I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's

You do know the Vatican has nukes right?

What a bullshit. That US-Americans have less than no respect for the roots of Europe (and their own roots) you showed very clear when you had bombed down praying monks and refugees in Monte Cassino during world war 2 - with an amount of explosives, as if you would had liked to destroy the biggest city of the world.

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Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I do not have any problem to be in holy war against alcohol and drugs (and greed on might and money) and for all and every life. And I think not any spiritual being on this planet has any problem to fight with me and others together in this war - independent from the own religion.

What I do not understand are the unholy wars for alcohol, drugs and disortiented might and money against all life and against the universal prinicples, which you call "dogmatic" and I call "everlasting", - such as for example the natural rights of human beings and all animals and the whole sphere of life of our planet. We are responsible for gods living creation - everyone of us. You too. By the way: You have the wrong president, who fits not to the real problems of our world in the current moment of world history. Your president is a growing problem and not part of any senseful solution of real problems.

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You guys are the lazy ass munchkins who don't know shit..

This is a major problem, that's why you want socialism..

You hate the book of james..

You think you can get into heaven just by faith .



The Book of James tends to prove that bare faith is insufficient justification. There are a few other Biblical references which tend to prove the same thing. However, there are many parts of the Bible which tend to prove that faith alone will get you where you want to go. Over the years, I have submitted more than a few articles on the subject. You can find them using the USMB search engine.

The thing I like most about the Book of James is that it is the only scripture that employs pure logic.

“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble” (James 2:18,19).

There is one thing about James that must be acknowledged: Although he unequivocally states that faith without works is dead (useless) he does not suggest that mere works is all one needs. My understanding of this particular scripture is that faith is necessary; however, true faith is not established by mere words. If one truly believes, he/she will act in accordance with that belief. This is what the Bible says:

“And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him” (I John 2:3-5, KJV).
You guys are the lazy ass munchkins who don't know shit..

This is a major problem, that's why you want socialism..

You hate the book of james..

You think you can get into heaven just by faith .


When did you become Moses? Where is your tablet?
" Sew Here Come Sum Wanting Nomian Prohibition Over Informed Consent "

* Myopia Congratulating Its Own Out Land Dish *

I do not have any problem to be in holy war against alcohol and drugs (and greed on might and money) and for all and every life. And I think not any spiritual being on this planet has any problem to fight with me and others together in this war - independent from the own religion.

What I do not understand are the unholy wars for alcohol, drugs and disortiented might and money against all life and against the universal prinicples, which you call "dogmatic" and I call "everlasting", - such as for example the natural rights of human beings and all animals and the whole sphere of life of our planet. We are responsible for gods living creation - everyone of us. You too. By the way: You have the wrong president, who fits not to the real problems of our world in the current moment of world history. Your president is a growing problem and not part of any senseful solution of real problems.
There is much conjecture related with " natural rights " , as the term " natural " applies fittingly to " nature " and conflicts with a presumption that " rights " can not be alienated .

Perspectivism would acknowledge that Natural law - Wikipedia and Natural and legal rights - Wikipedia present options of many truths , that happen to be perceived as most valid for some subjective view .

To expect an epistomological absolute is contrary with perspectivism , however a subjective perspective for idealistic hue mammon wrights supposed as a most valid truth is referenced as a right ( see Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia ) .

Legal positivism - Wikipedia maintains a difference between pretenses to regard law as a legal right and pretenses to regard law a legal wright -
"Historically, legal positivism sits in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality."

Yam myrrh on is sum watt confused with indifference in spirit of cruelty for waging war - will recommend informed consent to seek consistency with non violence principles and effective terminology within language - Where Were Non Violence Principles Applied ?
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" Sew Here Come Sum Wanting Nomian Prohibition Over Informed Consent "

* Myopia Congratulating Its Own Out Land Dish *

I do not have any problem to be in holy war against alcohol and drugs (and greed on might and money) and for all and every life. And I think not any spiritual being on this planet has any problem to fight with me and others together in this war - independent from the own religion.

