I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's

That was bold to mary a nun?

Paul said..don't mary a woman..

And you know why

Paul did not say that, although there have been religious cults who have said as much.

Shockingly, they all died off.

Paul was saying that if one could remain chaste, it is preferable to do so when trying to do God's work because you attention is focused only on the task at hand.

It was not a command not to ever marry.

Of course he did. .
James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.
That was bold to mary a nun?

Paul said..don't mary a woman..

And you know why

Paul did not say that, although there have been religious cults who have said as much.

Shockingly, they all died off.

Paul was saying that if one could remain chaste, it is preferable to do so when trying to do God's work because you attention is focused only on the task at hand.

It was not a command not to ever marry.

Of course he did. .

So everyone that marries is going to hell?

Is this what you believe?
1 Corinthians 7 New International Version (NIV)
Concerning Married Life
7 Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.I)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry,J)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
That was bold to mary a nun?

Paul said..don't mary a woman..

And you know why

Paul did not say that, although there have been religious cults who have said as much.

Shockingly, they all died off.

Paul was saying that if one could remain chaste, it is preferable to do so when trying to do God's work because you attention is focused only on the task at hand.

It was not a command not to ever marry.

Of course he did. .

So everyone that marries is going to hell?

Is this what you believe?

If that's the case I am going to hell been married twice

Oh shit!
I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I was beginning to get that inkling.
1 Corinthians 7 New International Version (NIV)
Concerning Married Life
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

bear513Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
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1 Corinthians 7 New International Version (NIV)
Concerning Married Life

7 Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.I)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry,J)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

var dark_postrating_minimum_opacity = 0.3;
1 Corinthians 7 New International Version (NIV)
Concerning Married Life
7 Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.I)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry,J)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Trouble reading?

Concerning Married Life
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.[/QUOTE]
I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.
Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.
No clue to what the Bible says.
No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.
No clue to what the Bible says.

You dont have a clue what this topic is about
No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.


And we are done.

We have found some things we agree on and some things we don't

Carry on.
To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.


And we are done.

We have found some things we agree on and some things we don't

Carry on.


I am never done, because I know the problems of society is rooted to Martin Luther
I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
He’s a Mary worshipping God hater, don’t waste your time.

I suspected something was a little off.


And we are done.

We have found some things we agree on and some things we don't

Carry on.


I am never done, because I know the problems of society is rooted to Martin Luther

What then was wrong with society before Luther was born?

No, no, please don't answer. I'll go stick my head in a fan instead.
Fact are 826 known cases of death penalty in Spain from the year 1540-1700 (160 years). You quote a sentence where they write about an estimation of 1,500 victims for whole Spain and 12,000 victims only for Castilia in this time. That's why someone counted more exactly.

The Prussians for example - in their culture fight against Catholics in the 19th century - had created the myth the Catholic inquisition had murdered 2 million witches during the middle ages. Fake news - and lots of people still believe in this fake. Indeed where the inquisition was strong nearly never a witch was burned. Same in the midle ages - the belief in witches was seen as a superstition. Such things happened seldom, because of the influence of the Catholic Church. The last estimation I had in this case was 50,000 sorcerers and witches were burned in times after the reformation. People in Catholic regions (where the inquisition was not strong as in Germany and Poland) burned men and women 50:50 - Protestants burned men and women in relation 90:10. And this executions were normally organized lokal; more by a kind of lynch mob.

And whatever the Catholic church did or did not do 300 years or 2000 years ago - this makes not senseful the absolute stupid and violent bullshit, which you propagate.

I see you keep downplaying the regime of the Church, where heads were spiked in the public.

The Catholic church - whatever she did or not - is not any excuse for your wrong behavior. And when a refugee made a crime then this gives not any plausiblity for your wish to murder all refugees, all politicians and all helpers.

You are confusing topics here. I support Asylum for those in need, by the way. But not for criminals or shitheads.

You know what that means for the legal status of all the young male "refugees" from Syria:
German court: Conscientious objection doesn´t qualify for asylum

I'm tired about you, anti-German. Very tired. And I had not any problem when a German court will send you to Syria, so you can help the people in their own country. Take care not to be shot down from the "government" there - or from Islamists, Iranians, Arabians, Israeli, US-Americans, Russians. Are Brits, French and Turks not also envolved in this violent conflict? One more idiot like you will for sure enrich the "civil war" there.

That´s a good idea, I plan it for a long time now. Imagine a sunny, friendly country with a stable government and all the Islamists are gone. You can look for them next door.

Look at the world and how lazy people are they will walk right by a person in need.

You mean like in the parable of the good Samaritan? Yes, too many times we walk or drive by a person in need, but Jesus' lesson applies to all of us. Just who was the Samaritan who stopped and helped? Who would we equate him with today?

It isn't about Martin Luther that you think people are lazy. Luther challenged your precious. Where you are right is that Luther didn't interpret James as well as he should have. That said, James, Jesus' brother, wasn't saying faith + works like many people interpret. James was adding to what Paul taught and that good works comes out of the faith.
Good grief. Is everyone an idiot in this world here?

Goebbels was a totally intelligent man with a character disposition, which made him to a slave of Hitler - although Hitler was only a dull uneducated pain. In the end he and his wife had murdered their own children and did do suicide. Congrats to the choice to like to be more evil than Goebbels.

I was born with a birth defect that in some eras and cultures would have made me a God


and in others would have seen me dead before I could take my first breath.

I'm not a friend of abortions and looks like you prefer to live with your birth defect.

Unfortunately this time and place just let me either on the vibe because I was different.

It is better to die for the right Society than to live in the Wrong one.

Pathetic nonsense. It's always better to live. Life is hope. And sometimes it's inevitable to have to fight too - for all and every life.

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Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

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