"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

And we’re they not knocked down by the courts or eventually withdrawn. They only applied to employees/contractors I believe so one could choose whether to get vaccinated or find another job. Abortion does not allow for choice. Do you support choice?

You can choose to keep your baby or move to another state where they allow you to kill it for no reason. Same thing.
They do. You people will kill any baby, but your focus is on killing black and brown babies, just like Sanger advocated.
How is the law implemented that it focuses on black women?

Are abortions cheaper for black women? Is there less paperwork? Is there some sort of cap on how many white women can get abortions?

Lastly, is it your contention that any law that doesn't effect all racists exactly equally racist?
I appreciate your response. But it is very general. The issue is whether a state can regulate abortion, even to the point of outlawing it. The answer in existing law is yes. Now, that is not to say that in my younger years I would not throw down $280.00 in cash to pay for a mistake to go away. Frankly, it does not bother me as long as it is, in fact, a tiny mass of cells that lack human characteristics. But when it starts displaying a heart beat that you can see on sonogram, that is kind of the point where I would not be comfortable icing it. I cannot tell you why, necessarily, this is. That is how I feel. Therein lies the difficulty with abortion.

See, when you count all the broads out there, I think there probably is a slim majority who want to have abortions be legal. But there is a caveat to this. At some point, as the pregnancy progresses, support for abortion at later points is going to drop. Nobody wants what, say, Kermit Gosnell was doing. See Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia He was a monster. But most chicks are ok with pulling out a microscopic thing and squashing it like a bug.
It was outlawed by law (that is what the word means :)

Ask yourself what was the climate of the 14th amendment legal;y and socially

a. The word “person” in the dictionaries of the time was used interchangeably with “human being.”

b. No dictionary of the era referred to birth as the event that signals the onset of personhood.

c. The writings of 18th-century legal scholar William Blackstone indicated that in a legal sense, “person” included all human beings.

d. When the 14th Amendment passed in 1868, it granted all “persons” equal protection of the law, and forbade them to be deprived of life without due process of law.

e. By 1868, the states widely recognized children in utero as persons, and 23 (of 37) states and six territories referred to the fetus as a child in statutes proscribing abortion.
How is the law implemented that it focuses on black women?

Are abortions cheaper for black women? Is there less paperwork? Is there some sort of cap on how many white women can get abortions?

Lastly, is it your contention that any law that doesn't effect all racists exactly equally racist?

2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods. 79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
  • The national map shows Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods. 79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
  • The national map shows Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
Yes. Because they offer services for poor people.

Do you think they should be located in Beverly hills?
2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods. 79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
  • The national map shows Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.


I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
Is your position so weak it can only be supported by lying?

Democrats want women to have the choice in their health care.
Republicans want to dictate to women what they will choose.

I choose freedom for women.
Now you're just being a typical racist white boomer assuming all poor people are black and brown.

View attachment 885738
When did I assume all people were black or brown?

What I stated was planned Parenthood typically offers services for the poor so why wouldn't planned Parenthood focus on poor areas?

Do you think PP should open clinics in rich areas where women have money and good insurance?
When did I assume all people were black or brown?

What I stated was planned Parenthood typically offers services for the poor so why wouldn't planned Parenthood focus on poor areas?

Do you think PP should open clinics in rich areas where women have money and good insurance?

Ask yourself why you're supporting black genocide.


Do you think payday loan outlets are racist?

Yup. That's been proven numerous times. You people aggressively market predatory loans to black people, just like you target them for abortions.


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