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I feel sorry for Trump supporters

I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. Though I came from a blue collar background, I now own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.
The other thing about Trumpettes is that they are bigots and racists. They want the white America of the 50s and before. They are afraid of losing their what can only be described as white privilege, being in the position of the most power and influence in our society. They hate & fear immigrants, especially immigrants of color. They hate & fear religions other than Christianity. They hate anyone who is 'different' such as gays and transsexuals. They hate gay marriage and the idea that gay people be treated as equal to them and their relationships as valid as theirs. They hate women who have a lot of power and despise women who are not 'beautiful' by their standards. They are not, as you say, well educated for the most part, but more than that, they are not thoughtful, wise people. The 80 some percent of Evangelicals who voted for Trump are thorough hypocrites who care nothing about Christian values and morals if they get in the way of MONEY, which is their real god.
I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. I own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.
Your disdain for the working class is duly noted.
The people he describes are not 'working class,' they are losers. There is a big difference.
What’s pathetic about Trump supporters is that they are so ignorant, so frightened, and so consumed by hate that they’d blindly follow the likes of Trump.

It’s sad that Trump supporters live such lives so consumed by fear and hate.
It sounds like you've never actually met or talked to a real life Trump supporter. Your words make your ignorance embarrassingly obvious.
I know many Trump supporters and Blackrook is exactly right: Trump supporters are universally "... ignorant, … frightened, and ... consumed by hate … [and] they... blindly follow the likes of Trump." If they are not ignorant in an educated sense, they are severally lacking in intellectual honesty, discernment, and wisdom.
I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. Though I came from a blue collar background, I now own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.

I'm sure some are quite successful, some are destitute; some are happy, some are sad; etc... But the common thread is that for nearly 2 years now, they have been in damage control mode. I feel sorry for them because of that. It's got to be exhausting to spend 24/7 defending the blob against legitimate (and some illegitimate nonsense that every President has) inquiries and going to extremes that are 180 degrees counter to their core beliefs.

Such is their lot in life.

You watch too much CNN and MSNBC. I'm not in "damage control". The economy is soaring, foreign relations are fine, Mueller is digging up a bunch of nothign--ho hum. We'll see what happens in 2020.

I actually watch very little CNN and I couldn't tell you where MSNBC is on my cable system.

The economy is sputtering (adding less than 200K jobs last month), Foreign Relations are fine? We're spraying tear gas into other nations, we're in a multi-lateral trade war which we are losing badly. Mueller is adding more skins to his wall each month.

Just a quick question; is Trump a liar?
In addition, the deficit is exploding out of control. The U.S. current account deficit is $488.5 billion as of 2018. It shows how much more American citizens, businesses, and government are borrowing from their foreign counterparts than they’re lending.

It is the largest in the world. The next largest deficit is the United Kingdom, at $106.7 billion as of 2017. The two largest economies in the world have surpluses. China's surplus is $164.9 billion and the European Union's is $404.9 billion.

The U.S. trade deficit is the main cause of the current account deficit. In 2018, it was $616 billion. China is the largest foreign holder of US debt. The U.S. debt to China is $1.10 trillion as of Oct. 2019.1 That's 26.7% of the $4.1 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $22 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself. The U.S. Current Account Deficit: Threat or Way of Life?

  • On February 11, the US national debt eclipsed $22 trillion for the first time.
  • Since President Donald Trump took office, the US has added over $2 trillion in new federal debt.
  • See how Trump's debt accumulation — and projected debt accumulation — stacks up to that of recent presidents including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.The US national debt passed $22 trillion on February 11, the first time the federal debt had breached that threshold. The landmark came just over two years after President Donald Trump, who once promised to eliminate the federal debt in eight years, took over the Oval Office.
In raw terms, Trump added the second-most debt of any recent president. According to the Treasury data, the US added $2.07 trillion — $2,065,536,336,472.90 to be exact — in new debt between Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2017, and February 11, when the country pushed past $22 trillion. (The US added another $2.8 billion through February 15, the latest daily figures available.)

That is less than the $3.46 trillion added between Obama's inauguration in January 2009 and February 11, 2011, but it is more than the $676 billion added under Bush and the $617 billion added under Clinton in their first 752 days as president.

One important difference between Trump's debt figures and Obama's is that Trump has added a massive amount of debt while the US economy has been strong, whereas Obama took over during the depths of the financial crisis.

Economists typically recommend that the federal government increase spending, and thus add more debt, during times of economic struggles and then pay down that debt when the economy recovers. So while economic theory would support Obama's spending to help support the economy, Trump's recent debt binge has less support among economists.

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And I don't feel sorry for ANY trump supporting moron Let them all get what they have coming to them
Me and Pelosi will say a prayer for them the same wish I have for Trump
I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. Though I came from a blue collar background, I now own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.

