I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's


I'm not a friend of abortions and looks like you prefer to live with your birth defect.

Pathetic nonsense. It's always better to live. Life is hope. And sometimes it's inevitable to have to fight too - for all and every life

I have a full facial port wine stain/birthmark. In different times and places throughout history itā€™s been seen as either a blessing or a curse.

My preference varies from day y day, to be honest. Many times over the last 45 years Iā€™ve wondered if checking out might not be the easier and better option.

Some fights are worth the effort. Others arenā€™t, for one reason or smother. The trick is knowing the difference.

I'm not a friend of abortions and looks like you prefer to live with your birth defect.

Pathetic nonsense. It's always better to live. Life is hope. And sometimes it's inevitable to have to fight too - for all and every life

I have a full facial port wine stain/birthmark.

No idea what this is. Unimportant for me.

In different times and places throughout history itā€™s been seen as either a blessing or a curse.

Never heard about.

My preference varies from day y day, to be honest. Many times over the last 45 years Iā€™ve wondered if checking out might not be the easier and better option.

Some fights are worth the effort. Others arenā€™t, for one reason or smother. The trick is knowing the difference.

The trick is to be able to fight and to know what to fight for.

Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.

Although Protestants like to think positively about Martin Luther because of his supposed belief in sola Scriptura(the Bible alone), the truth is that Martin Luther changed parts of the Bible and discounted the value of many books.

Notice a change he admitted to regarding Romans 3:28:

You tell me what a great fuss the Papists are making because the word alone in not in the text of Paulā€¦say right out to him: ā€˜Dr. Martin Luther will have it so,ā€™ā€¦I will have it so, and I order it to be so, and my will is reason enough. I know very well that the word ā€˜aloneā€™ is not in the Latin or the Greek text (Stoddard J. Rebuilding a Lost Faith. 1922, pp. 101-102; see also Luther M. Amic. Discussion, 1, 127).

This passage strongly suggests that Martin Luther viewed his opinions, and not the actual Bible as the primary authorityā€“a concept which this author will name prima Luther. By ā€œpapistsā€ he is condemning Roman Catholics.

Regarding the New Testament Book of Hebrews Martin Luther stated,

It need not surprise one to find here bits of wood, hay, and straw (Oā€™HarePF. The Facts About Luther, 1916ā€“1987 reprint ed., p. 203).

He also wrote,

St. Jamesā€™ epistle is really an epistle of strawā€¦for it has nothing of the nature of the gospel about itā€ (Luther, M. Preface to the New Testament, 1546).

Perhaps none of Martin Lutherā€™s writings on the Bible are as harsh as what he wrote about ā€œThe Revelation of Jesus Christā€ (Revelation 1:1). Specifically he wrote,

About this book of the Revelation of Johnā€¦I miss more than one thing in this book, and it makes me consider it to be neither apostolic nor propheticā€¦I can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it. Moreover he seems to me to be going much too far when he commends his own book so highly-indeed, more than any of the other sacred books do, though they are much more important-and threatens that if anyone takes away anything from it, God will take away from him, etc. Again, they are supposed to be blessed who keep what is written in this book; and yet no one knows what that is, to say nothing of keeping it. This is just the same as if we did not have the book at all. And there are many far better books available for us to keepā€¦My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in itā€ (Luther, M. Preface to the Revelation of St. John, 1522).
The trick is to be able to fight and to know what to fight for.

Very true. Itā€™s also the trick of knowing when youā€™ve been defeated and being able to die a Good Death rather than dying a poor death or accepting you enemies way of doing things as your own. Neither of the latter two have any honor in them.
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

Kind of hard
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

there are innocent nuns living there-------SHEEEEEESH
Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
He is ticked Luther translated the Bible so everyone could read it instead of the church distorting it like he distorts it.
Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
He is ticked Luther translated the Bible so everyone could read it instead of the church distorting it like he distorts it.

Luther distorted it and in some bibles..its still in there
Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
He is ticked Luther translated the Bible so everyone could read it instead of the church distorting it like he distorts it.

Luther distorted it and in some bibles..its still in there
Oh, do tell us, Mary worshipper.
In his ā€œOn Translating: An Open Letter,ā€ written in 1530, he explained his translation of Romans 3:28: ā€œI knew very well that the word solum[Latin = alone, only] is not in the Greek or Latin textā€¦It is a fact that these four letters s o l aare not thereā€¦At the same timeā€¦it belongs there if the translation is to be clear and vigorous. I wanted to speak German, not Latin or Greek, since it was German I had undertaken to speak in the translation. But it is the nature of our German language that in speaking of two things, one of which is affirmed and the other denied, we use the word solum(allein) along with the word nicht [not] or kein[no]. For example, we say, ā€˜The farmer brings allein [only] grain and kein [no] money.ā€™

ā€œā€¦This is the German usage, even though it is not the Latin or Greek usage. It is the nature of the German language to add the word allein in order that the word nicht or kein may be clearer or more complete.ā€ [Lutherā€™s Works, American Edition, Volume 35, 188-189]

Luther acknowledged that the word ā€œaloneā€ or ā€œonlyā€ is not in the Greek text, but the idea certainly is. With that and also the nuances of the German language in mind, he included ā€œaloneā€ in his translation.
Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
He is ticked Luther translated the Bible so everyone could read it instead of the church distorting it like he distorts it.

Luther distorted it and in some bibles..its still in there
Oh, do tell us, Mary worshipper.

Still don't look in your heart huh?

And Priscilla wrote hebrews

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