What I do not understand are the unholy wars for alcohol, drugs and disortiented might and money against all life and against the universal prinicples, which you call "dogmatic" and I call "everlasting", - such as for example the natural rights of human beings and all animals and the whole sphere of life of our planet. We are responsible for gods living creation - everyone of us. You too. By the way: You have the wrong president, who fits not to the real problems of our world in the current moment of world history. Your president is a growing problem and not part of any senseful solution of real problems.

There is much conjecture related with " natural rights " , as the term " natural " applies fittingly to " nature " and conflicts with a presumption that " rights " can not be alienated .

Natural rights are not unalienable but not made from human beings. Deep in your heart you know for example that animals have much more rights, than the most human beings in the world like to accept.

Perspectivism would acknowledge that Natural law - Wikipedia and Natural and legal rights - Wikipedia present options of many truths , that happen to be perceived as most valid for some subjective view .

To expect an epistomological absolute is contrary with perspectivism , however a subjective perspective for idealistic hue mammon wrights supposed as a most valid truth is referenced as a right ( see Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia ) .

Legal positivism - Wikipedia maintains a difference between pretenses to regard law as a legal right and pretenses to regard law a legal wright -
"Historically, legal positivism sits in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality."

Yam myrrh on is sum watt confused with indifference in spirit of cruelty for waging war - will recommend informed consent to seek consistency with non violence principles and effective terminology within language - Where Were Non Violence Principles Applied ?

Before I translate this all now and will perhaps start to be part of an empty endless sophistic discussion with you about all this points: Are you sure you know, what you try to speak about? What's the exact reason for? What do you like to say - or what do you like to find out?
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You do know the Vatican has nukes right?

What a bullshit. That US-Americans have less than no respect for the roots of Europe (and their own roots) you showed very clear when you had bombed down praying monks and refugees in Monte Cassino during world war 2 - with an amount of explosives, as if you would had liked to destroy the biggest city of the world.

Hey no fair
You do know the Vatican has nukes right?

What a bullshit. That US-Americans have less than no respect for the roots of Europe (and their own roots) you showed very clear when you had bombed down praying monks and refugees in Monte Cassino during world war 2 - with an amount of explosives, as if you would had liked to destroy the biggest city of the world.

Hey no fair

A monument for the absurdity of wars.

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Most of these ideas sound as if.......

these persons think or believe that they will never get past the age of 60 or so... These are not words and reasonings of a person who is sincere. These are words and ideas and thoughts of a person who believes that tomorrow is only for them and them alone..

The crazy part is not on how these 'self' persons think and live, but it's in how these thoughts and ideas seem to 'matter' the most in this world by having such ideas and thoughts always be the ones 'needing attention'...

There is never any defense in those who are past the age of 60... there is never any act or change for their points of views.. there is never any change for the thoughts or ideas that cry out for attention... No.. only the continual day after day bologna of how these insincere ones are the 'majority' of the world...

day after day... the idea and support fall within the notion and sentiment of, 'this is how the world has always been and always will be'.... even with capital G O D supposedly being Who He supposedly IS... mocking after mocking, day after day, is what is being received by the sincere ones because of the daily 'evidence' that the 'insincere' ones are the ones for whom Christ Messiah even arrived on the 'scene' for in the first place.. In other words, without these 'sinners', although not even living in the land to which He was sent, supposedly believe or think that this existence is ONLY about them and them alone... with their own ways of thinking and living and even mocking that The Heavenly Ones seem to 'Need To' tend to lest They be found to be 'Wrongful' Rulers and or Providers...

First of all, Christ Messiah was not sent for/to the whole world... He was only sent for/to the lost sheep of the house of Y'srael....

For any Gentile to 'get' into that Salvation is their personal 'choice' to do so.... But the world does not revolve around any notion that Christ Messiah was sent to the lost 'Gentiles'.. but it sure as heck is appearing as if it does...

the 'free gentiles' say.... 'why must I'... 'why am I obligated to'... 'why can't i'....

'why can't I do as I want towards Their constant bickering to how or why 'I can't''... etc....

