"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

It's not murder if it's legal.

So the Nazis did not murder about six million Jews, and about ten million others deemed to be untermenschen? It was all perfectly legal, after all, under the laws in effect in Germany, at the time, so no murders at all.

But then, that seems to be becoming the left wrong-wing approach to solving crime problems. Simply define activities that would be considered crimes under any sane system of laws, as being legal, and then there's no crime when those acts are committed.
Do you feel the same way about guns? I mean, almost without exception when you have an abortion procedure someone dies. But when you buy a gun, nobody usually dies. However, the left wants to regulate firearms virtually out of existence. How do you square these two positions? It looks to me that if the left wants to be consistent it should, in fact, regulate abortion out of existence. It is funny that leftists are hardcore statists until killing babies is brought up. Then they become libertarians.

It should be added that all of the deaths that occur, that are in any way connected with firearms, don't add up to a tiny fraction of the deaths from abortion. Not by an order of magnitude.

Further, the overwhelmingly vast majority of guns, and of gun owners, never have anything to do with anyone being killed, whereas every single successful abortion, without exception, results in the death of an innocent human being.

It is deeply hypocritical and irrational for anyone to support abortion, and at the same time, support an infringement of the people's right to keep and bear arms.

By supporting abortion, one proves that one doe snot give a shit about the value of human life, so one refutes any argument on any other topic based on any such alleged concerns.
Correct, if it's legal it's homicide (like the death penalty, which you also support).

There is a huge difference between being in favor of the exception of a criminal that has been properly convicted of a crime serious enough to call for it; and supporting the execution of an innocent child without any due process of law at all.
i don't see how anyone can get an abortion after SEEING one. The photos are on the internet, so I am pretty certain 80% of the US or more has seen them. How u can justify abortion after that is... beyond us

Leftism is a death cult. Just look at the daily slaughter of men, women, and children in their shithole cities. They love it.
No you weren't. Like all pro-aborts, you want the black and brown babies killed first.
Margaret Sanger spelled it all out, and you're carrying out her wishes.

Margaret Sanger never actually supported abortion, nor any other form of murder. She regarded black people as “human weeds”, and wanted to discourage them from breeding, but she never advocated killing them.
There is a huge difference between being in favor of the exception of a criminal that has been properly convicted of a crime serious enough to call for it; and supporting the execution of an innocent child without any due process of law at all.

Agree 100%. I am pro-life and also oppose the death penalty, which I realize is at odds with a lot of my fellow conservatives.
In states where abortion is legal, the fetus is the women's…
It's different in states that ban abortion because the fetus belongs to the state and they decide what the woman can do with it.

If one human being is the property of another, or of the state, then that would be slavery, which is explicitly prohibited under the Thirteenth Amendment.
That’s a subjective personal opinion; that some believe an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ isn’t justification to deny women their right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.
Whether one believes an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ or not is not within the purview of the state to decide or enforce.

That's the difference between a Nazi and a human being—the refusal to recognize another human being as such, and to recognize the rights of that other human being.
The issue is the proper role of the state, not subjective, personal opinion as to whether an embryo/fetus is a ‘child.’
And the proper role of the state is to not force personal, subjective opinions on citizens using the authority of government.

There is no more fundamental, essential function of government, than to protect innocent human beings from those that would unjustly cause them harm.

That is the very reason why government was invented, in the first place.

Abortion is the unjustifiable killing of an innocent human being. For any government to not act against that is malfeasance on the part of that government.
So the Nazis did not murder about six million Jews, and about ten million others deemed to be untermenschen? It was all perfectly legal, after all, under the laws in effect in Germany, at the time, so no murders at all.

I can't answer that question. I do not know how Germany defined murder.

If it's how we define it then yes, it would not be murder.

Genocide would probably be a better word.

But then, that seems to be becoming the left wrong-wing approach to solving crime problems. Simply define activities that would be considered crimes under any sane system of laws, as being legal, and then there's no crime when those acts are committed.
Sane system of laws? Following the constitution is about as sane as it can be.

Before 50 years of precedent was overturned by SCOTUS, abortion was legal in America.

Now it is up to the states to determine if it's legal according to the 10th amendment.

You think following the constitution isn't sane? Is that really your arguement?
Again, hypocritical bs from Mrs. Jones.
You only like personal choice when it comes to murder, not individual, actual health decisions.
Right commie America hater?
That an embryo/fetus is a ‘baby’ is subjective, personal opinion – not fact; government has no business legislating personal, subjective opinion.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.
It's a dodge.

No, this is a Dodge. Or at least, that is how it is branded. It's really some sort of weird Alfa Romeo/FIAT/Hyundai/Mercedes Benz/Chrysler mongrel. But it's branded as a Dodge.

That an embryo/fetus is a ‘baby’ is subjective, personal opinion – not fact; government has no business legislating personal, subjective opinion.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.

It's life. You and your fell baby murderers can screech all day but it's still a life
Targeting black people for abortions isn't capitalism, it's genocide.
No, it's not. Nice strawman.

What is capitalism is opening businesses in areas where they make the most profit or maximize foot traffic.

Do you think opening payday loan stores in a rich neighborhood or placing a Prada store in a poor neighborhood is the best way to maximize profits?

You apparently think that business locations should not be profit based but race based.

That is really weird coming from a republican.
I can't answer that question. I do not know how Germany defined murder.
If it's how we define it then yes, it would not be murder.
Genocide would probably be a better word.
Sane system of laws? Following the constitution is about as sane as it can be.
Before 50 years of precedent was overturned by SCOTUS, abortion was legal in America.
Now it is up to the states to determine if it's legal according to the 10th amendment.
You think following the constitution isn't sane? Is that really your arguement?

The Constitution does not say anything about abortion. It certainly contains no language, anywhere, that even hints at any right of one person to murder another in cold blood.
It's a dodge. Sorry, but when a large part of the country considers that fetus to be a unique human life worthy of government protection either at all times or past a given time, you aren't just going to sweep this argument under the rug.
Everyone is pro-life – including those who support and defend a woman’s right to privacy and oppose government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty.

There needs to be an answer to end abortion – more government interfering in citizens’ lives and ‘banning’ abortion aren’t the answer.

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