"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

Hahahaha. A dodge?! You’re just saying that because you don’t like the idea that a liberal doesn’t want to encourage people to have abortions. I don’t think many pro choice people do. Sorry if that blows up your narrative that they are all evil

There are plenty of "liberals" encouraging, or celebrating it. Which is fucking sick.

It's why 'safe, legal and rare" had to die as a slogan. "rare" implies it's something wrong with it, and pro-aborts can't have that.

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
1st unwanted pregnancy, didn't have the brains to keep the legs shut.

2nd unwanted pregnancy, still didn't have the brains to keep the legs shut.

3rd unwanted pregnancy, still didn't have the brains to keep the legs shut yet again.

4th unwanted pregnancy, still didn't have the brains to keep the legs shut, not only yet again and again, but should they by law have the right to keep reproductive organs, just to stop retarded genes being passed on.
Hmmm....not according to me, or my ex military buddies, or my ex pilot buddies....
They were prevented from finding another job?

Factually: vaccine mandates of one sort or another have long been around, particularly for the military, healthcare field and schools. It makes sense. No cared until Covid.

My father worked for the State Department and we were posted overseas. Certain vaccinations were mandated, including family members. But there was no law preventing him from quitting had he wanted to.

I would object if there were a mandate requiring all Americans to get vaccinated period.

So do you support the same right of choice when it comes to women and healthcare?
They were prevented from finding another job?

Factually: vaccine mandates of one sort or another have long been around, particularly for the military, healthcare field and schools. It makes sense. No cared until Covid.

My father worked for the State Department and we were posted overseas. Certain vaccinations were mandated, including family members. But there was no law preventing him from quitting had he wanted to.

I would object if there were a mandate requiring all Americans to get vaccinated period.

So do you support the same right of choice when it comes to women and healthcare?
Sure....but murder isn't healthcare.
The airline industry, healthcare industry, and the military have been severely weakened by this hypocrital leftist jab mandate where people lost their jobs or were forced to retire.
You are a hypocrite.
It doesn’t alter my point about your (I’m assuming you are ok with this) views about women and their rights to make their own decisions.

A lot of evil throughout our history has been covered over by “state’s rights”.
women are absolutely able to make their own decisions. if they want to kill their baby, they can go to a state that promotes such evil.
Yes. The first 12 weeks. And that is the majority of Americans.

That's my line as well for my State. If other States want stricter limits so be it.

But my State made the law so that a woman can convince one doctor her HEALTH may be at risk, and she can get an abortion to the last second of her pregnancy.
Sure....but murder isn't healthcare.

Abortion isn’t murder, hypocrit.

The airline industry
Private employer.

healthcare industry,

Private employer

and the military

..is the military. They mandate a host of vaccinations, extra ones depending on where you are stationed. This has long been the case. Only now you care?
have been severely weakened by this hypocrital leftist jab

Do have data proving this causation…something besides “feelings”, baseless claims and testimonials?

mandate where people lost their jobs or were forced to retire.
You are a hypocrite.
Abortion isn’t murder, hypocrit.

Private employer.

Private employer

..is the military. They mandate a host of vaccinations, extra ones depending on where you are stationed. This has long been the case. Only now you care?

Do have data proving this causation…something besides “feelings”, baseless claims and testimonials?

Abortion is murder hypocrite.
Private industry, who cares? They reacted to your Dim ilk mandates and threats.
"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

Women choosing what they do with their own bodies? Damn fucking right.
You are uneducated, not to mention illogical RE the science of human biology.

Here's a Lesson for Today:

The child has a separate body, totally different DNA than the mother.

That was hard, I'll bet...
Abortion isn’t murder, hypocrit.

Private employer.

Private employer

..is the military. They mandate a host of vaccinations, extra ones depending on where you are stationed. This has long been the case. Only now you care?

Do have data proving this causation…something besides “feelings”, baseless claims and testimonials?

America hater.
Who is this thread for?

What women are looking for is the right to make choices about their own bodies. That's what the left wants for women. Y
you just believe every meme that comes from the mouth of the leftist idiots!

They tell you it's about freedom and "choice" and by God, that's what you repeat unthinkingly.

It is NOT the woman's body. The child is a totally separate human being with his or her own DNA. Getting sustenance from another does not make you part of that other's body.


Then there's this: No one puts a gun to the head of a woman (usually) and forces her to have sex with him, protected or otherwise.

The choice of when to have a baby is BEFORE you have one!

Maybe if we taught our kids this in our schools instead of "hate your natural gender and seek to change it artificially, and don't tell your parents..."

we'd have less of these kinds of problems ("unwanted" pregnancies)
An abortion procedure is something that is done to a woman and her body. I don’t see the fetus as an independent person like a gun crime victim would be. Now with that said I own guns and have no problem with responsible people owning guns as well. I also have no problem with some safeguards in place to make sure responsible people are the ones legally buying guns and not whackos
I appreciate your response. But it is very general. The issue is whether a state can regulate abortion, even to the point of outlawing it. The answer in existing law is yes. Now, that is not to say that in my younger years I would not throw down $280.00 in cash to pay for a mistake to go away. Frankly, it does not bother me as long as it is, in fact, a tiny mass of cells that lack human characteristics. But when it starts displaying a heart beat that you can see on sonogram, that is kind of the point where I would not be comfortable icing it. I cannot tell you why, necessarily, this is. That is how I feel. Therein lies the difficulty with abortion.

See, when you count all the broads out there, I think there probably is a slim majority who want to have abortions be legal. But there is a caveat to this. At some point, as the pregnancy progresses, support for abortion at later points is going to drop. Nobody wants what, say, Kermit Gosnell was doing. See Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia He was a monster. But most chicks are ok with pulling out a microscopic thing and squashing it like a bug.

The problem is government interfering with the private lives of citizens concerning whether to have a child or not.

The belief that a woman ‘loses control’ of decision-making when she becomes pregnant is personal, subjective opinion, devoid of fact and merit – it is neither the role nor responsibility of government to enforce personal, subjective opinions via the power of the state.
Man, you went back and had extra helpings of the Koolaid, didn't you?
"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

Women choosing what they do with their own bodies? Damn fucking right.
You have a filthy mouth and that does go along with the laziness of most of your posts
The most abortions BY FAR are to female bodies.

You vilify women who disagree with you but I will quote a HUUUUUGE such group
The Invisible Girl Project that I support in India

We want a future in India with girls in it.​

63 million girls are missing from India’s population. Join us in ending female gendercide!

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