I don’t understand why republicans reject social democratic principles like Bernie’s platform

Socialism is wrong no matter which party does it.

And both party's are doing it. Democrats want to take over health care. Republicans want to take over the internet. They both want power, first and foremost.

Republicans want to take over the internet? How?

These Moon Bats that post on here get confused about things like this.

It was the Obama administration that wanted to give up American administration of the internet to foreign shitheads. What could possibly go wrong?
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!

And then you point out to these morons, that we have 70% tax rates just some decades ago, and they didn't have piles of cash laying all over Washington, for every program...... but that's still their universal answer to every single thing. Just tax the rich.

Never worked in all human history... but tax the rich.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

First off, it's not the nations income, it's their income that they created.

Secondly, what is the point of creating wealth if somebody is going to take it away? Would you go to work in the morning if you were only going to earn 20% of your pay? Of course not. It's not worth your time going in, so you just stay home instead.

While we on the right try to encourage people to create or expand businesses, you on the left do everything you can to discourage them.

Gov. Cuomo's Right: The Rich Are Leaving High-Tax New York | Investor's Business Daily
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

“Hoarding”?!? WTF!?
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Wrong. The actual tax rate was never above 40% due to the loopholes. The wealthy do a lot more for this country than the poor with kind hearts.
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

First off, it's not the nations income, it's their income that they created.

Secondly, what is the point of creating wealth if somebody is going to take it away? Would you go to work in the morning if you were only going to earn 20% of your pay? Of course not. It's not worth your time going in, so you just stay home instead.

While we on the right try to encourage people to create or expand businesses, you on the left do everything you can to discourage them.

Gov. Cuomo's Right: The Rich Are Leaving High-Tax New York | Investor's Business Daily
They acquired that wealth off of their workers. Wages have remained mostly stagnant for these workers yet their productivity has skyrocketed. They got that wealth off of that underpaid productivity.

Either way, this isn’t about what is necessarily fair. It’s about what’s realistic. If they are hoarding the wealth, then the only way to effectively pay for government spending is to tax that wealth. Doesn’t it bother you that republicans explode the defense budget but cut their taxes even though they are already richer than ever before?
Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Wrong. The actual tax rate was never above 40% due to the loopholes. The wealthy do a lot more for this country than the poor with kind hearts.
Yeah I made that point. That is what the EFFECTIVE tax rate means. That tax rate was double what it is now.
Bernie’s agenda to them is about “free shit” and while technically it’s true, republicans obviously have no trouble accepting “free shit” that already exists like Medicare/medicaid, public school for kids, emergency services, driving on public roads, letting goddamn snowplows plow those very public roads.

Now granted, you can make the argument that those socialist services are not free because taxes pay for them, but that doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’a proposed socialist ideas would be funded by tax payer revenue.

Here is a couple of Bernie’s new ideas to a model that’s always existed in the first place:

1) Tuition-free education (this benefits society as a whole mind you because jobs that require higher education help run this country)

2) Medicare for all because most people can’t afford advanced healthcare services like cancer treatment or goddam insulin

Republicans like to pretend that his platform is all about destroying capitalism and have everyone live off the dole even though it clearly isn’t. They just decide this because it fits in with their Fox News/GOP worldview. It makes them feel manly and superior believing that kind of crap. Making college and healthcare free isn’t about taking away personal responsibility. It’s about making services more accessible because right now people can’t afford them.

Of course, beyond just an individual benefit of programs, he believes in common sense government investment like infrastructure and overturning Citizens United.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

“Hoarding”?!? WTF!?
Um yeah. Hoarding.
Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Wrong. The actual tax rate was never above 40% due to the loopholes. The wealthy do a lot more for this country than the poor with kind hearts.
Yeah I made that point. That is what the EFFECTIVE tax rate means. That tax rate was double what it is now.

But that’s irrelevant.
I couldn’t get past the free shit nonsense at the beginning. When we pay taxes and those taxes are going to pay for that stuff then it’s not “free“.

Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

“Hoarding”?!? WTF!?
Um yeah. Hoarding.

Is Bill Gates hoarding the billions he donated to charity the numerous jobs he created the numerous uses for his products that made other people’s jobs easier. Stop it!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Wrong. The actual tax rate was never above 40% due to the loopholes. The wealthy do a lot more for this country than the poor with kind hearts.
Yeah I made that point. That is what the EFFECTIVE tax rate means. That tax rate was double what it is now.

But that’s irrelevant.
Um no it really is relevant.
Exactly. Bernie and all the rest are real quick to point out what they want to give away to everyone.... but then magically slow at explaining how they intend to pay for anything.

Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

“Hoarding”?!? WTF!?
Um yeah. Hoarding.

Is Bill Gates hoarding the billions he donated to charity the numerous jobs he created the numerous uses for his products that made other people’s jobs easier. Stop it!
You can call it whatever you want and no one ever said Gates was stingy, but a few individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined. Use whatever word you want for that.
Again, that has never worked in all human history.

And if they are 'hoarding' as if you being allowed to keep what is rightfully yours is "hoarding"..... that still changes nothing. You can't stop the rich from simply leaving the country.

Remember, France tried this. Their wealth tax, backfired so badly, that thousands of people were simply leaving the country, and taking their money with them.

Venezuela tried this, and all the rich and wealthy, moved to other countries, Columbia, the US, Brazil, and other places.

Every country that has ever tried the "tax the rich" has ended up in poverty, with the rich perfectly fine to go live elsewhere.

So you can say "it only makes sense" until you destroy the country, and you will only succeed in destroying the country.
Lol the official tax rate in the 50’s on the rich was 90% and the effective tax rate was double what it is now. That was a time of great economic growth. If the wealthy have a high tax rate, it forces them to invest their money into labor rather than to keep it to make a profit. Nowadays, they have so much wealth that when they get another tax cut, they just keep the money the save rather than invest it. Doesn’t it bother you that a few wealthy individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined?

Wrong. The actual tax rate was never above 40% due to the loopholes. The wealthy do a lot more for this country than the poor with kind hearts.
Yeah I made that point. That is what the EFFECTIVE tax rate means. That tax rate was double what it is now.

But that’s irrelevant.
Um no it really is relevant.

No. Actual monies paid is relevant. Rest is noise.
Simple. Tax the rich.

Tax the rich for gun control.
Tax the rich for college.
Tax the rich for Medicare for all.
Tax the rich for paid personal leave.
Tax the rich for making our air and water cleaner.
Tax the rich for illegals healthcare coverage.
Tax the rich for infrastructure.

Just tax the rich!
If they are hoarding the large majority of the nation’s income and wealth, then yeah, tax the rich. It’s the only plan that makes any sense. Close the generous tax loopholes and deductions that only rich people take advantage of.

“Hoarding”?!? WTF!?
Um yeah. Hoarding.

Is Bill Gates hoarding the billions he donated to charity the numerous jobs he created the numerous uses for his products that made other people’s jobs easier. Stop it!
You can call it whatever you want and no one ever said Gates was stingy, but a few individuals in this country own more wealth than half of Americans combined. Use whatever word you want for that.

Successful. They also have created millions of jobs. They didn’t come to that money by accident.

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