“I hate that thug music.”

I highlighted something profound in your post. The words in rap are very relevant. There is nothing else holding up the rap song except the words. Its the same with poetry. You have to have words and they have to have meaning. I disagree that song lyrics are always poetry. I've never heard a rap song that wasn't poetry. However that might hinge on what you and I think poetry consists of.

I think a lot of songs, rap or traditionally sung, are BAD poetry, but poetry nonetheless. :tongue:

Oh, and I imagine there are people who enjoy various rap songs for the music, the tone of voice, etc. and not the content of the lyrics. It may be more common for singing than rapping, but I don't think it's necessary for someone to focus on rap's lyrics. For example, I can go listen to some RunDMC I remember from my youth and not even catch half the lyrics. Does that mean I can't enjoy the songs?

From your post it sound more to me like you dont know what rap music really is. I never had any problem catching any lyrics in rap. I don't consider bad poetry to be poetry. i call that attempted poetry. Just like bad rap is attempted rap or bad singing is attempted singing. I agree that you can just listen to a beat but then thats really all it is and cannot be considered rap if thats all you get out of it.

It's not only the lyrics, it's the meter and cadence. It's really very difficult to do correctly.
I think a lot of songs, rap or traditionally sung, are BAD poetry, but poetry nonetheless. :tongue:

Oh, and I imagine there are people who enjoy various rap songs for the music, the tone of voice, etc. and not the content of the lyrics. It may be more common for singing than rapping, but I don't think it's necessary for someone to focus on rap's lyrics. For example, I can go listen to some RunDMC I remember from my youth and not even catch half the lyrics. Does that mean I can't enjoy the songs?

From your post it sound more to me like you dont know what rap music really is. I never had any problem catching any lyrics in rap. I don't consider bad poetry to be poetry. i call that attempted poetry. Just like bad rap is attempted rap or bad singing is attempted singing. I agree that you can just listen to a beat but then thats really all it is and cannot be considered rap if thats all you get out of it.

Well if you are going to have a discussion but use your own personal definitions for things, it's probably best if you lead with that. :lol:

It sounds like you are doing the same thing. What makes your definition more or less viable than mine?
From your post it sound more to me like you dont know what rap music really is. I never had any problem catching any lyrics in rap. I don't consider bad poetry to be poetry. i call that attempted poetry. Just like bad rap is attempted rap or bad singing is attempted singing. I agree that you can just listen to a beat but then thats really all it is and cannot be considered rap if thats all you get out of it.

Well if you are going to have a discussion but use your own personal definitions for things, it's probably best if you lead with that. :lol:

It sounds like you are doing the same thing. What makes your definition more or less viable than mine?

Talking with you is like pulling teeth! :lmao:

I'm trying to stick to either generally accepted or dictionary definitions rather than my own personal definitions which are different than those things. If we are discussing rap, and you don't think 'bad' rap (which is entirely subjective) counts, how is anyone supposed to know that until you say it?

While there are certainly grey areas about musical genres, they are not, that I'm aware of, defined by whether the listener enjoys the particular person or band performing it. ;)

If you want to argue that certain artists aren't rap artists based on the style of their music, fine. If you are going to discuss rap but only allow those artists you consider to be good rappers to be included in that discussion, it's pointless to go on.

I'm pretty sure I would consider the majority of rap to be bad, as well as the majority of poetry....but I'm not going to try having a conversation about rap and poetry and just assume they shouldn't be included because I don't like them. :tongue:
Well if you are going to have a discussion but use your own personal definitions for things, it's probably best if you lead with that. :lol:

It sounds like you are doing the same thing. What makes your definition more or less viable than mine?

Talking with you is like pulling teeth! :lmao:

I'm trying to stick to either generally accepted or dictionary definitions rather than my own personal definitions which are different than those things. If we are discussing rap, and you don't think 'bad' rap (which is entirely subjective) counts, how is anyone supposed to know that until you say it?

While there are certainly grey areas about musical genres, they are not, that I'm aware of, defined by whether the listener enjoys the particular person or band performing it. ;)

If you want to argue that certain artists aren't rap artists based on the style of their music, fine. If you are going to discuss rap but only allow those artists you consider to be good rappers to be included in that discussion, it's pointless to go on.

