I feel great.

Being in "great shape" and "feeling good" are fine, but you should also take care of your health.
Remember though, Those that obsess about health and excercise usually die young

Always remember that from a life/health qualified underwriter

I am happy, healthy, and enjoying the relaxation of retirement. My kids are all within 2 or 3 hours drive.

I eat well, and get exercise. But I do that for how I feel, not how I look. The chances of me having six-park abs, without a huge famine, is pretty much that of a snowball in hell.

But happy works.
Starved 3 lbs. off this week (157-154) then watch me gain two. Up, down. Gonna try and starve five next week, and make it stay off.
Water weight swings 5 lbs. of your weight, consider that when you drink three sodas and dont sweat any of it out.
Starved 3 lbs. off this week (157-154) then watch me gain two. Up, down. Gonna try and starve five next week, and make it stay off.
Too much work. Stop! Forget the six pac instead drink a 12 pac daily with a pack of smokes. Lay on the couch and watch tv eating Cheetos. You’ll feel GREAT.
Im swingin 3 lbs a day but Im below the threshold of the next weight bracket, been here before, eating very little but my body doesnt metabolise unless I get active so that means I stretch calories to the limit (straight to my fat deposit because my blood is so efficient), thats good in a high performance, low intake situation but I want to laze about and eat. What can I do? Starve. I need a metabolism booster so I can eat a comfortable portion. Going to drop 10 lbs. in a week watch how much starving that takes. Im praying for a miracle metabolism booster.

That brings me to a longtime unanswered question; how does the body compensate in a low metabolism situation? Does it slow down cell replication? The energy must be created from a re-balancing somehow, whether its the short end or long end. Is that why the skinniest people who eat the least live the longest? (Fewer replications means fewer telomeric shortenings) All good questions, maybe they answer themselves without scientific scrutiny.

And one more thing. My body tries to balance itself at particular weight intervals and it reminds me of the earths magnetosphere, how each belt is specifically spaced with high contrasts.
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Drinking vodka is keeping my weight down. When I eat the same thing and same calorie intake I weigh less when I add a portion of vodka to the mix. Thats intriguing because vodka has a high calorie content. Maybe vodka changes the way I digest food and perspire water.
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Look into intermittant fasting. You only allow an 8 hour window for all your eating. It does a lot of good things for you, in addition to weight loss.
Look into intermittant fasting. You only allow an 8 hour window for all your eating. It does a lot of good things for you, in addition to weight loss.
My longest fast period record was almost five days. I do fast a lot, going one or two days without eating solid food at least once or twice a month. Feels really good when done right, not forced. When you get over the initial hunger hump it gets easy. Keeping daily track of my weight is motivating when I can see the immediate effects of fasting.

I suggest drinking juice for nutrients and coffee for hunger suppressant while you fast. Lemonade also suppresses hunger.
My longest fast period record was almost five days. I do fast a lot, going one or two days without eating solid food at least once or twice a month. Feels really good when done right, not forced. When you get over the initial hunger hump it gets easy. Keeping daily track of my weight is motivating when I can see the immediate effects of fasting.

I suggest drinking juice for nutrients and coffee for hunger suppressant while you fast. Lemonade also suppresses hunger.

When I am fasting I drink black coffee, water and occasionally some clear broth.

One big factor in the intermittant fasting is that it stops the roller coaster of insulin in your body.
When I am fasting I drink black coffee, water and occasionally some clear broth.

One big factor in the intermittant fasting is that it stops the roller coaster of insulin in your body.
And the insulin determines what sugars enter your fat deposits?
I changed my diet over a year ago in fear of diabetes and of want to get in shape and compared to my previous diet of fast food and junk food the diet has largely gotten better. I am yet to reach my weight goal but I did lose over 30 pounds since starting the diet and truthfully I prefer what I eat now because it simply tastes better than a whopper or a crispy chicken sandwich or a pint of ice cream. Got another 15 pounds to go and the hard part is keeping it off. Once off and maintained over a long period your body will naturally keep that general level of efficiency. I stabilized at 155 pounds and stayed there for over six months now. I already saw my metabolism jump once I lost about 20 pounds but it continues to be weaker than your average joe.

Critical diet changes were dropping the burger king and pizza and the ice cream and then gather up a list of low calorie highly nutritious foods that I enjoy eating. I think what gets people the worst is that they don't want to take the time to prepare themselves a good meal even if its cheaper and you get more for your money. Most people in the USA like the convenience of fast food and restaurants and pre-packaged meals. Personally, I am happy with my choice however much I love whoppers and rich ice cream and cheesy meat loaded pizza.

Substitutes are essential if you want to remove fattening sauces and salty additives. Finding low salt alternatives keeps you from getting hungry, thats why theres salt in almost everything now, because it makes you hungrier and thus more likely to buy more food. My favorite substitute is using sour cream or light sour cream where mayonnaise is called for, in fact I think it even tastes better, not only better for you.
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If 2023 is worse than this year ..I will be moving out of Vegas and in a psycho ward for a few years
Brick Gold
2022 is the worst year of my life
Getting very close to full funny farm
Youre preaching to the choir. Everything after 2008 was pure shit and now, 12 years later little has improved with no hope in sight. At least I can eat now, my only pleasure. Fight hard and shoot to kill. Kill the game to end the BS. Cut the throat, win win win.
Youre preaching to the choir. Everything after 2008 was pure shit and now, 12 years later little has improved with no hope in sight. At least I can eat now, my only pleasure. Fight hard and shoot to kill. Kill the game to end the BS. Cut the throat, win win win.

I have no need to kill .
ate you on meds ??

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