I Give Up

The Republicans DID gerrymander all they could to win elections. It is a fact.

Gerrymandering should be done away with. Period. For all sides.

Whose results won by the Republicans because of gerrymandering did I deny? None. They are welcome to their seats. Now, they have to do the real work their office requires of them.
In other words, you don't accept election results of certified elections. You are an election denier.
They are the ones who made up the Q stands for queer. I am accepting them for who they are and will refer to them using the letter THEY picked out themselves. It wasn't me who took their Q and decided it meant queer, they did.

So, they all got together and agreed on the Q? Are you sure about that? Can you provide a link to when this happened?

People from the state of Indiana are known as Hoosiers. Does that mean everyone in the state is ok with being called a Hoosiers?
So, you asked each and everyone of them and they all told you they wanted to be IDed that way?

Is that what you are saying?

Why aren't you championing the Trump supporters in the same way? How many times has 'MAGA' been used in a derogatory way on this board by the supposedly 'inclusive' lefties? Did they go around asking if they all wanted to be referred to using those pejoratives? I'm guessing they did not. So, tell me what's the difference?
Why aren't you championing the Trump supporters in the same way? How many times has 'MAGA' been used in a derogatory way on this board by the supposedly 'inclusive' lefties? Did they go around asking if they all wanted to be referred to using those pejoratives? I'm guessing they did not. So, tell me what's the difference?

Nope, I did it as an insult and was open about doing so. The OP lacks to balls to admit to such a thing and has to pretend they asked for it
Nope, I did it as an insult and was open about doing so. The OP lacks to balls to admit to such a thing and has to pretend they asked for it

That was a lame attempt at justification for the other side doing it, and you siding with them. :dunno:
So, they all got together and agreed on the Q? Are you sure about that? Can you provide a link to when this happened?

People from the state of Indiana are known as Hoosiers. Does that mean everyone in the state is ok with being called a Hoosiers?
I'm not going going to call them 26 different things. If you want to then fine. They picked out the Q and what it stands for and I'm willing to give up and call them one of the things they wanted to be called. All of this wokism is incredibly ridiculous, including the gender crap. People are born male and female. There is nothing else. I'm either going to call them a male or a female and I'll let them decide which one but nothing else. Same goes for this crap. I'll call them one thing, that's it, not 26. Since they picked Q for queer as one of their choices then I agree to call them that.
Are they following you around? Really?
In a manner of speaking, yes they are with the help of left-leaning public servants, TV, and movies.
There is an undisputed attempt by the left to showcase all queers of every denomination. The public is inundated on a daily basis with their wants, complaints, and the promotion of their degenerate sexual practices. I'm a big boy so I can survive this war but my grandkids will suffer the greatest because of this out-of-control sexual indoctrination perpetrated by the sick left.
That was a lame attempt at justification for the other side doing it, and you siding with them. :dunno:

You are comparing apples to hand grenades.

I have no problem with anyone that comes out and says "I am going to call gay people queers as an insult to them all" The same reason I called all of you Trump worshipers MAGAs

But I have zero respect for the OP that lacks the balls to be honest.
I'm not going going to call them 26 different things. If you want to then fine. They picked out the Q and what it stands for and I'm willing to give up and call them one of the things they wanted to be called. All of this wokism is incredibly ridiculous, including the gender crap. People are born male and female. There is nothing else. I'm either going to call them a male of a female and I'll let them decide but nothing else. Same goes of this crap. I'll call them one thing, that's it, not 26. Since they picked Q for queer as one of their choices then I agree to call them that.

Call them people.

Call them by their name like you do straight people.

Do you not know more than 26 people? Do you call everyone you know the same thing?
If non heterosexuals want to identify themselves as being queer, I think the right should accommodate their wishes. There are just way too many initials in the LGBTQ+ so let's shorten it up, stop adding new letters, and give them what they want by identifying them all as being Queers. Surely they can't object if we refer to them in the way they themselves want to identified as. Let's make it easier instead of harder. If they choose to be Queer and proclaim they want to be identified as queer, I give up and agree to do it but not's let keep adding letters until the whole alphabet has been used up. They're all just Queers.
They cannot all just be referred to as “queers.” A mom in New Jersey is making national news because of her strong objections to “safe space” posters made by 3rd and 4th graders on display in the hallways. The poster below shows the variety of terms our young children are expected to learn and understand, apparently. . Is there any way of explaining to the secular world (primarily liberal) how wrong it is to push sex on kids and promote perversions galore? It will be an accumulation of sin upon one’s soul for which you will be accountable.

Call them people.

Call them by their name like you do straight people.

Do you not know more than 26 people? Do you call everyone you know the same thing?
I don't remember a P being in their letter system. Q for Queer was in the lettering system as to how they themselves want to be identified.

But I do have a question maybe you can answer. I know what a lesbian is and I know what male gay persons are. I know what a bisexual is and I know what a transsexual is. I'm not sure about the + thing but I have no idea what queer actually is. Can you tell me what a queer actually is?

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