I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's

Luther was shocked and outraged at Catholic doctrine after he had learned to read the Bible for himself, and rightly so. Then once the masses did the same, thanks to the Gutenberg press, the Catholic church had an increasingly difficult time creating heresy to control the masses with.

I don't worship the Bible as a god, I don't view scripture as "perfect", but at the same time I see it as a source of truth that was God inspired to write down to help school us. I recognize that it can and should be used to identify heresy, such as using money to buy ones salvation, which Luther used it to do just that.

On the down side, Luther succumbed to the heretical doctrine of Jews and anti-Semitism embraced by the Catholic church. Had he had a better understanding of scripture, perhaps this could have been avoided.

He was a fucking German Catholic priest

My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

What Martin Luther did, knowingly or not, is he ended a theocracy which was BAD!

Anytime someone wants to trash Christianity, what do they do? They refer to such things as the Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades, etc., all things Christ would have hated and it was all done in his name and all done for the political power of men.

As Christ once said, his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. This is why I try to ignore a Catholic church that remains political and still has it's own little world empire at the Vatican, an empire they SHOULD have lost when they should have challenged the Nazi regime and their Holocaust.

But they remained silent, much like they do today as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while ignore the world wide genocide of abortion, that is, according the official Catholic teaching.

He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
He was a fucking German Catholic priest

My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

What Martin Luther did, knowingly or not, is he ended a theocracy which was BAD!

Anytime someone wants to trash Christianity, what do they do? They refer to such things as the Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades, etc., all things Christ would have hated and it was all done in his name and all done for the political power of men.

As Christ once said, his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. This is why I try to ignore a Catholic church that remains political and still has it's own little world empire at the Vatican, an empire they SHOULD have lost when they should have challenged the Nazi regime and their Holocaust.

But they remained silent, much like they do today as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while ignore the world wide genocide of abortion, that is, according the official Catholic teaching.

He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?

My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

A theory is judged by others and the majority makes it a theory. You can't just declare my theory is correct and claim I'm right.

Just because we Christians have differing views of the Bible does not make us lazy bastards. Our faith should make us better, productive, and more charitable people. I think the latter is what you call works. It isn't based on how many services one attends during the week. If every day works for you, then fine. That's on you. Not me. All the criticisms of what you believe are found here in-a-nutshell -- Chick.com: Are Roman Catholics Christians?. If you're not RCC, then it sounds more Orthodox. What if you're wrong, then what?

My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

What Martin Luther did, knowingly or not, is he ended a theocracy which was BAD!

Anytime someone wants to trash Christianity, what do they do? They refer to such things as the Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades, etc., all things Christ would have hated and it was all done in his name and all done for the political power of men.

As Christ once said, his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. This is why I try to ignore a Catholic church that remains political and still has it's own little world empire at the Vatican, an empire they SHOULD have lost when they should have challenged the Nazi regime and their Holocaust.

But they remained silent, much like they do today as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while ignore the world wide genocide of abortion, that is, according the official Catholic teaching.

He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?
My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

A theory is judged by others and the majority makes it a theory. You can't just declare my theory is correct and claim I'm right.

Just because we Christians have differing views of the Bible does not make us lazy bastards. Our faith should make us better, productive, and more charitable people. I think the latter is what you call works. It isn't based on how many services one attends during the week. If every day works for you, then fine. That's on you. Not me. All the criticisms of what you believe are found here in-a-nutshell -- Chick.com: Are Roman Catholics Christians?. If you're not RCC, then it sounds more Orthodox. What if you're wrong, then what?

Look at the world and how lazy people are they will walk right by a person in need.

My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

What Martin Luther did, knowingly or not, is he ended a theocracy which was BAD!

Anytime someone wants to trash Christianity, what do they do? They refer to such things as the Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades, etc., all things Christ would have hated and it was all done in his name and all done for the political power of men.

As Christ once said, his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. This is why I try to ignore a Catholic church that remains political and still has it's own little world empire at the Vatican, an empire they SHOULD have lost when they should have challenged the Nazi regime and their Holocaust.

