I feel a house i live in is haunted by a spirit that hates me or something.

Because, I noticed in my house,i once stood in the corner of a room and felt a chill and goosebumps.

I also noticed strange things, like lightbulbs being burned out,i once felt a push, not gently when i stood up but more like a force pushing me throwing me against something.

Also,i noticed strange stuff like a phone making really loud noises, but as soon as we leave the house, the noise seems to stop.
Sometimes people mess around in stuff like witchcraft with little understanding of the potential danger.

Some of the chemicals used in witchcraft may be dangerous.

I have some suspicion based on personal experience that it may be possible to call up an evil spirt If someone has done this and you practice white witchcraft you may feel you can cleanse a house of evil spirits its by using spells.

I would suggest if you are new at believing in your powers in witchcraft to be damn careful and seriously consider contacting a very experienced witch to help you. You may be dealing with a powerful spirit or demon and it may decide to teach you a lesson.
Sometimes people mess around in stuff like witchcraft with little understanding of the potential danger.

Some of the chemicals used in witchcraft may be dangerous.

I have some suspicion based on personal experience that it may be possible to call up an evil spirt If someone has done this and you practice white witchcraft you may feel you can cleanse a house of evil spirits its by using spells.

I would suggest if you are new at believing in your powers in witchcraft to be damn careful and seriously consider contacting a very experienced witch to help you. You may be dealing with a powerful spirit or demon and it may decide to teach you a lesson.
So, call the devil to remove a devil 😂
Be sure to call a fox to remove a fox from the chicken coop
Wait...are you trying to say people who used to burn and drown witches were right?
Hate to tell you but those people were fucking nuts,and the fact that you're trying to use them as proof is hilarious!!!
Leave it to a weirdo furry to believe in this kind of shit. When they say people like you have a mental disorder they're right on the mark.
They were misogynists. A witch was a wise woman often dealing in herbal remedies to get people well.
I call bullshit.
Anyone who thinks ghosts are real has mental issues.
I think it was Eric Fromm who said that what is considered mental health is just the mental norms of the society at that time. Someone who goes against those norms is deemed to have mental health problems.
Sometimes people mess around in stuff like witchcraft with little understanding of the potential danger.

Some of the chemicals used in witchcraft may be dangerous.

I have some suspicion based on personal experience that it may be possible to call up an evil spirt If someone has done this and you practice white witchcraft you may feel you can cleanse a house of evil spirits its by using spells.

I would suggest if you are new at believing in your powers in witchcraft to be damn careful and seriously consider contacting a very experienced witch to help you. You may be dealing with a powerful spirit or demon and it may decide to teach you a lesson.
I'd say this is the part which has been mentioned in different ways in this thread that is a self fulfilling prophesy. Once one begins to imagine something is real one is affected as if it is. This can lead to genuine mental health problems. I am not saying here that I do not believe there is not an unseen world, just that imo this is not it.
They killed men as well.
Women were by far the sex most often convicted and in Europe that frequently meant being burnt alive. The motive was misogyny. You are right that some men possibly as much as 20% were also killed. They were usually turned in by sone one who wanted rid of them for some personal reason but the vast majority of people killed for witchcraft were women.
I have ghost in my house. It lives in the heating ducts and makes creaky noises. I swear!
Because, I noticed in my house,i once stood in the corner of a room and felt a chill and goosebumps.

I also noticed strange things, like lightbulbs being burned out,i once felt a push, not gently when i stood up but more like a force pushing me throwing me against something.

Also,i noticed strange stuff like a phone making really loud noises, but as soon as we leave the house, the noise seems to stop.
My views :
If that's a true story, you're likely to be a psychic. Psychics do exist. Some of them can sense something unusual or supernatural. So...that proves the existence of the supernatural( beyond logic or science ). And they actually use their special powers to help cops solve many grave crimes.

No, no bullshit, no fairytale. :)

Facts :
Despite the skepticism that surrounds those who claim to have psychic powers, a large number of law enforcement officials admit to using psychics and their purported clairvoyant abilities as investigative tools. In going public with these stories, law enforcement personnel also put their professional integrity on the line. According to a survey by The New York Times, 35% of the 50 largest US police stations admit to tapping psychics for their alleged gifts.

1) 12 Signs You Might Actually Be A Psychic (Without Knowing It) – Signs You Might Be A Psychic
2) 10 Times Cops Were Aided By Psychics, And How They Helped – 10 Police Investigations Aided By Psychics
So...that proves the existence of the supernatural( beyond logic or science ).
Thank you for those comments.

My beloved brother died on September 25 maybe because of a caregiver's overdose. I am filled with guilt for letting that caregiver get near my brother.

Since then I have been asking for a sign from my brother, but -- to the best of my knowledge -- I have not received a definite sign yet. So I am devastated.

Thank you, though, for giving me some hope.
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So, call the devil to remove a devil 😂
Be sure to call a fox to remove a fox from the chicken coop

I shouldn't laugh because this is actually very serious, but what you said is absolutely true. Sadly, people who dabble in that sort of thing are completely unaware of what is actually going on. If they WERE, they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. And I'm not trying to sound like I'm an expert, but I've learned enough in my life to be able to say: some things have to learned by experience... sometimes the hard way. Even then, sadly some people never learn.
If your 10mm Wrenches & Sockets have disappeared then I’m listening

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