I Give Up

I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti bigot. It's very revealing you conflate the two.

Again, state marriage has nothing to do with religion. It's all about equal protection of the laws which bestow cash and prizes on married couples.

See, you have become so accustomed to the government being all wrapped up in marriage, you can't see straight.

In fact, you would be very upset if government extricated itself from marriage, wouldn't you. No more government cash and prizes!
It would not bother me in the least bit. In fact, my tax burden would be much lower. Plus the faggots and dykes would not have to run to daddy government anymore.
It would not bother me in the least bit. In fact, my tax burden would be much lower.
Which is the primary reason I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures. We would all be paying much lower tax rates if we eliminated all the deductions, credits, and exemptions in the tax code.
Nope, gays remain eligible. They can, and have married other gays, just of the opposite sex.
Don't be so obtuse. You are no different than the bigots of the past. "Negroes can marry anyone they want, as long as its another person of the same race."

Same bullshit, different decade.
My kids find it fascinating that I was alive during the civil rights era when blacks were being lynched, and interracial marriage was banned in some states. It feels so primitive to them.

They also find it fascinating you could be jailed just for being gay.

Our grandchildren will one day find it fascinating there were people like the ones in this topic who opposed gay marriage.
No, you’re whining and complaining about gay Americans expressing their individual liberty and seeking self-determination rather than conforming – or otherwise remaining silent and on the margins of society.
who's doing that? no one's asking them any such thing. prove it.
Don't be so obtuse. You are no different than the bigots of the past. "Negroes can marry anyone they want, as long as its another person of the same race."

Same bullshit, different decade.

But the qualification, one man to one woman, not too closely related did not need to change.

Equating same sex marriage to interracial marriage fails again.
Our grandchildren will one day find it fascinating there were people like the ones in this topic who opposed gay marriage.

Our country will no longer exist in any recognizable form if the Democrats continue down the same path. We will implode and a more sensible society/country will take over.

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