I hate Martin Luther with a passion..I hate sola fide I hate protestent's

You guys are the lazy ass munchkins who don't know shit..

This is a major problem, that's why you want socialism..

You hate the book of james..

You think you can get into heaven just by faith .


Cast the first stone and all.... and the beam in your eye....you should have that seen about.

Hey someone has to say it..

The more you know

Religion isn't about what you know.
It's about what kind of person you are.
You guys are the lazy ass munchkins who don't know shit..

This is a major problem, that's why you want socialism..

You hate the book of james..

You think you can get into heaven just by faith .


Cast the first stone and all.... and the beam in your eye....you should have that seen about.

Hey someone has to say it..

The more you know

Religion isn't about what you know.
It's about what kind of person you are.


I am the fucking real deal .
Fucking liar

18 years ago today we put my father, the most decent, faithful and faithful person I’ve ever met in the ground. He died three days earlier on his 54th birthday from skin & brain cancer.

All of his prayers, his service and his Faith didn’t earn him any relief from your/his worthless God. At the moment in his life when he would finally have been able to relax a little and begin to enjoy life, his/your God struck him with a horrific disease and caused him to endure almost three years of misery before finally killing him.

My own story is one of 27 years of abuse and neglect by your God before I walked away from religion permanently.
Then where would you eat?

In my kitchen or living room, just as I do now, enjoying the meals my wife makes with the food I purchase from the pay I earn each week.

16 oz. sirloin, medium well, with loaded mashed potatoes, green beans, apple sauce and cheesecake for desert.
Fucking liar

18 years ago today we put my father, the most decent, faithful and faithful person I’ve ever met in the ground. He died three days earlier on his 54th birthday from skin & brain cancer.

All of his prayers, his service and his Faith didn’t earn him any relief from your/his worthless God. At the moment in his life when he would finally have been able to relax a little and begin to enjoy life, his/your God struck him with a horrific disease and caused him to endure almost three years of misery before finally killing him.

My own story is one of 27 years of abuse and neglect by your God before I walked away from religion permanently.
I grew up in a tightly wound religious household.
I stopped going to church almost 30 years ago.
Here is what I would say to you... God as taught by organized religion is a farce. Meaning, not that God is a farce, but the misguided teachings.
IMO... if there is a God, I see him as one who "set the stage" for mankind to live. He is not the director/producer. He simply set the stage for us to exist. He is not involved in our lives. At all. Complete autonomy.
The cancers you speak of have more to do with things man has developed, used, environment people worked in etc. than God.
Just sayin.
Fucking liar

18 years ago today we put my father, the most decent, faithful and faithful person I’ve ever met in the ground. He died three days earlier on his 54th birthday from skin & brain cancer.

All of his prayers, his service and his Faith didn’t earn him any relief from your/his worthless God. At the moment in his life when he would finally have been able to relax a little and begin to enjoy life, his/your God struck him with a horrific disease and caused him to endure almost three years of misery before finally killing him.

My own story is one of 27 years of abuse and neglect by your God before I walked away from religion permanently.
I grew up in a tightly wound religious household.
I stopped going to church almost 30 years ago.
Here is what I would say to you... God as taught by organized religion is a farce. Meaning, not that God is a farce, but the misguided teachings.
IMO... if there is a God, I see him as one who "set the stage" for mankind to live. He is not the director/producer. He simply set the stage for us to exist. He is not involved in our lives. At all. Complete autonomy.
The cancers you speak of have more to do with things man has developed, used, environment people worked in etc. than God.
Just sayin.

Oh jesus christ.

Jesus created the church, you numb nuts
I grew up in a tightly wound religious household.
I stopped going to church almost 30 years ago.
Here is what I would say to you... God as taught by organized religion is a farce. Meaning, not that God is a farce, but the misguided teachings.
IMO... if there is a God, I see him as one who "set the stage" for mankind to live. He is not the director/producer. He simply set the stage for us to exist. He is not involved in our lives. At all. Complete autonomy.
The cancers you speak of have more to do with things man has developed, used, environment people worked in etc. than God.
Just sayin.

