I Give Up

If non heterosexuals want to identify themselves as being queer, I think the right should accommodate their wishes. There are just way too many initials in the LGBTQ+ so let's shorten it up, stop adding new letters, and give them what they want by identifying them all as being Queers. Surely they can't object if we refer to them in the way they themselves want to identified as. Let's make it easier instead of harder. If they choose to be Queer and proclaim they want to be identified as queer, I give up and agree to do it but not's let keep adding letters until the whole alphabet has been used up. They're all just Queers.
yeh, I concur

I never bother w/ all those letters which frankly, I don't recall all of them and do not give one hoot in hell anyway.

I just call them Perverts
yeh, I concur

I never bother w/ all those letters which frankly, I don't recall all of them and do not give one hoot in hell anyway.

I just call them Perverts
I'm doing them a favor so, out of respect, I will refer to them as how they want to be identified, as being queers.
No, they include women too, but they have a special designation for Conservative Christian women. Yet, they too are treated as less than human.
Religious Americans are full of exaggerations.
They do not get to ban abortion. They are the victims.
And now that they banned abortion, they continue to be the victims.

In order to win elections they gerrymander to death. Suppress voting in all the Republican led States, and it goes on and on.

They victimize Republican women themselves with anti abortion, anti voting, anti LGBT laws, and then consider themselves the victims when there is a protest and blowback against all of their nonsensical laws which only makes them go back to the Dark Ages when the Vatican would put such laws and the extremist religious people would do the dirty work for them.

Stop wanting to take other people's rights from them.

Not one of you hav Anything to do with anyone from the LGBT community. Many of them are kicked out of their homes by family and others just for being different.

Accept different especially when it does NOT affect your lives in any way. And most Republicans are NOT affected by it in any shape or form.

It is called Prejudice of the other. Prejudice of what one does not understand.
Yes it is. And you talked to each of them to make sure they support being called that? Or do you just assume that every single gay person thinks exactly alike?
As I said, I'm not going to call them by 26 different terms. They will have to settle on one, as I have given up and agreed to use one of the terms THEY decided on.
Religious Americans are full of exaggerations.
They do not get to ban abortion. They are the victims.
And now that they banned abortion, they continue to be the victims.

In order to win elections they gerrymander to death. Suppress voting in all the Republican led States, and it goes on and on.

They victimize Republican women themselves with anti abortion, anti voting, anti LGBT laws, and then consider themselves the victims when there is a protest and blowback against all of their nonsensical laws which only makes them go back to the Dark Ages when the Vatican would put such laws and the extremist religious people would do the dirty work for them.

Stop wanting to take other people's rights from them.

Not one of you hav Anything to do with anyone from the LGBT community. Many of them are kicked out of their homes by family and others just for being different.

Accept different especially when it does NOT affect your lives in any way. And most Republicans are NOT affected by it in any shape or form.

It is called Prejudice of the other. Prejudice of what one does not understand.
Nice attempt at gaslighting. Failed miserably, but hey, 8.9.
Laughable argument. If the queers didn't like the term LGBTQ they would take to the streets in mass and you know it.
Yup. If they don't want to be referred to as queers then they shouldn't have referred to themselves as that. If they don't like the term, it is up to them to take the Q out.
Laughable argument. If the queers didn't like the term LGBTQ they would take to the streets in mass and you know it.
How is the homosexual community's choice of how they refer to themselves any different from any other group's choice? It is not.

Caucasian went to White. By whose's choice?
Who chose Redskin?
Religious Americans are full of exaggerations.
They do not get to ban abortion. They are the victims.
And now that they banned abortion, they continue to be the victims.

In order to win elections they gerrymander to death. Suppress voting in all the Republican led States, and it goes on and on.

They victimize Republican women themselves with anti abortion, anti voting, anti LGBT laws, and then consider themselves the victims when there is a protest and blowback against all of their nonsensical laws which only makes them go back to the Dark Ages when the Vatican would put such laws and the extremist religious people would do the dirty work for them.

Stop wanting to take other people's rights from them.

Not one of you hav Anything to do with anyone from the LGBT community. Many of them are kicked out of their homes by family and others just for being different.

Accept different especially when it does NOT affect your lives in any way. And most Republicans are NOT affected by it in any shape or form.

It is called Prejudice of the other. Prejudice of what one does not understand.
So, now you are an admitted election denier?
I'm not going to refer to 26 different people with 26 different ways they want to be identified as. That's just nuts. Soon, they will be going to come up with other base alphabets to identify as so that there will be more than 26 choices. They are the ones who came up with the Q for queer. I didn't make that up. So, I will identify them by just ONE of their choices and, out of respect to them, I choose one that they made up themselves. Everyone who is not in the norm is queer. They chose the term, not me.

That seems to be on you, not them.

I have at least 26 family members and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

I have more than 26 co-workers and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

Way more than 26 members at my American Legion, and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

Not really sure what is so hard about it that has triggered you so
It will not bother them, although you wish it would.
As I said, I have given up and decided to refer to them as to how they want to be referred to as. You should talk to the other posters in this thread who are all upset that I am going to refer to them as the Q they wanted to referred to as.
That seems to be on you, not them.

I have at least 26 family members and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

I have more than 26 co-workers and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

Way more than 26 members at my American Legion, and I refer to each of them as they wish to be.

Not really sure what is so hard about it that has triggered you so
It hasn't triggered me at all. The woke left want us to refer to them as queers so I have finally become woke and agree to refer to them as queers.
As I said, I'm not going to call them by 26 different terms. They will have to settle on one, as I have given up and agreed to use one of the terms THEY decided on.
And oddly you picked the ONE name you feel denigrates all of them the most.

Aren’t you clever
I have numerous friends who are either male gay or or female gay and some who are trans.

I refer to them by their names.
It hasn't triggered me at all. The woke left want us to refer to them as queers so I have finally become woke and agree to refer to them as queers.

Nope, you just made this up due to your irrational hatred of people that are not just like you.
I have numerous friends who are either male gay or or female gay and some who are trans.

I refer to them by their names.

That seems to be too much to ask of Indy, he has to group everyone in to one group name.

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