Who the heck said that They ever said that 'they' couldn't? They are allowing gentiles to enter in... not demanding that they do...

But really... what a bunch of 'poor' persons who have suffered at the hands of these 'self righteous' persons who think or believe that They cannot do anything because of their, gentile, life being as if 'it', their life, is absolutely the only life on Earth that is 'as important' as their own..

They can not exist without me... They will not be able to exist without me...

And the longer and longer that They allow for such thoughts to be seen as correct, the more and more They disparage Themselves..

Soon, the whole idea of Them being Creator and Sustainer and Provider appears to be nothing but a spoof.

Even out from those very ones and places to whom They sent Their 'last' dispensation of Themselves to, even from out among them They are attempted to be shown or rejected as being 'spoofs'.

It's for this reason that their is supposedly 'contention' between the 'Arabs' and between the '(J)ews'.

Arabs don't understand how the 'chosen' ones, supposedly, can be so disparaging to The Creator(s) all the while and still 'get away' with it.. So what did/do they, the Arabs, do? They begin disparaging Allah the same... where do you think the ideas that 'murder', or terrorism, came from? They know that it's wrongful to 'kill' others for no reason... I'm sure they must have a heart of compassion also. But why have they turned and thought such way(s) was okay? Because of such notions that They might be nothing more than a 'spoof'.

Add to that the Gentiles' daily doing and believing of the same with their daily 'choices' and their daily 'refutations' as to 'why they should NOT have to feel any other way', and the world gets more and more 'against Them/The Creator(s)' and less and less wholesome and profitable for their own families. And when this occurs, the other family members need to begin letting go of their uprightness in the Way so as to accommodate for how the world is becoming and so as to not have their children 'leave their hearts'..

For Them to believe that any can become righteous apart from 'faith' first is crazy itself.

Someone or Someones need to take a little more initiative and Authority and action more than working with slippery emotions..

What is it called when one accepts something 'good' on the behalf of an untrue hope of a result?

How can that be thought of as Good? Did it come down from the Father of Lights? Did such way(s) come down from The Father of Lights?

Who Is The Father of Lights?

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

The LORD, Whom hath made, this day...

Who IS The LORD? Ilahu. The Father of Christ Messiah. The Heavenly Father.. The Father of The Only Begotten Son. The Father of He Whom God hath declared and declares, as Messiah. He of Whom Christ Messiah said, "And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." - (J)ohn 17:26

what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?"

Proverbs 30:4 "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?"

And in the while the world is seeking their own? with those who daily contend against Them, day after day, saying They are nought and that They are nothing more than a 'spoof'?

And so again... the question.. what can any do? It's not so much what can 'any' do.. They can choose to do the 'right' thing.. to self, to family, to hopes, to Truth, etc... they can choose for themselves their own acts and deeds... but what of those who are being oppressed and who are suffering at the hands of those who choose to do wrongly, even with this knowledge, against Their Truths of Who They are.. How is it that although God cannot be mocked that He allows for Himself to be mocked by and at the hands of those He gives abilities to? How is ability given? They are out there causing suffering and pain because they were given ability to do so... Why? maybe because they are 'mocking'.. maybe they are saying, 'if you gave me the ability to hurt others, maybe I'll wake up to do so'...

Righteousness is righteous not because it knows how to 'gain'... Righteousness is to 'self' and if that 'righteousness' to self has become tainted, then to self is it dangerous..

It's not 'self' righteousness.. but it is righteousness to self to keep upright and in integrity. And it is also righteousness in providing for and tending to 'life'.. not only towards 1 'life', even 1 'life family'; as in the human family, but tending to and providing for 'life' in Righteousness.

There was a righteous person who always tended to the well being of all those that were around.. He was tended to properly, she was tended to properly, the little ones were tended to properly, the elder ones were tended to properly, etc... but at the end of each day, this person would sit down and fare sumptuously on the finest meats and dishes of the world.. Is that righteous? Is that righteousness?

And so he learned, "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right."