But they remained silent, much like they do today as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while ignore the world wide genocide of abortion, that is, according the official Catholic teaching.

He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17
My theory is correct..

He made protestant's into lazy bastards

A theory is judged by others and the majority makes it a theory. You can't just declare my theory is correct and claim I'm right.

Just because we Christians have differing views of the Bible does not make us lazy bastards. Our faith should make us better, productive, and more charitable people. I think the latter is what you call works. It isn't based on how many services one attends during the week. If every day works for you, then fine. That's on you. Not me. All the criticisms of what you believe are found here in-a-nutshell -- Chick.com: Are Roman Catholics Christians?. If you're not RCC, then it sounds more Orthodox. What if you're wrong, then what?

I think he has a point.

For example, many Catholics I know don't know anything about the Bible or their faith.

To them, they were born Catholic and will remain so no matter what they do in life, even if they never attend church, etc.

And I've known some protestants like this as well.
What Martin Luther did, knowingly or not, is he ended a theocracy which was BAD!

Anytime someone wants to trash Christianity, what do they do? They refer to such things as the Inquisitions, Jewish persecution, Crusades, etc., all things Christ would have hated and it was all done in his name and all done for the political power of men.

As Christ once said, his kingdom is not of this world nor can be. This is why I try to ignore a Catholic church that remains political and still has it's own little world empire at the Vatican, an empire they SHOULD have lost when they should have challenged the Nazi regime and their Holocaust.

But they remained silent, much like they do today as the Pope gives sermons on the evils of building walls while ignore the world wide genocide of abortion, that is, according the official Catholic teaching.

He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.
He tried to change Romans..justified by faith alone.

Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..
Well that is a topic that is bitterly debated today within the Christian faith.

So I ask you, if you really have faith about something, do you act on it?

It seems the answer is yes.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

Therefore, I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life. I think he was misguided on some things but we all are on some level.
I am not going to shoot up a mall thinking I believe in jesus knowing I will go to heaven..

Would you?


Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?
You guys are the lazy ass munchkins who don't know shit..

This is a major problem, that's why you want socialism..

You hate the book of james..

You think you can get into heaven just by faith .



Martin Luther took offense at the Catholic Church selling salvation to the masses to help pay for their lavish expenses.

The church of the Roman (occidental and oriental) Christendom - the Hagia Sofia - was fallen. The future church of the Christendom - the Saint Peter's Basilica - was prepared to replace this wound. I woud say indeed Luther misunderstood the gobal importance of this political step. This costed a lot of money. The idea to let rich people all over euroep pay for by selling papal indulgences all over thenworld woud cla and US-American of today only "smart".

This, along with the Gutenberg press that made him famous, is why he is famous, and rightly so.

Luther translated the Old Testament within only two weeks from Hebraic, Greek and Latin sources. He was relaly good. And he made something new: often he did not translate - he transferred. He modified some stories, which normally no one understood any longer, and brought the religious langugae again in context with the daily life. Thatö sby teh way something what Catholics still do today. We don't think verbally about the stories of the bibkle. We try to find out what the words mean in the current context of global history and local life. The Evangelicals of the USA, who try to interpret the words of teh bible verbally, are much far from Luther than Catholics today. The bible is not a god. It reports messages from god too. This messages are always new too. This method Luther also used for the German language. He tried to find a German language (between Friesans and Tyrleans and between Prussians and Alsations), which the most people were able to understand. In this way he was somehow the creator of the standard High[land] German.

We may perhaps say Luther made the language (software) - and Gutenberg the press (hardware) - and both together started the information age. The mostnposmjrtkjatz pürucutn of thei oniftiosin age were not books but flyers. Nearly everyone was able to print flyers about any theme he liked to speak. The freedom of opinion reached a new level.

Luther was shocked and outraged at Catholic doctrine after he had learned to read the Bible for himself, and rightly so.

