. Republicans are generally too stupid for that I guess.

Your own link showed you were a lying idiot.

That's the funniest thing I've seen all week!
Lol you’ll take anything you can get won’t you? Too bad for you that i am still right the wealthy paid more in taxes in the 50’s. Also it’s worth noting the variety of income wealthy people get now that they didn’t get in the 50’s. Hell, 2/3 of corporations don’t even pay EFFECTIVE federal income taxes despite the official rate being as high as it is.

Lol you’ll take anything you can get won’t you?

Yes, whenever you post an idiotic claim, I'll happily take you refuting yourself.

Too bad for you that i am still right the wealthy paid more in taxes in the 50’s.

Your claim was double, silly twat.
Ever notice how progs avoid such topics as:

Democrat districts are primarily shit holes.

The wealthy Republicans supposedly love and they claim to reject are primarily liberal.

The shit storm on the streets, fake news, invasion of privacy, thought control etc. are primarily by the hands of liberals.

The Democrats controlled congress when we dove into the "Bush recession".

The Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when "Bush's recession" hit rock bottom.

The progs they love such as Obama declare climate change on one hand, and buy ocean front property on another.

The Fascism they claim to hate is demonstrated by progressive action.

The debt they claim to hate is rapidly increased due to their positions on immigration, prior debt, free medical, entitlements etc.
Ever notice how progs avoid such topics as:

Democrat districts are primarily shit holes.

The wealthy Republicans supposedly love and they claim to reject are primarily liberal.

The shit storm on the streets, fake news, invasion of privacy, thought control etc. are primarily by the hands of liberals.

The Democrats controlled congress when we dove into the "Bush recession".

The Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when "Bush's recession" hit rock bottom.

The progs they love such as Obama declare climate change on one hand, and buy ocean front property on another.

The Fascism they claim to hate is demonstrated by progressive action.

The debt they claim to hate is rapidly increased due to their positions on immigration, prior debt, free medical, entitlements etc.

I just wish they'd open their eyes instead of their ears. They are trained to believe whatever they are told.

They really believe that we shouldn't have a wall on our southern border because they don't work even though they have everyplace else they're used.

They really believe that Commie Care was created because government cares so much that we all have coverage.

They really believe that the Democrat party doesn't want a disarmed society, and registering guns will reduce mass shootings and murders in the country.

They really believe the Democrat party is concerned about rising oceans and an overheated earth and not because they want a complete takeover of our energy industries in the country.

They really believe that Voter-ID should not be used because it is racist, even though it's applied equally for all races.

Whatever they are told by the Democrat party and MSM, that's what they believe even if they can't explain why they believe it.

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