Proverbs 16:8 "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right."

Better is tending to a small group/number of persons that to great numbers yet not being able to tend to 'self', the righteousness to/for 'self'.

There is nothing wrong with my personal 'style' of daily wear, a person might believe. There is nothing wrong with wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt or whatever it may be... There is nothing wrong... and for any to say that there is is as saying that they find their righteousness more right than mine...

And so both went to the guidelines of righteousness. And sure enough the first was seen as being more righteous, not to personal style, but to the guidelines.. The second was seeing as using liberty, to edify and to serve one another in love.. and his daily choosing of clothes showed that...

When the second continued in serving one another in love, to edify, the person began seeing how valuable those clothes, that were always getting dirty and losing its 'value', was, being more costly than not...
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Most of these ideas sound as if.......

these persons think or believe that they will never get past the age of 60 or so... These are not words and reasonings of a person who is sincere. These are words and ideas and thoughts of a person who believes that tomorrow is only for them and them alone..

The crazy part is not on how these 'self' persons think and live, but it's in how these thoughts and ideas seem to 'matter' the most in this world by having such ideas and thoughts always be the ones 'needing attention'...

There is never any defense in those who are past the age of 60... there is never any act or change for their points of views.. there is never any change for the thoughts or ideas that cry out for attention... No.. only the continual day after day bologna of how these insincere ones are the 'majority' of the world...

day after day... the idea and support fall within the notion and sentiment of, 'this is how the world has always been and always will be'.... even with capital G O D supposedly being Who He supposedly IS... mocking after mocking, day after day, is what is being received by the sincere ones because of the daily 'evidence' that the 'insincere' ones are the ones for whom Christ Messiah even arrived on the 'scene' for in the first place.. In other words, without these 'sinners', although not even living in the land to which He was sent, supposedly believe or think that this existence is ONLY about them and them alone... with their own ways of thinking and living and even mocking that The Heavenly Ones seem to 'Need To' tend to lest They be found to be 'Wrongful' Rulers and or Providers...

First of all, Christ Messiah was not sent for/to the whole world... He was only sent for/to the lost sheep of the house of Y'srael....

For any Gentile to 'get' into that Salvation is their personal 'choice' to do so.... But the world does not revolve around any notion that Christ Messiah was sent to the lost 'Gentiles'.. but it sure as heck is appearing as if it does...

the 'free gentiles' say.... 'why must I'... 'why am I obligated to'... 'why can't i'....

'why can't I do as I want towards Their constant bickering to how or why 'I can't''... etc....

Who the heck said that They ever said that 'they' couldn't? They are allowing gentiles to enter in... not demanding that they do...

But really... what a bunch of 'poor' persons who have suffered at the hands of these 'self righteous' persons who think or believe that They cannot do anything because of their, gentile, life being as if 'it', their life, is absolutely the only life on Earth that is 'as important' as their own..

They can not exist without me... They will not be able to exist without me...

And the longer and longer that They allow for such thoughts to be seen as correct, the more and more They disparage Themselves..

Soon, the whole idea of Them being Creator and Sustainer and Provider appears to be nothing but a spoof.

Even out from those very ones and places to whom They sent Their 'last' dispensation of Themselves to, even from out among them They are attempted to be shown or rejected as being 'spoofs'.

It's for this reason that their is supposedly 'contention' between the 'Arabs' and between the '(J)ews'.

Arabs don't understand how the 'chosen' ones, supposedly, can be so disparaging to The Creator(s) all the while and still 'get away' with it.. So what did/do they, the Arabs, do? They begin disparaging Allah the same... where do you think the ideas that 'murder', or terrorism, came from? They know that it's wrongful to 'kill' others for no reason... I'm sure they must have a heart of compassion also. But why have they turned and thought such way(s) was okay? Because of such notions that They might be nothing more than a 'spoof'.

