I guess Bank of America is going to be begging for a taxpayer funded bailout after they give all these mortgages to people who can't afford to pay...

If this were true you would know that MOST military members do not buy houses.
I don't really GAF what most single GIs do. I think you would be surprised how many married GIs purchase their homes. Every member of my family since 1963 has purchased their homes at every domestic duty station. It is a no brainer. The military gives you a housing allowance. Put it in your own pocket and earn more in appreciation. Why would anyone pay for somebody else's property when you can buy your own for less and use it as a savings account? That is moronic.
I don't really GAF what most single GIs do. I think you would be surprised how many married GIs purchase their homes. Every member of my family since 1963 has purchased their homes at every domestic duty station. It is a no brainer. The military gives you a housing allowance. Put it in your own pocket and earn more in appreciation. Why would anyone pay for somebody else's property when you can buy your own for less and use it as a savings account? That is moronic.

I would not be surprised at all since I spent 20 year on active duty and know how many bought homes.

But, thanks for calling more than half of the US military "moronic"
Bad loans given out in 2008 were big money losers for lenders.
Wrong. Those lenders were bailed out by the tax payers. Some of them even got to double dip. They got tax payer money and was able to get the properties back on foreclosures.

Just ask Trumps treasury secretary banker Steve Munchin that did exactly that.
If this were true you would know that MOST military members do not buy houses.
MOST military members are single and live in barracks. Married GIs with families are provided with housing allowances that can be and are used widely to purchase homes by anyone with half a brain. We seldom spent more than 1 to 2 years in a duty station and we always purchased. Worked out very well for all of us.
MOST military members are single and live in barracks. Married GIs with families are provided with housing allowances that can be and are used widely to purchase homes by anyone with half a brain. We seldom spent more than 1 to 2 years in a duty station and we always purchased. Worked out very well for all of us.

there we go again, insulting those that do not think like you. What a great guy you are!
Everyone on this forum wonders about you. 2008 was a direct result of Clinton and a Democrats Congress encouraging banks to do exactly what Bank of America is doing now.
Wrong. What happened in 2008 was the result of repeal of banking regulations allowing the loans to be made, and the ensuing debt sold.

That Democrats have tried to undo, and Tepublicans have blocked at every turn.

But no doubt, with that reply, you are in full agreement with all of the regulations, including the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall right?

I mean there’s no way anyone could be so big of a hypocrite, they would make a statement like you just made, and not support the return of those regulations? Am I right?
I would not be surprised at all since I spent 20 year on active duty and know how many bought homes.

But, thanks for calling more than half of the US military "moronic"
If you could read and comprehend and quit running around in your own head, you would see that I qualified my response to MARRIED GIs, moron. The majority of the military are single and live in BARRACKS w/NO HOUSING ALLOWANCE. And yeah, if a married GI is collecting a housing allowance--and especially if they are looking at 3-4 years in the same duty station, they are morons if they don't buy. Even if the GI is looking at spending a year or more unaccompanied overseas, he should purchase as his family will still need housing. You are proof (if you're not lying AGAIN) that serving in the military does not NECESSARILY mean you are the sharpest knife in the drawer. Idiocy does not discriminate by job.
If you could read and comprehend and quit running around in your own head, you would see that I qualified my response to MARRIED GIs, moron.

Yes, and you call the Married military members morons.

And yeah, if a married GI is collecting a housing allowance--and especially if they are looking at 3-4 years in the same duty station, they are morons if they don't buy.

There, now you are at least being honest with your insults of those who do not think like you.

Even if the GI is looking at spending a year or more unaccompanied overseas, he should purchase as his family will still need housing.

Or, his family can stay in base housing while he is gone, not having to worry about repairs that might pop up. They can be in an area where the other military members and their families can look after them if they need anything.

You are proof (if you're not lying AGAIN) that serving in the military does not NECESSARILY mean you are the sharpest knife in the drawer. Idiocy does not discriminate by job.

And more insults by those that do not think like you. At least you are consistent. Are those military members that lost their clearances and ruined their careers in 08 due to getting orders while their houses were underwater due to the housing crash qualify as morons in your book also?
Wrong. What happened in 2008 was the result of repeal of banking regulations allowing the loans to be made, and the ensuing debt sold.

That Democrats have tried to undo, and Tepublicans have blocked at every turn.

But no doubt, with that reply, you are in full agreement with all of the regulations, including the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall right?

I mean there’s no way anyone could be so big of a hypocrite, they would make a statement like you just made, and not support the return of those regulations? Am I right?

So when did Biden return them?

Here is a video of Democrats fighting against the idea of an oversight committee of F&F.

I really don't GAF about your feelings snowflake. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Are those military members that lost their clearances and ruined their careers in 08 due to getting orders while their houses were underwater due to the housing crash qualify as morons in your book also?
Yes, and you call the Married military members morons.
Reverting to lying again. I called the married GIs that didn't have the common sense and foresight to make logical decisions morons. And no, every member of the military is not a genius--you prove that. Your buddy, Biden's choices for the top military spots in the US are further proof.
They can be in an area where the other military members and their families can look after them if they need anything.
Your problem is obvious. You couldn't solve a problem if it bit you in the ass. Some of us are self sufficient and can fend for ourselves. That used to be a trait of military members. Apparently you didn't get the memo.
Are those military members that lost their clearances and ruined their careers in 08 due to getting orders while their houses were underwater due to the housing crash qualify as morons in your book also?
Your ignorance is showing again. Many people thought further than the end of their noses and put those properties up for rent and rode it out. You just don't think very well do you. BTW, yeah, you qualify as a moron in my book.
Your problem is obvious. You couldn't solve a problem if it bit you in the ass. Some of us are self sufficient and can fend for ourselves. That used to be a trait of military members. Apparently you didn't get the memo.

Actually a trait of the military has always been to take care of their own. I felt much better knowing my wife and 1 year old daughter were on a secured military base housing with people close by that could help if they needed it while I was deployed.

The fact that you insult that trait is one more sign that you are just making shit up about your time in the service.

Many people thought further than the end of their noses and put those properties up for rent and rode it out. You just don't think very well do you. BTW, yeah, you qualify as a moron in my book.

And even more lost their shirts and their clearances due to a foreclosure on their record.

But please, continue on insulting those that do not think like you, it seems to be your only skill.
MOST military members are single and live in barracks. Married GIs with families are provided with housing allowances that can be and are used widely to purchase homes by anyone with half a brain. We seldom spent more than 1 to 2 years in a duty station and we always purchased. Worked out very well for all of us.
Same reason I guy I know bought a house where 2 of his kids are going to college, it's cheaper than paying rent. If there weren't 2 right next to each other in school he probably wouldn't have.

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