I feel a house i live in is haunted by a spirit that hates me or something.

Certainly sounds that way.
Haunted houses are for halloween.
No, there are haunted houses. Just as angels are real, so are demons. Because you've never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist. Before the age of 20 I used to dabble in the occult. The more you get involved, in he more you invite them into your life. They are real.
No, there are haunted houses. Just as angels are real, so are demons. Because you've never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist. Before the age of 20 I used to dabble in the occult. The more you get involved, in he more you invite them into your life. They are real.

Because, I noticed in my house,i once stood in the corner of a room and felt a chill and goosebumps.

I also noticed strange things, like lightbulbs being burned out,i once felt a push, not gently when i stood up but more like a force pushing me throwing me against something.

Also,i noticed strange stuff like a phone making really loud noises, but as soon as we leave the house, the noise seems to stop.
/———/ Open a door leading outside. Stand there and in a clear voice say:”This is not your home. You do not live here. We don’t want your negative force. Go into the light and rest in peace.” You will feel a chill as the spirt passed through you to leave. You may hear a door slam somewhere in the house. That is a signal the spirit left. Get some sage incense, light it and move from room to room waving it around. Spirits like the corners of rooms near the ceiling. I’ve done this. It works.
They're all demons. They're is no such thing as ghosts. Only demons pretending to be "someone"

Not really.
There are specific categorization of demons as opposed to ghosts.

If M-Wolf is dealing with an Incubus and or a succubus, he will experience deteriorating physical health resulting in death.
Not really.
There are specific categorization of demons as opposed to ghosts.

If M-Wolf is dealing with an Incubus and or a succubus, he will experience deteriorating physical health resulting in death.
The dead are dead until Christ Returns. The belief in ghosts originates in paganism.
My metaphysical life has always been a life or death proposition.
As I have an extremely bright aura that attracts evil!
I have learned and am still learning how to combat it. So far, I've been successful.
That statement gives me the hope that there is some kind of (good) afterlife that is beyond our understanding.

I wait each day for some "sign" from my beloved brother who died probably because of a so-called "caregiver" giving him an overdose.
Yes, even demons are evidence of a God and His angels. People who have seen "that side" can know that there is a good also.
I call bullshit.
Anyone who thinks ghosts are real has mental issues.

Not "ghosts" (I agree with you that ghosts are not real), demons. The spiritual realm is absolutely real, and it's biblical. Only reason I bring that up is because you said you consider yourself a Christian. So if you think people who believe in angels and demons have mental issues, then you're saying that about Jesus, since one of the things He did was cast demons out of people, just read the New Testament.
Yes, even demons are evidence of a God and His angels. People who have seen "that side" can know that there is a good also.

It's true. In fact, one of the things that led me to becoming a believer (and a Christian) was seeing the evil in this world, and realizing that the highest powers of this world were completely corrupt and evil....That didn't make sense to me, because even though I could see that evil exists, I also knew that goodness and truth exist. And I intuitively knew that goodness and truth must have a source. And even though I wasn't thinking about God at that time, it was seeing the evil in this world that got me asking the deeper questions, which eventually led to God opening my eyes. Definitely a moment I will never forget and a moment I'm eternally thankful for.

I have never used one of those.

But a long time ago,i visited a metaphysical shop,and something strange happened in there.

But afterwards, a long time from then, i threw out a thor's hammer necklace i bought from there.
Because, I noticed in my house,i once stood in the corner of a room and felt a chill and goosebumps.

I also noticed strange things, like lightbulbs being burned out,i once felt a push, not gently when i stood up but more like a force pushing me throwing me against something.

Also,i noticed strange stuff like a phone making really loud noises, but as soon as we leave the house, the noise seems to stop.
How old is the house you live in? Have you thought about having it checked out by a paranormal specialist?
How old is the house you live in? Have you thought about having it checked out by a paranormal specialist?

I heard from my mom from the realtor that the house that was bought was originally a hideout for some criminals who were involved in illegal gambling and they would run to another house if they felt they were going to be busted.

I wonder,if any of the criminals might have died in the house.
I heard from my mom from the realtor that the house that was bought was originally a hideout for some criminals who were involved in illegal gambling and they would run to another house if they felt they were going to be busted.

I wonder,if any of the criminals might have died in the house.
When it comes to paranormal things, we don't know what we don't know. If both you and your roommate are experiencing things then it sounds like a real phenomenon, whatever it is.

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