Add to that the Gentiles' daily doing and believing of the same with their daily 'choices' and their daily 'refutations' as to 'why they should NOT have to feel any other way', and the world gets more and more 'against Them/The Creator(s)' and less and less wholesome and profitable for their own families. And when this occurs, the other family members need to begin letting go of their uprightness in the Way so as to accommodate for how the world is becoming and so as to not have their children 'leave their hearts'..

For Them to believe that any can become righteous apart from 'faith' first is crazy itself.

Someone or Someones need to take a little more initiative and Authority and action more than working with slippery emotions..

What is it called when one accepts something 'good' on the behalf of an untrue hope of a result?

How can that be thought of as Good? Did it come down from the Father of Lights? Did such way(s) come down from The Father of Lights?

Who Is The Father of Lights?

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

The LORD, Whom hath made, this day...

Who IS The LORD? Ilahu. The Father of Christ Messiah. The Heavenly Father.. The Father of The Only Begotten Son. The Father of He Whom God hath declared and declares, as Messiah. He of Whom Christ Messiah said, "And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them." - (J)ohn 17:26

what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?"

Proverbs 30:4 "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?"

And in the while the world is seeking their own? with those who daily contend against Them, day after day, saying They are nought and that They are nothing more than a 'spoof'?

And so again... the question.. what can any do? It's not so much what can 'any' do.. They can choose to do the 'right' thing.. to self, to family, to hopes, to Truth, etc... they can choose for themselves their own acts and deeds... but what of those who are being oppressed and who are suffering at the hands of those who choose to do wrongly, even with this knowledge, against Their Truths of Who They are.. How is it that although God cannot be mocked that He allows for Himself to be mocked by and at the hands of those He gives abilities to? How is ability given? They are out there causing suffering and pain because they were given ability to do so... Why? maybe because they are 'mocking'.. maybe they are saying, 'if you gave me the ability to hurt others, maybe I'll wake up to do so'...

Righteousness is righteous not because it knows how to 'gain'... Righteousness is to 'self' and if that 'righteousness' to self has become tainted, then to self is it dangerous..

It's not 'self' righteousness.. but it is righteousness to self to keep upright and in integrity. And it is also righteousness in providing for and tending to 'life'.. not only towards 1 'life', even 1 'life family'; as in the human family, but tending to and providing for 'life' in Righteousness.

There was a righteous person who always tended to the well being of all those that were around.. He was tended to properly, she was tended to properly, the little ones were tended to properly, the elder ones were tended to properly, etc... but at the end of each day, this person would sit down and fare sumptuously on the finest meats and dishes of the world.. Is that righteous? Is that righteousness?

And so he learned, "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right."

Proverbs 16:8 "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right."

Better is tending to a small group/number of persons that to great numbers yet not being able to tend to 'self', the righteousness to/for 'self'.

There is nothing wrong with my personal 'style' of daily wear, a person might believe. There is nothing wrong with wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt or whatever it may be... There is nothing wrong... and for any to say that there is is as saying that they find their righteousness more right than mine...

And so both went to the guidelines of righteousness. And sure enough the first was seen as being more righteous, not to personal style, but to the guidelines.. The second was seeing as using liberty, to edify and to serve one another in love.. and his daily choosing of clothes showed that...

When the second continued in serving one another in love, to edify, the person began seeing how valuable those clothes, that were always getting dirty and losing its 'value', was, being more costly than not...

And what exactly do you try to say with all this words?

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Martin Luther was a Nazi.

Says a structural Nazi about one of the most important persons of the world. Luther said what he thought. He's a factor that you have "your" right of free opinion. Sometimes he was a genius - sometimes an idiot. But you are always only an idiot with everything, what you say - and that's what you like to demonstrate continously - what's the biggest difference between you and him.

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By the way. What do you think is his free opinion? What tries this refugee in Moira to tell you?


dont feed the troll lol. 2. Obv OP is not saved with a dirty mouth like that.
“out of the heart the mouth speaks”

Martin Luther was a Nazi.

Says a structural Nazi about one of the most important persons of the world. Luther said what he thought. He's a factor that you have "your" right of free opinion. Sometimes he was a genius - sometimes an idiot. But you are always only an idiot with everything, what you say - and that's what you like to demonstrate continously - what's the biggest difference between you and him.

