"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

That's an innocent human being, whose savage, cold-blooded murder you are defending.

That’s a subjective personal opinion; that some believe an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ isn’t justification to deny women their right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.

Whether one believes an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ or not is not within the purview of the state to decide or enforce.
You lefties love some black baby killing! You just call it "medical care" or "health care" or "WOMEN'S Health Care" and you dupe everyone, even yourselves, into justifying genocide against the unborn.
Hey, maybe they can combine their jab edict with an abortion, and tell their female employees....
"get the abortion or be fired"!
Do you feel the same way about guns? I mean, almost without exception when you have an abortion procedure someone dies. But when you buy a gun, nobody usually dies. However, the left wants to regulate firearms virtually out of existence. How do you square these two positions? It looks to me that if the left wants to be consistent it should, in fact, regulate abortion out of existence. It is funny that leftists are hardcore statists until killing babies is brought up. Then they become libertarians.
An abortion procedure is something that is done to a woman and her body. I don’t see the fetus as an independent person like a gun crime victim would be. Now with that said I own guns and have no problem with responsible people owning guns as well. I also have no problem with some safeguards in place to make sure responsible people are the ones legally buying guns and not whackos

That’s a subjective personal opinion; that some believe an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ isn’t justification to deny women their right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.

Whether one believes an embryo/fetus is a ‘human being’ or not is not within the purview of the state to decide or enforce.
Sure it is Mrs Jones.....the Supreme Court, the Law of our Land, said so.
Commie America hater.

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
Want and get are not one and the same.
And once again, you show us how you are forever trapped in the Liar paradox, from which you will never be able to escape. As a result, you are incapable of ever telling the truth, but you can never even properly lie, either.
The issue is the proper role of the state, not subjective, personal opinion as to whether an embryo/fetus is a ‘child.’

And the proper role of the state is to not force personal, subjective opinions on citizens using the authority of government.
The issue is the proper role of the state, not subjective, personal opinion as to whether an embryo/fetus is a ‘child.’

And the proper role of the state is to not force personal, subjective opinions on citizens using the authority of government.
But that's exactly what you and your Reich do Mrs. Jones....
Believing that some women are ‘too stupid’ to make their own decisions is typical of the authoritarian right.

The right’s war on women continues.
Murder is against the law and not subject to any discussion. "own decisions" do not pertain when it comes to murder looneybin.
If she is then that’s her deal. I’m not going to get into her business and I’m not going to fight for the government to get into her business either.

There’s no chicketshit in my reply, it was an honest answer.

It's a dodge. Sorry, but when a large part of the country considers that fetus to be a unique human life worthy of government protection either at all times or past a given time, you aren't just going to sweep this argument under the rug.
Less than 1% of abortions are for saving the life of the mother. Over 99% are for getting her back on the dance floor...rinse...repeat.

You know for a fact that 99% are just so she can runaround having sex again.

Yet another reason why you have no business being in charge of a woman’s body.
Conservatives are entitled to whatever personal, subjective opinions they want – they’re not entitled to force those personal, subjective opinions on others through force of law.
Again, hypocritical bs from Mrs. Jones.
You only like personal choice when it comes to murder, not individual, actual health decisions.
Right commie America hater?
You know for a fact that 99% are just so she can runaround having sex again.

Yet another reason why you have no business being in charge of a woman’s body.
I am in charge of no woman's body....but look it up for yourself.
One thing I know.....you have no business preaching to me when you mandate my personal health choices.
I am in charge of no woman's body....but look it up for yourself.
One thing I know.....you have no business preaching to me when you mandate my personal health choices.
Which ones?

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