I don't want a president that wants to force the bible on this nation

Trump is not a Bible thumper. Trump and his supporters have ceded the moral high ground forever. Values voters, say good bye to fighting for your wedge issues. Abortion, same sex marriage, bathroom issues (no pun intended) are off the table if, God forbid, Trump should be elected.

Behaving as he does and the Alt-Right support he embraces means no one will listen to Trump on how we should behave and what morals we should advance. Trump's in the gutter, and so are your wishes on values issues.
Link where Trump is forcing the Bible on America please...and not some opinion piece from some left loon site

Link to where you say you don't wish he was.

I watched some of his events in the primaries and he wants to give more power to the church within the political system. This is the last thing we need.
I don't want a president that wishes to force the bible on this nation as Trump seems to be doing. Seriously, there's separation between church and state and that is the way it should remain. Nothing has ever came good from such made up mindless bullshit and not everyone in this nation is a christian to begin with.

A president needs to be able to use logic and facts to govern instead of quoting a 2,000 year old goat herders book. We bitch about the middle east and how they brainwash their population with the idiocy of the Koran, but I believe every society that has such a religion needs to do the same. Keep it out of government!!!!
I want a president that doesn't force pseudoscience on America... Lol

Religion is the ultimate pseudoscience.
Man-made global warming and is pseudoscience, made up by control freaks
I don't want a President who is so damn stupid as to not know what freedom of religion means. You know, like this nitwit asshole Obama.
Trump might be a lot of things, but a Bible Thumper he's not.

The problem is a Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush-era retreads, the same extremists who gave us the likes of Thomas and Alito would likewise get Trump to appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence, and violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
Trump might be a lot of things, but a Bible Thumper he's not.

The problem is a Trump ‘administration’ would be populated with Bush-era retreads, the same extremists who gave us the likes of Thomas and Alito would likewise get Trump to appoint judges to the Federal courts and justices to the Supreme Court hostile to settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence, and violate the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate.
Where in the Constitution is separation of church and state? You fucking retard
Well, you know it clearly states in the constitution that the President can order us to convert to any religion he tells us to. Any time he wants.

So, if I believe that, the OP has credibility.

I don't want a president that wishes to force the bible on this nation as Trump seems to be doing. Seriously, there's separation between church and state and that is the way it should remain. Nothing has ever came good from such made up mindless bullshit and not everyone in this nation is a christian to begin with.

A president needs to be able to use logic and facts to govern instead of quoting a 2,000 year old goat herders book. We bitch about the middle east and how they brainwash their population with the idiocy of the Koran, but I believe every society that has such a religion needs to do the same. Keep it out of government!!!!

When has Trump ever indicated that he's religious, let alone expecting others to be?

I worry more about Hillary bringing in more Muslims because they can't separate church and state. Islam is more government than religion and it's against our constitution.
Link where Trump is forcing the Bible on America please...and not some opinion piece from some left loon site

Link to where you say you don't wish he was.

I watched some of his events in the primaries and he wants to give more power to the church within the political system. This is the last thing we need.
can you provide a link to him saying these things? not second hand but him actually saying that he wanted the church to be the guiding force in our government.
I don't want a President who is so damn stupid as to not know what freedom of religion means. You know, like this nitwit asshole Obama.

You and other conservatives this ignorant of the law are in no position to refer to others as ‘stupid.’

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment protects freedom from religion – government may not compel citizens to follow a particular religion, government may not codify into secular law subjective religious dogma, and government may not seek to disadvantage a given religious minority and those free from faith.
Well, at least dead people actually existed and may have left a spirit and/or physical traces of their existence.

Yes, I'm sure those spirits are all around us.

You know, in the past, people that claimed they were in contact with the dead were locked up where they could not hurt themselves or others. Today, Democrats support such people to be President.

I find it so amusing that no matter what the circumstance of a Democrat politician, their sheep will find excuses to justify their stupidity, criminal activity, or maniacal claims of interactions with voices from beyond.

We certainly don't want to give access to the red button to a successful businessman. Give that access to a woman that has demonstrated she doesn't have the ability to take that 3:00 am morning call or can be trusted with confidential, sensitive or classified material. She has failed at all levels.

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