I Give Up

Did I say that? Nope?

I said, trying to equate minority rights, based on definable physical attributes, to those of a sexuality that is reliant on self proclamation is, well, absurd.
When two men show up for a marriage license, what do their physical attributes have to do with anything?
When two men show up for a marriage license, what do their physical attributes have to do with anything?

Nothing, but they could be two straight men. You’d have no way of proving different

If a Black man showed up to marry a white woman, you can through visual confirmation, or examination of the birth certificates, make these determinations.

Not equivalent at all.
The only way marriage will be blessed by G-d is that of His design: One Man-One Woman for life. Everything else makes a mockery of marriage.
A marriage license is so the marriage is recognized by the State. It has nothing to do with religion.

It's all about the state's cash and prizes which married people get.
Nothing, but they could be two straight men. You’d have no way of proving different

If a Black man showed up to marry a white woman, you can through visual confirmation, or examination of the birth certificates, make these determinations.

Not equivalent at all.
Totally equivalent. It's all about the cash and prizes the state bestows on married people. It has nothing to do with physical attributes.
Totally equivalent. It's all about the cash and prizes the state bestows on married people. It has nothing to do with physical attributes.

Then what’s the deal with the heterosexual only sign? Just to annoy?

That signs a joke because no one can tell a gay from a straight unless told.

So, not equivalent

Does it actually take this long to explain every simple concept to you?
The only way marriage will be blessed by G-d is that of His design: One Man-One Woman for life. Everything else makes a mockery of marriage.

Just to be clear, I object to all same sex marriage, regardless of the sexuality of the couple.
If non heterosexuals want to identify themselves as being queer, I think the right should accommodate their wishes. There are just way too many initials in the LGBTQ+ so let's shorten it up, stop adding new letters, and give them what they want by identifying them all as being Queers. Surely they can't object if we refer to them in the way they themselves want to identified as. Let's make it easier instead of harder. If they choose to be Queer and proclaim they want to be identified as queer, I give up and agree to do it but not's let keep adding letters until the whole alphabet has been used up. They're all just Queers.

That's dangerously close to understanding that we wouldn't need to normalize something if it was normal to start with.

Neither supply our species, and for that matter, our government, with what it needs to survive long term. Only opposite sex unions create offspring, and future taxpayers.
You need government incentives to breed? Can't get it up without Uncle Sam's help?

Wow. That's sad.
You need government incentives to breed? Can't get it up without Uncle Sam's help?

Wow. That's sad.

Nope, but apparently gays do? But I guess that’s not actually breeding.

But I love the deflection.

And while we are on the subject of equivalence.

Opposite sex couples, regardless of sexuality actually can breed. Same sex couples, regardless of the sexuality cannot
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Why not simply call them by name?

Which ones asked to be called Q? Certainly not all of them

Why did you pick that name rather than others?
THEY are the ones who want to identify as queer. They are the ones who made up the whole alphabet thing, not me or others on the right. And, they are the ones who cause trouble if you don't identify them the way they want to be identified. So, I give up and I'll call them what they decided themselves, queer.
Why not simply call them by name?

Which ones asked to be called Q? Certainly not all of them

Why did you pick that name rather than others?
why don't they just accept that not everyone is kowtowing to them and accept the language we use? I'm not subservient to them, why are you?
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"Same sex" marriage, whatever that phony is, makes a mockery of what G-d created. Government or no, it should never have been allowed.
Thanks, marriage is between a man and a woman, period. Nut job mental patients think they are sexes they are not.
Nope, but apparently gays do? But I guess that’s not actually breeding.

But I love the deflection.
The cash and prizes awarded to married couples has nothing to do with breeding. You are building your argument on a false premise.

We allow infertile couples to marry and collect those cash and prizes, you see.

All gays are asking for are the exact same cash and prizes, contrary to the claims by bigots that they want special favors.

The arguments against gay marriage are identical to the arguments made by bigots of the past against interracial marriage. They even hide behind the Bible to justify their hate.

Same bullshit, different decade.

That's dangerously close to understanding that we wouldn't need to normalize something if it was normal to start with.

Exactly. I have argued with others before about same sex marriages, in that they are not normal. In 2019 the census department listed about one million same sex households, married and unmarried, compared to about 69 million opposite sex marriages and households. Not even in the same ballpark. So, same sex marriages are not normal, just as queers aren't normal.


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