"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

What job were you forced to get a vaccination for?
Well, lets see....I wasn't a nurse....not a pilot....not in the military any more....oh yeah! From a production job here in manufacturing. You remember....one of many, many businesses that forced people to get the jab or lose their jobs.
But for murder of infants, its make your own choice, is that how you operate?
Texas would rather risk a woman dying to save an unviable fetus. Fact. It’s in their laws.
and anyone that doesn't like it can move. It's a states issue now. They way it should have always been.

but your prior comment that I was commenting on was an absolute lie. I commented in an equally radical way to show you how stupid you sound.

im glad it worked.
It's a dodge. Sorry, but when a large part of the country considers that fetus to be a unique human life worthy of government protection either at all times or past a given time, you aren't just going to sweep this argument under the rug.
Hahahaha. A dodge?! You’re just saying that because you don’t like the idea that a liberal doesn’t want to encourage people to have abortions. I don’t think many pro choice people do. Sorry if that blows up your narrative that they are all evil
All federal employees were mandated vaccines. Including military.

Not Congress though, I wonder why?
And we’re they not knocked down by the courts or eventually withdrawn. They only applied to employees/contractors I believe so one could choose whether to get vaccinated or find another job. Abortion does not allow for choice. Do you support choice?
and anyone that doesn't like it can move. It's a states issue now. They way it should have always been.

but your prior comment that I was commenting on was an absolute lie. I commented in an equally radical way to show you how stupid you sound.

im glad it worked.
It doesn’t alter my point about your (I’m assuming you are ok with this) views about women and their rights to make their own decisions.

A lot of evil throughout our history has been covered over by “state’s rights”.
It's a dodge. Sorry, but when a large part of the country considers that fetus to be a unique human life worthy of government protection either at all times or past a given time, you aren't just going to sweep this argument under the rug.
A larger part of the country supports a woman’s right to choice.
And we’re they not knocked down by the courts or eventually withdrawn. They only applied to employees/contractors I believe so one could choose whether to get vaccinated or find another job. Abortion does not allow for choice. Do you support choice?
Hmmm....not according to me, or my ex military buddies, or my ex pilot buddies....

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