I grew up in a similar family. You can’t swing an arm at a family gathering without hitting a church worker (clergy, teacher, elder, musician, etc...). My parents, siblings and I included.

I stopped attending services regularly when I moved out f the house at age 24. The church I had been attending was being ripped apart by political issues and I needed a break before finding a new congregation. Then suddenly I get word that my father has cancer and going to church was the last thing I wanted to do.

Three years later he was dead and I haven’t been in a church for anything other than a special event (wedding, funeral, etc...) since.

I spent a little over 30 months after his death searching out answers from every religion I could find. Nobody had any answers until I started talking to the Spiritual and New Age groups. I’ve found my Spiritual place over the last 18 years.
How did the thief on the cross get in
He hasn't YET. There was no punctuation in those languages.
Not even separation between letters.
" verilyIsayuntoyoutodayyoushallbewithmeinheaven.Jimmy the king revised and translated to " Verily I say unto you, today ye shall be with me in heaven
OR. King Me, knowing reality.
Verily I say unto you today, ye shall be with me in heaven.Dont mean we're going anywhere. It means I'm telling you tight now when that day arrives you're headed with me bro.
The dead know nothing. The believers shall be risen on the second coming. That's when JC says, Hey believer. Let's roll. As I told you all those years back.
Sorry. Your granny aint with JC. She's a rotted corpse awaiting his return .She'll either go straight with him( with that thief/believer on the other cross) or go in front of the judgement throne(with that other thief who didn't acknowledge shit).
I grew up in a tightly wound religious household.
I stopped going to church almost 30 years ago.
Here is what I would say to you... God as taught by organized religion is a farce. Meaning, not that God is a farce, but the misguided teachings.
IMO... if there is a God, I see him as one who "set the stage" for mankind to live. He is not the director/producer. He simply set the stage for us to exist. He is not involved in our lives. At all. Complete autonomy.
The cancers you speak of have more to do with things man has developed, used, environment people worked in etc. than God.
Just sayin.

I grew up in a similar family. You can’t swing an arm at a family gathering without hitting a church worker (clergy, teacher, elder, musician, etc...). My parents, siblings and I included.

I stopped attending services regularly when I moved out f the house at age 24. The church I had been attending was being ripped apart by political issues and I needed a break before finding a new congregation. Then suddenly I get word that my father has cancer and going to church was the last thing I wanted to do.

Three years later he was dead and I haven’t been in a church for anything other than a special event (wedding, funeral, etc...) since.

I spent a little over 30 months after his death searching out answers from every religion I could find. Nobody had any answers until I started talking to the Spiritual and New Age groups. I’ve found my Spiritual place over the last 18 years.
Good for you to find peace.
My father also died of brain cancer couple January's ago.
Extremely fortunate for him, and the doctors had no idea why, he suffered only an occasional moderate migraine...pain wasn't his suffering. Losing all motor skills including the ability to talk was. Fucking torture. For all of us.
We all took turns taking care of him as best we could in the waning weeks, there are things you have to do, and i am sure you know without me saying them what they are. Folks like us share a special kind of misery people who haven't went through it know.
I hope to hell I die in my sleep.
That's what I am so pissed about, Martin Luther was a fucking liar..

Martin Luther is the root of the problem we face today.

Fucked up.

Not very German this argument, "German".

you don´t have a clue how things were under the rule of the Church.


It was terrible. Slaughter and torture.

What a nonsense.

The Bible was kept away from the people, so the big shots could rule like they wanted.

You use here a very stupid argument. Books were just simple extremely expensive before Johannes Gutenberg started the information age and more and more people learned to read and to write. In every monastery and cathedral existed a bible.

Few people could read but the Bible was only allowed in Latin to encrypt it further.

Latin was the lingua franka in those days. Everyone, who studied, used it. All over Europe. Still today learn lots of Germans Latin.

