I Give Up

The cash and prizes awarded to married couples has nothing to do with breeding. You are building your argument on a false premise.

We allow infertile couples to marry and collect those cash and prizes, you see.

All gays are asking for are the exact same cash and prizes, contrary to the claims by bigots that they want special favors.

The arguments against gay marriage are identical to the arguments made by bigots of the past against interracial marriage. They even hide behind the Bible to justify their hate.

Same bullshit, different decade.
The clear difference, anti-Christian bigot, is that unlike race, homosexuality is based on behavior, not genetics, asswipe.
Exactly. I have argued with others before about same sex marriages, in that they are not normal. In 2019 the census department listed about one million same sex households, married and unmarried, compared to about 69 million opposite sex marriages and households. Not even in the same ballpark. So, same sex marriages are not normal, just as queers aren't normal.

they want to be normal in every way that demofks will allow. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL, NO MATTER HOW Often they wish to ask. I am not subservient to them or demofks.
THEY are the ones who want to identify as queer. They are the ones who made up the whole alphabet thing, not me or others on the right. And, they are the ones who cause trouble if you don't identify them the way they want to be identified. So, I give up and I'll call them what they decided themselves, queer.
“They”? All of them? Home would you know this?
The cash and prizes awarded to married couples has nothing to do with breeding. You are building your argument on a false premise.

We allow infertile couples to marry and collect those cash and prizes, you see.

All gays are asking for are the exact same cash and prizes, contrary to the claims by bigots that they want special favors.

The arguments against gay marriage are identical to the arguments made by bigots of the past against interracial marriage. They even hide behind the Bible to justify their hate.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Dear lord, what lame logic. We speak of groups by their demographic makeup. 🤦‍♂️

The demographic group, opposite sex couples create 100% of the children. Same sex couples create 0% of the children, and zero percent of future taxpayers. 🤦‍♂️

So, are same sex couples claiming this failure due to disability?
they want to be normal in every way that demofks will allow. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL, NO MATTER HOW Often they wish to ask. I am not subservient to them or demofks.
Normal is a funny word.

Are paraplegics normal?

Are people with open marriages normal?

Are women (or men for that matter) that enjoy pain normal?
The clear difference, anti-Christian bigot, is that unlike race, homosexuality is based on behavior, not genetics, asswipe.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti bigot. It's very revealing you conflate the two.

Again, state marriage has nothing to do with religion. It's all about equal protection of the laws which bestow cash and prizes on married couples.

See, you have become so accustomed to the government being all wrapped up in marriage, you can't see straight.

In fact, you would be very upset if government extricated itself from marriage, wouldn't you. No more government cash and prizes!
do they use the letters? if so, then all of them. I understand you have a hard time with the language.
They use variations of those letters or all of them.

YOU choose to use the one you see as most denigrating
Not as long as any future coupling is made up from one man and one woman. Could care less.

You could not care less, but God does and you all love to pretend you care what God cares about
they want to be normal in every way that demofks will allow. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL, NO MATTER HOW Often they wish to ask. I am not subservient to them or demofks.
This has nothing to do with normal. Only about 10 percent of Americans eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. They are about as abnormal as gays. Should we ban them from marriage? It's a behavior, after all!

Abnormal ≠Wrong.

It's about time you figure that out.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti bigot. It's very revealing you conflate the two.

Again, state marriage has nothing to do with religion. It's all about equal protection of the laws which bestow cash and prizes on married couples.

See, you have become so accustomed to the government being all wrapped up in marriage, you can't see straight.

In fact, you would be very upset if government extricated itself from marriage, wouldn't you. No more government cash and prizes!

Nah, the government is simply elevating a relationship that has great purpose above one that has limited purpose to a fringe element.
“They”? All of them? Home would you know this?
LOL. They told us! They are the ones who came up with the letter system, which includes Q for queer. That's the way they want to be identified. I don't know why you people are arguing because I have given up and decided to call them the very same thing they themselves came up with, out of respect to them. I'm calling them what they want to be called. If they didn't want to be called that then they shouldn't have identified themselves with the Q.

But, I asked someone else and they couldn't answer. Maybe you can answer.

I know what L is - a lesbian, which are gay women.

Gay men are G's. I know what that is.

B is for bisexual and I know what that is.

T is for transsexual and I know what that is.

I guess + means everything else, which I'm not exactly sure what everything else is.

But, Q is for queer and I really don't know what a queer is.

Could you please explain to me what a queer is?

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