So you don't disagree that Luther was a Nazi. Good for you.
Martin Luther was a Nazi.

Says a structural Nazi about one of the most important persons of the world. Luther said what he thought. He's a factor that you have "your" right of free opinion. Sometimes he was a genius - sometimes an idiot. But you are always only an idiot with everything, what you say - and that's what you like to demonstrate continously - what's the biggest difference between you and him.

So you don't disagree that Luther was a Nazi. Good for you.

A man from the 15th century is not able to be in the 21st century a Nazi, only because you are a structural Nazi, who has not any idea what he tries to provoke about. So back in our time and the current moment of world history: What do you think tries to say to you this Syrian boy in a refugee camp in Cyprus? Or: What is he praying for?

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That US-Americans have less than no respect for the roots of Europe (and their own roots) you showed very clear when you had bombed down praying monks and refugees in Monte Cassino during world war 2
...in an effort to liberate Italy from the fascists, who had set up shop there to use them as human shields. Oops, it didnt work for them. But, on behalf of all Americans: You're welcome.
Martin Luther was a Nazi.

Says a structural Nazi about one of the most important persons of the world. Luther said what he thought. He's a factor that you have "your" right of free opinion. Sometimes he was a genius - sometimes an idiot. But you are always only an idiot with everything, what you say - and that's what you like to demonstrate continously - what's the biggest difference between you and him.

So you don't disagree that Luther was a Nazi. Good for you.

A man from the 15th century is not able to be in the 21st century a Nazi, only because you are a structural Nazi, who has not any idea what he tries to provoke about. So back in our time and the current moment of world history: What do you think tries to say to you this Syrian boy in a refugee camp in Cyprus? Or: What is he praying for?

He's praying to Allah for some serious pussy. Something you know nothing about.
Martin Luther was a Nazi.

Says a structural Nazi about one of the most important persons of the world. Luther said what he thought. He's a factor that you have "your" right of free opinion. Sometimes he was a genius - sometimes an idiot. But you are always only an idiot with everything, what you say - and that's what you like to demonstrate continously - what's the biggest difference between you and him.

So you don't disagree that Luther was a Nazi. Good for you.

A man from the 15th century is not able to be in the 21st century a Nazi, only because you are a structural Nazi, who has not any idea what he tries to provoke about. So back in our time and the current moment of world history: What do you think tries to say to you this Syrian boy in a refugee camp in Cyprus? Or: What is he praying for?

He's praying to Allah for some serious pussy. Something you know nothing about.

You have seriously to do something against your drug consumption. Do not forget that drugs kill your brain - sometimes slowly, sometimes very fast from one moment to the next - like a breaking dam or an avalanche. A possible effect of this are able to be very heavy psychiatric deseases - partially without any chance to be healed.

Luther had by the way the opinion the Quran should be published, so everyone is able to read this sick nonsense on his own. Let me say he hated Catholicism, Judaism and the Islam. Psychologically this is perhaps explainable with his very explosive temperament and a very great instability of the meaning of the own values. But let me say too: Luther was often a man of displaced words and idiotic aggressive verbal attacks - but as far as I know he never acted brutal on his own.

From my own point of view I would say no one understands the Quran without a very qualified teacher. Example: Mohammed said who believes in the triune god is not a member of the religion of the scipture (Jews, Christian. Muslims) - is not a Christian. In another position he speaks the triune god is mother Mary, Jesus and god father - what's nonsense. But both together makes indeed sense. A Christian, who believes in the triune god Mother Mary, God father and Jesus is not a Christian, because the triune god is God Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
If I am right, then lots of Musims became lost "godless" souls, because of their misinterpretation of the own holy book and the violation of the fifth commandement by murdering Christians because they like to see in us polytheists or atheists. The "ríght" to kill polytheists or atheists hurts the fifth commandement too - but you have in this case to ask a qualified teacher of the Islam, why such an misinterpretation still exists sometimes and how they fight against this misinterpretation.

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