I guess I'll just say HI.... I'm independent....

Hey guys glad to be here I've posted on the MSNBC board for a few years and now I'm here. I an either a very liberal conservative or a rather conservative liberal.

Congress and the LAW did! Clinton merely obeyed the law!

Hmmm, you'll need to explain that, then. If things were that simple, then why wasn't the Bush Administration also forced to follow the law?
Because it WASN'T the fucking LAW by then anymore, you stupid, insufferable, uneducated twit! I have explained this to you more than once!

Gramm-Rudman and Line-Item veto were struck down by the DEM dominated Supreme Court of the time. And as soon as that happened, Congress went WILD with the spending, starting in Clinton's LAST year of service. Then during Bush's term, they marginalized Paygo until it had NO teeth at all, blaming Booooosh for it the entire time, and STILL haven't even tried to bring it back in any meaningful way.

Clinton OBEYED the law and enjoyed more power over fiscal matters than any President before or since. I give him credit for obeying the law.

Before Gramm-Rudman and Line-Item veto, in Clinton's first 2 years? He was spending like a drunken sailor. Just like what you see now with Obama and this Congress. The voters back then KICKED the dems OUT of Congress over it, and we got G-R and Line-Item as a result.

Monica, you like sucking Obama's dick and Clinton's at the same time?

Holy shit--talk about a spinmeister. Booosh "Marginalized PAYGO?" Yeah, right. Here are the FACTS, you--er, stupid insufferable Bushaholic.

Gramm-Rudmand Act - The process for determining the amount of the automatic cuts to prevent large budget deficits.

Following the USSC decision, replaced by -- The Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 and PAYGO, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990: Required all increases in direct spending or revenue decreases to be offset by other spending decreases or revenue increases to control deficit spending. In the initial PAYGO ruling, if legislation enacted during a session of Congress had the effect of increasing the projected deficit for the following year, a "sequestration" would be triggered (an across the board spending reduction of non-exempt mandatory programs to offset any increase in the deficit caused by that).

These rules were in effect from FY1991-FY2002 (through Boooooooosh's first fiscal year). Enacted in 1990, it was extended in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. In FY 1991 the Federal deficit was 4.5% of GDP, by FY 2000 the Federal surplus was 2.4%. Total Federal spending as a percentage of GDP decreased each year from FY1991 through FY 2000, falling from 22.3% to 18.4%. Deficits, though, returned by the last year PAYGO was in effect: There was a return to deficits ($158 billion, 1.5% of GDP) in 2002.

Beginning in 1998, in response to the first federal budget surplus since 1969, Congress started enacting, and the President signing, increases in discretionary spending above the statutory limit using creative means such as advance appropriations, delays in making obligations and payments, emergency designations, and specific directives. While staying within the technical definition of the law, this allowed spending that otherwise would not be allowed. The result was emergency spending of $34 billion in 1999 and $44 billion in 2000. This late spending was the subject of the infamous Gingrich-Clinton battles to shut down the government.

BUT ...

The Bush Administration allowed PAYGO to expire and thereafer went HOG WILD. To call it "marginalized" under Bush is ludicrous. So tell me, Maurauder, are YOU still sucking Junior's dick?

After the expiration of PAYGO, budget deficits returned. The federal surplus shrank from $236.2 billion in 2000 to $128.2 billion in 2001, then a $157.8 billion deficit in 2002 -- the last year statutory PAYGO was in effect. The deficit increased to $377.6 in 2003 and $412.7 billion in 2004. The federal deficit excluding trust funds was $537.3 billion in FY2006. In the first 6 years of President Bush's term, with a Republican controlled Congress, the federal debt increased by $3 trillion.

On a personal note to you, it seems there are some days when you are incapable of posting anything that isn't laced with insults and profanity. On other days, you seem fairly sane. Maybe you should have a coupla snorts before to calm you down before you start in on someone if you wish to remain credible.
Sorry, Harlow -- Please don't get disillusioned by the fistacuff between Maurauder and Maggie. Happens all the time, and I apologize for taking up YOUR intro space.
Thanks guys.... Clinton never really had a "surplus" -- only a "projected surplus" which never really happened.

I like ya already...welcome to USMB with a little rep to boot (gotta keep Bones happy).
Thanks guys.... Clinton never really had a "surplus" -- only a "projected surplus" which never really happened.

He almost reduced the defecit to zero though, best i've seen in my lifetime of 7 presidents.

Congress and the LAW did! Clinton merely obeyed the law!

yeah but he pushed the congress to reform welfare and pushed to have the capital gains tax reduced (which lead to more capital gains and thus capital gains tax revenue).

He may not have done it himself but he advocated for it and was the big chief while doing so.

That, btw, is really the only good thing I remember about clinton. I also remember his lying under oath and his wagging the dog after.
Thanks guys.... Clinton never really had a "surplus" -- only a "projected surplus" which never really happened.

He almost reduced the defecit to zero though, best i've seen in my lifetime of 7 presidents.

Congress and the LAW did! Clinton merely obeyed the law!

I hate when people give credit to clintoon when it was congress that did it. Shows ignorance

Welcome vharlow :eusa_angel:
Hmmm, you'll need to explain that, then. If things were that simple, then why wasn't the Bush Administration also forced to follow the law?
Because it WASN'T the fucking LAW by then anymore, you stupid, insufferable, uneducated twit! I have explained this to you more than once!

Gramm-Rudman and Line-Item veto were struck down by the DEM dominated Supreme Court of the time. And as soon as that happened, Congress went WILD with the spending, starting in Clinton's LAST year of service. Then during Bush's term, they marginalized Paygo until it had NO teeth at all, blaming Booooosh for it the entire time, and STILL haven't even tried to bring it back in any meaningful way.

Clinton OBEYED the law and enjoyed more power over fiscal matters than any President before or since. I give him credit for obeying the law.

Before Gramm-Rudman and Line-Item veto, in Clinton's first 2 years? He was spending like a drunken sailor. Just like what you see now with Obama and this Congress. The voters back then KICKED the dems OUT of Congress over it, and we got G-R and Line-Item as a result.

Monica, you like sucking Obama's dick and Clinton's at the same time?

Holy shit--talk about a spinmeister. ~mindless bullshit cut and paste blather removed for brevity ~
You pasted all this garbage from somewhere, without sourcing it, and it has nothing at all to do with the subject we were discussing.

Again, you cannot dazzle with brilliance, so you try to baffle with bullshit.

BUT ...The Bush Administration allowed PAYGO to expire
Wrong again! Paygo was a HOUSE rule, not something the POTUS had ANY control over whatsoever!!! You're regurgitating the typical LIE about that, without addressing -- WHY isn't a Paygo with real TEETH back already, the DEMS have had control now for two full years!

It's because they don't WANT it back, never did, and never will! You IDIOT!!!!

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