And they were flat earthers

No one ever had believed in Europe in a flat Earth since the Romans and Greeks were gone. This myth was an idea of the American author Washington Irving. He used this idea to make out of Christoph Columbus a kind of hero of science, who was misunderstood from everyone else - but did not give up, because he was right and all others were wrong. Indeed Christopher Columbus was very convincing - but an unbelievable idiot too. He calcutaed the distance to India wrong. Indeed he and all men of his ships would had died - but they were lucky: An unknown continent was in the way to India.

Nevertheless the universe is by the way indeed "flat", what means even in distances of billions of lightyears a triangle has a sum of 180°.

who fought any sign of science to protect their brutal rule.

Idiotic idea.

Progressive Freemasons like your founding fathers were put away.

Good grief. Do you still play the game to call yourselve a German - even if you speak with me?

Don´t lie to the people here. People were burned to death when they didn´t recant. What I say is all true.

You never spoke anything else than nonsense and bullshit, because you never prove what you think on what reason. You are a lexicon of stupid political propaganda from left, right and "noble" extremists of hundreds of years. When the Hussits for example had slaughtered Germans, then no one thought a lot about why to take a weapon and to kill them in a battle - otherwise they had killed the Catholics. Giordano Bruno for example told everyone an unbelievable bullshit and was a very angry and insulting man - although he was wrong. He made this for long long years. One day some people burned him, because they lost their patience. A lapse of justice from the year 1600. Not nice - but understandable. In the French revolution were on only one day more people murdered as were murdered in 500 years of all inquistions in Europe together. And so on and so on ...

I am really losing my patience.

Then let it be to attack Germans and Christians only because you are a totally stupid criminal extremist, who propagates mass-murder on refugees, politicians and helpers.

You demand proof (that I provide), so provide proof and give us the numbers of victims of the Inquisition and French Revolution.

It were more than 2000 victims in one of the worst days of the French revolution and death penalty suffered less than 2000 heretics under the inqusitions in hundreds of years. Most people prefered an inquisition process, specially a process of the inquisition in Rome, because in such a process everyone had always a very a good chance to come free, when he was not a "terrorist" (heretics).
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I grew up in a tightly wound religious household.
I stopped going to church almost 30 years ago.
Here is what I would say to you... God as taught by organized religion is a farce. Meaning, not that God is a farce, but the misguided teachings.
IMO... if there is a God, I see him as one who "set the stage" for mankind to live. He is not the director/producer. He simply set the stage for us to exist. He is not involved in our lives. At all. Complete autonomy.
The cancers you speak of have more to do with things man has developed, used, environment people worked in etc. than God.
Just sayin.

I grew up in a similar family. You can’t swing an arm at a family gathering without hitting a church worker (clergy, teacher, elder, musician, etc...). My parents, siblings and I included.

I stopped attending services regularly when I moved out f the house at age 24. The church I had been attending was being ripped apart by political issues and I needed a break before finding a new congregation. Then suddenly I get word that my father has cancer and going to church was the last thing I wanted to do.

Three years later he was dead and I haven’t been in a church for anything other than a special event (wedding, funeral, etc...) since.

I spent a little over 30 months after his death searching out answers from every religion I could find. Nobody had any answers until I started talking to the Spiritual and New Age groups. I’ve found my Spiritual place over the last 18 years.
Good for you to find peace.
My father also died of brain cancer couple January's ago.
Extremely fortunate for him, and the doctors had no idea why, he suffered only an occasional moderate migraine...pain wasn't his suffering. Losing all motor skills including the ability to talk was. Fucking torture. For all of us.
We all took turns taking care of him as best we could in the waning weeks, there are things you have to do, and i am sure you know without me saying them what they are. Folks like us share a special kind of misery people who haven't went through it know.
I hope to hell I die in my sleep.

Sorry about your dad..

