I Give Up

What? These people want to identify as Queer and I have given up and agreed to refer to them the way they want to be referred to.
What’s particularly reprehensible is that less than a month after gay and transgender Americans were the targets of a mass shooting, along with ongoing acts of violence against those gay and transgender, you and others on the right continue your hostile, hateful rhetoric that contributes to that lawless and violence.

“On the night of Nov. 19, a shooter opened fire in the Colorado Springs club, killing five people and injuring 25 more before he was subdued by two patrons and later arrested by police. Slaugh was struck by a bullet in the shooting, which shattered the bone in his arm. Suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, faces five murder charges and five hate crime charges.”

What’s particularly reprehensible is that less than a month after gay and transgender Americans were the targets of a mass shooting, along with ongoing acts of violence against those gay and transgender, you and others on the right continue your hostile, hateful rhetoric that contributes to that lawless and violence.

“On the night of Nov. 19, a shooter opened fire in the Colorado Springs club, killing five people and injuring 25 more before he was subdued by two patrons and later arrested by police. Slaugh was struck by a bullet in the shooting, which shattered the bone in his arm. Suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, faces five murder charges and five hate crime charges.”

What on Earth are you talking about? THEY want to identify as queer and I am going woke and agreeing to identify them the way they have chosen to identify themselves, as queers. I didn't make up the letter Q or what it stands for, THEY did. How can I be a bigot for agreeing to identify them the way they have chosen to be identified?
No, see I’m a guy, I know guys without sleeping with another. The dynamic is when you add the female.

You didn’t know this already? 🤦‍♂️
Oops, you forgot to argue your point. You don't really know the dynamics of same sex relationships. Unless you were sucking all those guys' dicks, I guess.
Nobody is going to do that you freak.
Wrong. You Leftist scumbags said the same thing about homos back in the day. So who the fuck are you kidding? Your kind will support every sick perversion and pervert under the sun and expect everyone to agree with you. Newsflash! Ain't going to happen and the Church needs to stand strong proclaiming the Truth.
Oops, you forgot to argue your point. You don't really know the dynamics of same sex relationships. Unless you were sucking all those guys' dicks, I guess.
Oh, so same sex relationships = gay?

You are a bizarre Critter
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Indy, you seem to be unusually interested in talking about homosexuality. That is a textbook sign of latent homosexuality. It's not too late for you to make a life changing decision. When ypou spit straight up it often falls back on your face.
Wrong. You Leftist scumbags said the same thing about homos back in the day. So who the fuck are you kidding? Your kind will support every sick perversion and pervert under the sun and expect everyone to agree with you. Newsflash! Ain't going to happen and the Church needs to stand strong proclaiming the Truth.
Sorry freak. These pedo fantasies of the future are all yours. Get a grip on reality.
Indy, you seem to be unusually interested in talking about homosexuality. That is a textbook sign of latent homosexuality. It's not too late for you to make a life changing decision. When ypou spit straight up it often falls back on your face.
Oh I get it. You're a moron who hangs out with morons and so think gay is an insult. Usually those were the closet fags, growing up.
The difference being that conservative Christian white men aren’t being subject to discrimination, bigotry, and hate.

Indeed, it’s conservative Christian white men who for the most part subject gay and transgender Americans to discrimination, bigotry, and hate.

And no – to denounce and oppose the bigotry and hate of conservative Christian white men isn’t to ‘discriminate’ against them.
So, you are justifying your bigotry and hateful rhetoric while denying others have justification for their hateful rhetoric and bigotry.

Gee that surprises no one here.
Every left winger ever...

ahhhhh....are people being mean to you?


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