I Give Up

??????????????? They label and identify themselves as being queer. Isn't that what the Q stands for? If you think they are people and should be identified the way they want to be identified, isn't that what my post is all about? I said I give up and will address them the way they want to be addressed as being queer.
I have tons of gay friends. They never talk about the things you claim.
I like how demofks enjoy playing in poop for intercourse
For the past 8+ months just on this forum alone, dozens and dozens of sources from the left, in their own words, on the threat of Conservative Christian White men pose and the hateful rhetoric aimed directly at them. Do they not also deserve to be treated as humans? Which is the question I was answering when the deflection started.

I no longer provide information to people like that because they are not serious in their desire to learn or not capable in most cases.
If non heterosexuals want to identify themselves as being queer, I think the right should accommodate their wishes. There are just way too many initials in the LGBTQ+ so let's shorten it up, stop adding new letters, and give them what they want by identifying them all as being Queers. Surely they can't object if we refer to them in the way they themselves want to identified as. Let's make it easier instead of harder. If they choose to be Queer and proclaim they want to be identified as queer, I give up and agree to do it but not's let keep adding letters until the whole alphabet has been used up. They're all just Queers.
Dave Chappelle does a funny stand up on how the LGBT's don't even like each other.

Lesbians don't like gays. Neither of them like bi's. Trannies piss them all off. LOL.
I have tons of gay friends. They never talk about the things you claim.
What things do I claim? They are the ones who came up with the whole LGBTQ+ thing. I didn't. I'm just giving them what they want to be referred to as. But, I'm not going to use every letter in the alphabet. They have Q listed for queer so that's what I'll call them. I didn't make they Q thing up, they did.
Yes it is. And you talked to each of them to make sure they support being called that? Or do you just assume that every single gay person thinks exactly alike?
I'm not going to refer to 26 different people with 26 different ways they want to be identified as. That's just nuts. Soon, they will be going to come up with other base alphabets to identify as so that there will be more than 26 choices. They are the ones who came up with the Q for queer. I didn't make that up. So, I will identify them by just ONE of their choices and, out of respect to them, I choose one that they made up themselves. Everyone who is not in the norm is queer. They chose the term, not me.

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