I feel bad for Barron Trump

You feel sorry for Ashley Biden too? So damaged by daddy's molestation in the shower, at 11-years old, she felt compelled to write up the depraved details in her diary... probably sobbing and washing down a fistful of xanax with vodka.

How about the crackhead? So morally bankrupt he was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold. Daddy and the babysitter fully approved. It was only broken up when the widow caught him molesting her 14-year old daughter.

Barron hardly needs validation from satanic filth like you. Not trying to be mean..... just accurate.

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Nah.. that’s all fake news, only stories about Trump are true! Don’t you know this yet??
Chelsea was a kid when her father engaged the freaking Country in a debate over the difference between sodomy and sexual intercourse with a woman barely older than herself. Nobody felt sorry for her because the media was busy claiming that Bill Clinton's sexual adventures were nobody's business but his own.
Bill was fucking an intern in the White House.

You don't see a problem with that?
I feel bad for Barron Trump.
While he was 8 years old, all over the media is a video of his father bragging about "being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous." Not only Barron but all of his friends saw the same.
While he is 10 years old there are stories of his dad cheating on his mom while he was 2 years old, with a porn star. Then stories of his dad having a year long affair with a Playboy model while married to his mom. He had to suffer through all of the personal accounts of his father, this week, in the hush money trial. Guilty or not guilty, Trump looks sleazy by many people's testimony.
Good for Barron for saying I am not going to be a delegate to the Republican convention.

Melania and Barron are keeping their distance from the Donald for good reason.

He ain't gonna a delegate from Florida to the Republican Nation Convention. Fuck off Dad.
I feel bad for Barron Trump.
While he was 8 years old, all over the media is a video of his father bragging about "being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous." Not only Barron but all of his friends saw the same.
While he is 10 years old there are stories of his dad cheating on his mom while he was 2 years old, with a porn star. Then stories of his dad having a year long affair with a Playboy model while married to his mom. He had to suffer through all of the personal accounts of his father, this week, in the hush money trial. Guilty or not guilty, Trump looks sleazy by many people's testimony.
Good for Barron for saying I am not going to be a delegate to the Republican convention.

Melania and Barron are keeping their distance from the Donald for good reason.

No you don’t.
I feel bad for Barron Trump.
While he was 8 years old, all over the media is a video of his father bragging about "being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous." Not only Barron but all of his friends saw the same.
While he is 10 years old there are stories of his dad cheating on his mom while he was 2 years old, with a porn star. Then stories of his dad having a year long affair with a Playboy model while married to his mom. He had to suffer through all of the personal accounts of his father, this week, in the hush money trial. Guilty or not guilty, Trump looks sleazy by many people's testimony.
Good for Barron for saying I am not going to be a delegate to the Republican convention.

Melania and Barron are keeping their distance from the Donald for good reason.

You are such a failed clown.
Barron will be the one from the Florida delegation proudly pledging Florida's votes to his dad at the convention.
I feel bad for Barron Trump.
While he was 8 years old, all over the media is a video of his father bragging about "being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous." Not only Barron but all of his friends saw the same.
While he is 10 years old there are stories of his dad cheating on his mom while he was 2 years old, with a porn star. Then stories of his dad having a year long affair with a Playboy model while married to his mom. He had to suffer through all of the personal accounts of his father, this week, in the hush money trial. Guilty or not guilty, Trump looks sleazy by many people's testimony.
Good for Barron for saying I am not going to be a delegate to the Republican convention.

Melania and Barron are keeping their distance from the Donald for good reason.
Let's not forget those Trump genes.

He'll look like eric with junior's drug issue and Daddy's mushroom.

The only thing he got from mom is a talent for posing naked.
I feel bad for Barron Trump.
While he was 8 years old, all over the media is a video of his father bragging about "being able to grab women by the pussy because he is famous." Not only Barron but all of his friends saw the same.
While he is 10 years old there are stories of his dad cheating on his mom while he was 2 years old, with a porn star. Then stories of his dad having a year long affair with a Playboy model while married to his mom. He had to suffer through all of the personal accounts of his father, this week, in the hush money trial. Guilty or not guilty, Trump looks sleazy by many people's testimony.
Good for Barron for saying I am not going to be a delegate to the Republican convention.

Melania and Barron are keeping their distance from the Donald for good reason.

Barron isn't going to be a delegate? Wonderful. I wouldn't want him to grow up to be like Trump.
You don't even know anything about him yet you already think he's a clan member or something,

Fact is the kid is an A student and a chess master, speaks 5 languages fluently, and we can thank the fact that his mother spent a lot of time raising him properly as opposed to Biden with two kids on drugs and God knows what else they've done.
You think biden should have raised Trump's kid?

No one ever failed to recognize the weird in you

OH and

You misspelled KLAN
Yeah, just ask Hillary, right?

Actually, just look at the background.

Broderick- Couldn't tell you what day it happened or which room number it was. No record of her or Clinton ever being at that hotel. Swore out two affidavits saying she never had an encounter with Clinton. Continued to show up at Clinton Fundraisers. Never told her husband or her boyfriend (she had both at the same time) about the incident. Accepted an appointment to a state board for nursing homes from Clinton.

Verdict- Juanita Broderick- LIAR.

Kathleen Willey - After the supposed incident, (which happened the same day her husband shot himself for cheating various business associates), she continued to mail the White House desperately looking for a job as her husband's creditors were looking for payment. Only when the wingnuts started paying her bills did we get this story about how Clinton did a nasty to her.

Verdict - Kahtleen Willey - LIAR.

Paula Jones - Claimed Clinton exposed himself to her, and that his penis had a distinguishing characteristic. This is not corroborated by people we know have seen Clinton's privates. (namely woman who have had relationships with him and his doctor.

Verdict- Paula Jones - Liar.
No one is forcing him to be a delegate. He made a choice and will have to live with the consequences. One of which is losing the genuine goodwill of 10s of millions of Americans on the Left who hoped for the best with this kid, and that he would rise above his n'er-do-well, pathetic siblings.
Bullshit. If they found any dirt on Barron that could hurt his father politically you would plaster it all over the internet. So would all TDS inflicted leftards.

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