Dr. Martin Luther was an academics who had studied. An Augustian monk. He had not learned to read the bible "for himselve" - he had learned to read textes in Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

Then once the masses did the same, thanks to the Gutenberg press, the Catholic church had an increasingly difficult time creating heresy to control the masses with.

What's nonsense. The church broke and no one was able to repair this break any longer. This all was a damned dangerous. The early reformators as Luther and Melanchthon for example were able to stop and to avoid violent conflicts. But 100 years later in the 30 years war an unbelievable disaster wasted the holy empire - the 30 years war came, where the break of the church had set free an unbelieveble amount of destructive energy. 50% to 2/3 of al Germans were murdered in this most cruel war.

I don't worship the Bible as a god,

US-Americans are often doing so. In this way they create an ideology by trying to avoid critics.

I don't view scripture as "perfect", but at the same time I see it as a source of truth that was God inspired to write down to help school us.

God is our father - and not really a teacher. He loves also bad pupils.

I recognize that it can and should be used to identify heresy, such as using money to buy ones salvation, which Luther used it to do just that.

If you ever tried to read what Luther wrote and had nailed on the church door in Wittenberg then you understand, that you do not understand this time of history.

the down side, Luther succumbed to the heretical doctrine of Jews and anti-Semitism embraced by the Catholic church.

That's the worst shame of Luther - besides that he had destroyed the hope of the farmers. First he tried to convince the Jews from his new way and he tried to find allies there - and then - because the Jews had men, who were easily able to destroy his arguments, I guess - he started boundlessly to hate all Jews. What he wrote against Jews - unbelievable hateful textes - inspired even Adolf Hitler. And that's by the way my worst problem with Hitler ... ah sorry: Luther. And also my worst problem with Augustinus and others. Who is a racist and hates all Jews is not able to love the Jew Jesus. And Jesus was his whole life always "only" a Jew. But who is able to say "I am a Christian" who is not able to love Jesus? A paradox in case of this two men - but perhaps exists not only a "Savant-syndrome" but in analogy also a kind of "Genius-syndrome" - where someone has also deep black moments in the own intellect, which is often very clear and brillant too.

Had he had a better understanding of scripture, perhaps this could have been avoided.

Luther had a better knowledge about the bible than the most people have today. I fear his only problem were the Jews, who had lived the bible on their own. I guess they showed him he was not allknowing and had misinterpreted lots of things - and this made him frustrated and hateful. But why? We are all sinners and nobody is perfect. Nevertheless his hate was more than only ugly - and his bullishness unbelievable.

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That was bold to mary a nun?

Paul said..don't mary a woman..

And you know why
Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we would be saved.

The key here is declaring Jesus as Lord. Those that shoot up a mall have not declared him as their Lord and master, have they?

James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.
James 4:17

I think James was telling people that if they don't act on their faith then they never really had faith to begin with.

As he states, even the demons of hell believe in God, but those same demons don't place their faith in him as their Lord, do they?

Belief is not a synonym for faith. I may believe you exist, but that does not mean I place my faith in you.

Now we are getting on the same page..

No, because I don't hate Martin Luther. I understand his original moral stand and I agree with it. It took a great deal of courage to do so and needed to be done.

I refuse to completely cast him aside because of possible errors in doctrine or anti-Semitism later on in his life.

To marry a nun?

I see nothing wrong with marriage, do you?

As for the teaching that men and women in Catholicism should not get married, I don't see that anywhere Biblically.

My only question would be their vows. Did they vow before God to remain chaste and then change their minds?

I think that would be the only objection you could have.

A marriage it changes guys as Paul wrote..
That was bold to mary a nun?

Paul said..don't mary a woman..

And you know why

Paul did not say that, although there have been religious cults who have said as much.

Shockingly, they all died off.

Paul was saying that if one could remain chaste, it is preferable to do so when trying to do God's work because you attention is focused only on the task at hand.

It was not a command not to ever marry.

In fact, St. Peter was even married.

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