I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's

Here's what I don't get. I think Martin Luther was trying to save people, so that's why he made his 95 theses and posted it on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

Is bear513 trying to say Martin Luther was wrong with the 95 theses and trying to save Reformers? Somehow, I do not get this message from his epithet-filled rants. What I get is a complaint in that the RCC members have not been lazy and worked to get into heaven, but Protestants just skate in. It sounds like he wants to keep people out instead of trying to keep an open mind.
He is ticked Luther translated the Bible so everyone could read it instead of the church distorting it like he distorts it.

Luther distorted it and in some bibles..its still in there
Oh, do tell us, Mary worshipper.

Still don't look in your heart huh?

And Priscilla wrote hebrews
Oh boy. From Mary worshipping to denial of Biblical scripture to now using your own sinful heart to guide you.

That’s a complete playbook.

On anti-Christianity.
One has to wonder how the bible contains "absolute truth", yet no two christians can seem to agree on it...

The trick is to be able to fight and to know what to fight for.

Very true. It’s also the trick of knowing when you’ve been defeated ...

Then the winner lost, when you know what you are fighting for on serios reasons. His problem.

Whatever. It was totally stupid from you to say you like to be more evil than Goebbels. Can it be you lost every structure for values in your thoughts? Very simple priority: Death is bullshit - life is wonderful.

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Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

It's much more easy: You could try to become a Taz. That's enough horror in the world.

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Why didn't I figure this out 54 years ago?

God is a female

Exactly. God is not only our father - he's our mother too. But the reason why we prefer to call him father is not only tradition. For example he did not bear us - he made us. He's our creator - we are his creation. But he created us to be his children. So indeed he's our mother too.

It's much more easy: You could try to become a Taz. That's enough horror in the world.

ZOMG. It reminded me of being in the WTC before 9/11. BTW WTC 7 across the street collapsed due to the intense heat and fire. Itself caught on fire.
It's much more easy: You could try to become a Taz. That's enough horror in the world.

ZOMG. It reminded me of being in the WTC before 9/11. BTW WTC 7 across the street collapsed due to the intense heat and fire. Itself caught on fire.

It reminds me also how weak and not willing to learn the USA is. How stupid sounds a sentence lik "Let's nuke .." afterwards? Very compassionless and very stupid, isn't it? And the other side: Only two aeroplanes bomb down only one big building and the USA decides to lose the own way. Incomprehensible.

Whatever. It was totally stupid from you to say you like to be more evil than Goebbels. Can it be you lost every structure for values in your thoughts? Very simple priority: Death is bullshit - life is wonderful.

I didn’t say I wanted to be. I said I AM more evil than Josef and his ilk. They had to be goaded into committing their atrocities. I’ve cone to similar realizations on my own.

Rather than losing my values I’ve taken them and whittled away the emotional BS, the cultural garbage and refined them to a point and blade so sharp that even the most masterfully sharpened katana is but a letter opener in comparison.

The two sides of that Blade of Values are very simple - Right and Wrong, and the blade is so sharp thst nothing exists in the space between when the blade cuts. No Grey area whatsoever.

The priority is Right over Wrong and when only Wrong exists in a space, Death is preferable to Life in that space.
Whatever. It was totally stupid from you to say you like to be more evil than Goebbels. Can it be you lost every structure for values in your thoughts? Very simple priority: Death is bullshit - life is wonderful.

I didn’t say I wanted to be.

So your answer is "not to be"? But you are.

I said I AM more evil than Josef and his ilk.

You murdered your own six children?

They had to be goaded into committing their atrocities. I’ve cone to similar realizations on my own.

Rather than losing my values I’ve taken them and whittled away the emotional BS, the cultural garbage and refined them to a point and blade so sharp that even the most masterfully sharpened katana is but a letter opener in comparison.

It's not easy to clean the finger nails with a good old German longsword, which you have to use with two hands.

The two sides of that Blade of Values are very simple - Right and Wrong,

99.999% wrong - 0.001% right could be the average right-wrong component for the use of swords or guns.

and the blade is so sharp thst nothing exists in the space between when the blade cuts. No Grey area whatsoever.

You seem not to have a big idea about swords.

The priority is Right over Wrong and when only Wrong exists in a space, Death is preferable to Life in that space.

The priority is god. God is life. God is love.
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" Curious Cues "

* How Sew *

That's how Martin Luther fucked it all up .
Good gawd girl....
Which is a particular element not addressed below which would be expected to lead one to the OP conclusion ?

* Offered Ewe *

Mathew 7:21
James 2:14-26 New International Version (NIV)
Faith and Deeds
14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds?? 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.
25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?P)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;"> 26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead
A technical rift between catholicism and protestantism occurred because of catholic expectations for public policy to be universally consistent with mosaic law and not only just within israel as torahnism .

Accurately described , assuming that protestantism is founded upon antinomianism itself , perhaps its advocates would expect public behavior consistent with the noahide law , but could protestantism expect public policy consistent with the noahide law ?

For themselves some might infer similarities between the ten commandments and the noahide law .

* Doom Alone That Counts Rob Bert Dill On*

Assume that nomian and antinomian are antonyms , and that any law invoked by name is nomian , whereas any law not invoked by name is antinomian .

Directly from antinomianism is an edict - that " by no name will a law be invoked " , which includes a presumption that conformance with a law will be innate .

Antinomian adherents would expect that all legalism be removed as public policy , that is both utopian and dystopian , a paradox .

* Included References *

- Antinomianism - Wikipedia
Antinomianism has been a point of doctrinal contention in the history of Christianity, especially in Protestantism, given the Protestant belief in justification through faith alone versus justification on the basis of merit or good works or works of mercy. Most Protestants consider themselves saved without having to keep the commandments of the Mosaic law as a whole; that is, their salvation does not depend upon keeping the Mosaic law. However, salvific faith is generally seen as one that produces obedience, consistent with the reformed formula, "We are justified by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone," in contrast to rejecting moral constraint.[10]

- salvific - Wiktionary
- Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia
- Ten Commandments - Wikipedia
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Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

Kind of hard View attachment 276089
We can blow that sand castle to pieces, no prob.
Protestants were puritans and burned "witches".
Catholics had the Spanish Inquisition.
Orthodox priests joined the KGB.

Really, I don't care, I have my own life to live.

Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

there are innocent nuns living there-------SHEEEEEESH
They'll get to heaven faster.
Exactly you don't care.
I don't care in the sense that "Holy War" is stupid, and I don't care about dogmatic conflicts. I am aware of abuses by various branches of Christianity, and I think they should be condemned.

I am not advocating a war, I am advocating bringing the church back together where it belongs
We should nuke the Vatican.

Kind of hard View attachment 276089
We can blow that sand castle to pieces, no prob.


They have long range missiles

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