He was probably a great guy
No one ever had believed in Europe in a flat Earth since the Romans and Greeks were gone. This myth was an idea of the American author Washington Irving.
Romans and Greeks you say? Have you ever heard something about Galileo?

Galaileo Galilei was one of the most famous scientist in history. A superstar. He was a good friend of the pope, very popular. He made a lot of money. One problem Galileo had was his arrogance. In later life he was convinced he was the only one, who knows the truth, while all others are only idiots. He denied even the excellent scientific results of Johannes Kepler (the inspirator of Newton). This all was in a contradiction with the idea of this time that only the church in total (all people together) build the truth. What had happened when someone did not follow this idea any longer had shown Martin Luther, who had lived hundred years ago. As a result of his ideas was now a very heavy cruel war - the 30 years war - which wasted the Holy roman empire of German nation. In this situation some clerics gave Galileo domiciliary arrest from 1633 to his death in 1642. He died with 78 years - was a very old man in his time of history.
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Then let it be to attack Germans and Christians only because you are a totally stupid criminal extremist, who propagates mass-murder on refugees, politicians and helpers.
So you continue with your attacks and accusations

It were more than 2000 victims in one of the worst days of the French revolution and death penalty suffered less than 2000 heretics under the inqusitions in hundreds of years. Most people prefered an inquisition process, specially a process of the inquisition in Rome, because in such a process everyone had always a very a good chance to come free, when he was not a "terrorist" (heretics).
As expected, you are a big liar.
"The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions."

So you see, 32000 executions in Spain alone. But that´s not all. There is no way to count the many who were outlawed by the Church, who were imprisoned, tortured, murdered by the Church. Hundreds of thousands of victims.
Let us not forget about the good sides, like charity and other help, but that does not justify these horrors that you are in defense of.

And you are telling me I want to mass-murder refugees? Ridiculous.
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16

I'm not sure what the OP is so angry about. He misses the five pillars of reformation truth:
Sola Scriptura - By Scripture Alone
Sola Gratia - By Grace Alone
Solo Christo - By Christ Alone
Sola Fide - By Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone

People are going to believe what they want to believe, so do not be misled. Satan exists and will mislead you. Validate what you believe.
Then let it be to attack Germans and Christians only because you are a totally stupid criminal extremist, who propagates mass-murder on refugees, politicians and helpers.
So you continue with your attacks and accusations

That's a fact. You wrote it.

It were more than 2000 victims in one of the worst days of the French revolution and death penalty suffered less than 2000 heretics under the inqusitions in hundreds of years. Most people prefered an inquisition process, specially a process of the inquisition in Rome, because in such a process everyone had always a very a good chance to come free, when he was not a "terrorist" (heretics).
As expected, you are a big liar.
"The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions."

So you see, 32000 executions in Spain alone.

32000 what in Spain? What do you speak about?

I took a look in the German Wikipedia now and because of the 44.647 know processes of the Spanish inquisition were 826 people really executed. This would mean your 32000 victims would had needed an amount of 1,729,666 processes - what's totally impossible in this time of history and its limited resources and the complexity of such a process.

But that´s not all. There is no way to count the many who were outlawed by the Church, who were imprisoned, tortured, murdered by the Church. Hundreds of thousands of victims.

What a nonsense. To imprison someone is a very modern form of penal system. In former times existed not many prisons. A process in front of the inquisition needed often years of time - and it existed not many inquisitors. Hundreds of thousand victims is just simple impossible - specially in Germany, where the inquisition never was mighty.

Let us not forget

You are not able to forget what you don't know.

about the good sides, like charity and other help, but that does not justify these horrors that you are in defense of.

And you are telling me I want to mass-murder refugees? Ridiculous.

That's exactly what you said about refugees:
... they push women and children under trains, rape and pillage. They need to be shot on sight, together with their corrupt politicians and criminal NGOs.

Oh by the way: You are a shame for all mankind. Or do you have really another opinion about yourselve, when you read what you write and you start to think about what's real and fake?
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