I Don't Want to Hear a Thing About the 1% From the Left

Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
I'm not following you, could you elaborate on the difference?

From my link.
The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.

OK, in one case someone intentionally removes classified material and stores it in an unclassified area
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it
Goes to intent
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it

According to Comey she didn't just receive classified e-mails. She sent them as well. Nor did she just maintain them, she deleted them, which also parallels the Nishimura case.

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.
Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
I'm not following you, could you elaborate on the difference?

From my link.
The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.

OK, in one case someone intentionally removes classified material and stores it in an unclassified area
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it
Goes to intent
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it

According to Comey she didn't just receive classified e-mails. She sent them as well.

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.
In either case she was unaware of its classification

Like Coney said, it was a case of intent
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
I'm not following you, could you elaborate on the difference?

From my link.
The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.

OK, in one case someone intentionally removes classified material and stores it in an unclassified area
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it
Goes to intent
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it

According to Comey she didn't just receive classified e-mails. She sent them as well.

From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received.
In either case she was unaware of its classification

Like Coney said, it was a case of intent
A rather dubious claim from someone seeking the highest office in the land. That she was unaware of the sensitive nature of her communications as SoS.

At any rate, I agree with the OP in this case, hypocrisy reigns supreme in American politics. Democrats are every bit the party of the 1% as the Republicans are. At least the Republicans are starting to wake up to the failures of Neoliberalism, even if it is 40 some odd years too late.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.
What are you talking about?
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.
No, what’s disgusting are the ridiculous lies being contrived and propagated by you and others on the right, this thread is one of many sad examples.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.
What are you talking about?
What is he lying about is the actual question.

He’s lying about Clinton being part of the ‘one percent.’

He lying about Clinton being ‘above the law’ as a consequence.

He’s lying about Clinton ‘violating the law’ and ‘jeopardizing’ National security, which we know for a fact to not be true.

And he’s lying about justice ‘being dead.’

He’s a ridiculous blind partisan rightwing hack whining about the fact that ‘indicting’ Clinton is unwarranted.

Conservatives have become just as unhinged over this as is Trump – their ridiculous whining and lying about Clinton makes as little sense Trump’s bizarre, rambling speech praising Saddam.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
I'm not following you, could you elaborate on the difference?

From my link.
The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.

OK, in one case someone intentionally removes classified material and stores it in an unclassified area
In the other case, someone is sent unmarked classified material and maintains it
Goes to intent
Exactly. And the dude took it off the classified server system and brought it home (and the dude chucked it in a freakin' lake - after admitting he stole it.)

Knowingly and intentionally.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.

Conspiracy theories do not equate to fact
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.

Conspiracy theories do not equate to fact
Nope. Comey laid it out very clearly. Most prosecutors said Comey laid out a case for indictment but bowed to political pressure not to indict.

You just refuse to pay attention and are taking your cues from Hillary’s friends in the media.

What Hillary did would disqualify her from getting a job scrubbing toilets at the State Department. She never could get a clearance now, but you corrupt assholes feel because she cheats during elections, she's your best chance to stay in the WH.
Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.

Conspiracy theories do not equate to fact
Nope. Comey laid it out very clearly. Most prosecutors said Comey laid out a case for indictment but bowed to political pressure not to indict.

You just refuse to pay attention and are taking your cues from Hillary’s friends in the media.

What Hillary did would disqualify her from getting a job scrubbing toilets at the State Department. She never could get a clearance now, but you corrupt assholes feel because she cheats during elections, she's your best chance to stay in the WH.

Like he said, it didn't nearly meet the criteria for indictment

Unless you are a conservative looking for political points
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.
Lol, when facts fail to support your beliefs just make shit up.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
Trick question.

Nobody would be that stupid.

Hillary is the only person that could get away with it, because she's too important to the Hypocritical Democratic Party to face charges.

She didn't get away with it. She was reprimanded for careless use of a private server. What didn't happen was criminal prosecution which was found to be unwarranted
It was warranted, but they felt too much of the evidence was destroyed to make the prosecution worth their jobs.
Lol, when facts fail to support your beliefs just make shit up.
Where do you get off??

Comey said she did things most people would be punished for, but he was tasked to investigate the facts and he said Hillary and her lawyers destroyed too much evidence to prove exactly what she was doing. The fact that she set up an unauthorized server to conduct all of her business would usually be enough you convict an official of gross negligence, and led investigators to believe it was criminal negligence, but not enough evidence was found because of the destruction of 31,000 emails. Some of which on the other end proved to be TS/SAP classified communuications AT THE TIME IT WAS SENT AND RECEIVED. I think he was looking at the content. Because her actions didn't appear to be damaging to the US, he used that as an excuse. However just setting up that unauthorized server was worth a $10,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. For some strange reason he decided not to recommend indictment. The reason for the visit on the tarmac in AZ becomes very clear here. A bribe was offered and accepted.
Disgusting how the Left applaud the 1% being above the law and face no consequences for openly violating it and jeopardizing National Security.

Justice must be blind or Justice is dead. And Justice died yesterday.

Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
So it's OK to leave loaded guns sitting out with a house filled with kids?
Never crossed Billy Bobs mind a kid would use that gun.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with analogies?
Because they are inherently dishonest, rendering them INCAPABLE of making analogies.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why don't you show us a similar case where someone using a private server was prosecuted and sent to jail?

Then we can conclude that Hillary is getting special treatment
FBI Mobile Site
Folsom Naval Reservist is Sentenced After Pleading Guilty to Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Materials
Close but not the same

Goes to intent
So it's OK to leave loaded guns sitting out with a house filled with kids?
Never crossed Billy Bobs mind a kid would use that gun.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with analogies?
Because they are inherently dishonest, rendering them INCAPABLE of making analogies.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No....the problem here is you have no objectivity. You are incapable of making unbiased judgments.

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