I'm a former NYC businessman...retired ....early 50s I I support trump and his living in your head rent free 24/7

If one lives long enough, everything comes around again. Trump supporters are the very same mindset as the people with whom I grew up with in the 1950's who put Lester Maddox in the Georgia Capital, and voted for George Wallace for president.

The guy has a cousin who hasn't worked since Clinton was president and somehow this translates to people who support the agenda of the President of the United States? WTF are these people whining about?
I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. Though I came from a blue collar background, I now own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.
The other thing about Trumpettes is that they are bigots and racists. They want the white America of the 50s and before. They are afraid of losing their what can only be described as white privilege, being in the position of the most power and influence in our society. They hate & fear immigrants, especially immigrants of color. They hate & fear religions other than Christianity. They hate anyone who is 'different' such as gays and transsexuals. They hate gay marriage and the idea that gay people be treated as equal to them and their relationships as valid as theirs. They hate women who have a lot of power and despise women who are not 'beautiful' by their standards. They are not, as you say, well educated for the most part, but more than that, they are not thoughtful, wise people. The 80 some percent of Evangelicals who voted for Trump are thorough hypocrites who care nothing about Christian values and morals if they get in the way of MONEY, which is their real god.
/----/ "The other thing about Trumpettes is that they are bigots and racists. "
Au contraire, the majority of Trump supporters come from the poorest states. They are not highly educated and are working class at best. The majority. That may not include you, but it is what most of them are. They are mostly old, white, low income, low education men. Do You Know the People Who Helped Donald Trump Become President? Much like Archie Bunker.
Sorry but the golf courses I play at are surrounded by very nice homes, not trailer parks.
Au contraire, the majority of Trump supporters come from the poorest states. They are not highly educated and are working class at best. The majority. That may not include you, but it is what most of them are. They are mostly old, white, low income, low education men. Do You Know the People Who Helped Donald Trump Become President? Much like Archie Bunker.
Sorry but the golf courses I play at are surrounded by very nice homes, not trailer parks.
Your personal experiences are considered anecdotal evidence, one of the weakest kinds of evidence. Statistics show that the majority of Trumpettes are old white men, low income and low education. As Mulvaney says, deal with it.
My fellow Republicans and I do not live in trailer parks. The OP is a joke.
Au contraire, the majority of Trump supporters come from the poorest states. They are not highly educated and are working class at best. The majority. That may not include you, but it is what most of them are. They are mostly old, white, low income, low education men. Do You Know the People Who Helped Donald Trump Become President? Much like Archie Bunker.
I honestly do. These folks are usually not happy people. I know a few of them personally. They are my cousin who has not worked since 1997, lives off the charity of his sister in a small trailer in a tiny west coast town, still hoping for the only lumber mill in the area (his last job) to reopen. My brother in law, who makes a marginal living repairing old cars. A former middle school classmate who works in the garden section of Home Depot, not eligible for promotion to a management job because because he is nearly illiterate. All of them over 45, none made it past the 8th grade. They are poor, white and angry, their health is bad, they drink too much, and have long since given up hope of improving their situation. I try to be friendly, but It's difficult to talk to them anymore. Though I came from a blue collar background, I now own a successful business doing insurance verification and billing for doctors, and see the jealousy and hatred in their eyes whenever we meet. They are throwbacks from an industrial age that is fading into history. On the rare occasions they write anything, their grammar is childish, their spelling is worse, and all of them engage in childish name calling, such as Libtards, Commies, and Dims. Yes, some of this is their fault, they could have finished high school, or at least gone to the local library to try to learn a new skill., but in many ways the system has left them behind. Their lives have not improved under Trump, but they still cling to the hope this rich New York businessman will somehow make things better for them.

Pigs might fly.....but I doubt it.
The other thing about Trumpettes is that they are bigots and racists. ....

My daughter has a friend. Her father is very old, in his 70s. He is exhausted with his responsibilities. And he is an aging hippy. People like you send him political memes that get him wound up and he shares them with his friends.

He recently came to me, upset because his was having strife with a friend of his, over a meme he had sent him about an important issue that "no reasonable person" could be against.

The harm is, that this guy really NEEDS every little bit of help from his social network that he can get. He does not need to be riled up and DIVIDED away from his social network.

He is a nice but aging hippy, that is suffering, and needs help. People like you are hurting him.

His daughter is an ok little girl, 12. If her daddy is less able to take care of her, because people like you, playing pretend, divide him from his social network, she will be hurt.

You are being divisive. When you divide people against each other, real people suffer real harm. YOu might not see it, but you are putting it out there, into the world, and it hurts people.

The guy that created that political issue meme, had no idea that he was possibly hurting a nice 12 year ld girl, by cutting her father off from a source of support.

We all need to understand that it is possible for reasonable people to reasonable disagree with us.

Assuming that anyone that can disagree with us, MUST BE a bad person, is divisive.

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