I'm pretty sure I would consider the majority of rap to be bad, as well as the majority of poetry....but I'm not going to try having a conversation about rap and poetry and just assume they shouldn't be included because I don't like them. :tongue:

That may be true if you don't like the answer you see typed in response to your question. I only brought up bad rap vs good rap because you brought up bad poetry. Your opinion is not the generally accepted definition of rap. My point has always been that rap is more poetic than singing. It seems you either disagree or have a problem with why I think like that. I'm not sure what you are getting at about including some songs in a definition vs others. It appears from your words you have already prejudiced yourself against rap and poetry. Like I said before ask someone else what they think. I can only give you my opinion. I cannot validate yours.
At least conservatives subscribing to this thread are being marginally honest for a change, and admitting that they believe African-Americans who listen to ‘thug music’ are de facto ‘thugs’ and deserving of being summarily executed – where playing 'thug music' alone constitutes a ‘threat.’
Funny how the primitive assholes here try to make a bunch of savages out to be poets and try to convince others that advocating violence and yelling obscenities to a drum beat is somehow music.
It sounds like you are doing the same thing. What makes your definition more or less viable than mine?

Talking with you is like pulling teeth! :lmao:

I'm trying to stick to either generally accepted or dictionary definitions rather than my own personal definitions which are different than those things. If we are discussing rap, and you don't think 'bad' rap (which is entirely subjective) counts, how is anyone supposed to know that until you say it?

While there are certainly grey areas about musical genres, they are not, that I'm aware of, defined by whether the listener enjoys the particular person or band performing it. ;)

If you want to argue that certain artists aren't rap artists based on the style of their music, fine. If you are going to discuss rap but only allow those artists you consider to be good rappers to be included in that discussion, it's pointless to go on.

I'm pretty sure I would consider the majority of rap to be bad, as well as the majority of poetry....but I'm not going to try having a conversation about rap and poetry and just assume they shouldn't be included because I don't like them. :tongue:

That may be true if you don't like the answer you see typed in response to your question. I only brought up bad rap vs good rap because you brought up bad poetry. Your opinion is not the generally accepted definition of rap. My point has always been that rap is more poetic than singing. It seems you either disagree or have a problem with why I think like that. I'm not sure what you are getting at about including some songs in a definition vs others. It appears from your words you have already prejudiced yourself against rap and poetry. Like I said before ask someone else what they think. I can only give you my opinion. I cannot validate yours.


Let me try this a different way.

Let's say someone took The Raven and decided to use the words in a rap song. Now let's say someone took The Raven and decided to use the words in a pop song. Is it more or less a poem for having been in either of those formats?

Or is it, instead, that you meant to use the word poetic rather than poetry, and meant it in the sense of how pleasant or beautiful a thing is? Are you trying to say you find words spoken in rap more profound than those that are sung? I would understand that far more easily than the idea that singing something makes it less a form of poetry than rapping it.
What is thug music?
It is rap with lyrics about beating people up, shooting them etc..

Wrong. Most rap music is not about that; most rap music is not gangster rap. Most rap music is either love type lyrics or protest lyrics.

I know teenagers. I often work with teenagers. They show me the lyrics to their music, which is often rap, kids of all races and ethnic groups. I don't listen to the songs themselves, but I read the lyrics. Essentially, rap is a sub-category of poetry, set to music. And most of it is either about protesting the state of affairs in society or about romantic issues. Turn off the music and just read the lyrics, of a cross section of rap, not just ganster rap.
Why are the consumers of thug music 75% white? Are you calling your own ethnicity sub-human?
Apparently you do not have an IQ high enough to comprehend that 'Thug music' is puked out by pretty much 100% Blacks. Blacks comprise about 13% of the population.
Try very hard to comprehend this example:(I'll go really slow) Say there are 13 people making something and offering it to a total of 100 other people. Are you capable of understanding that the potential number of consumers far out weights the demand from the 13?
You make the same inane argument that "Whites commit more crime than Blacks". NOT BASED ON PERCENT OF POPULATION! Given this very simple to understand fact Blacks commit far more crimes than Whites.
Anyway, sorry to have asked you to use up todays quota into intelligent thought. You may take a rest now.
does talking out your ass come naturally or do you practice > Whites Commit More Crimes Than Blacks, FBI Says on EthicsDaily.com
Thanks for proving what an idiot you are. But we understand why don't we?
Your own FBI 'link' says while Blacks are only 13% of the population they commit more than twice the number of crimes than the entire remaining 87%.
"You can't fix stupid".
One should have to pass a conflict resolution course before being allowed to own a firearm. Sort of like one has to prove one can drive before having a driver's license.
Take a thousand SUVs and stick four young Black men in them. Take a thousand vehicles of any assorted type and put one young White woman in each one.
Have the White woman drive up to a gas pump to pump her own gas. Then have one of the SUV's drive up beside her with the 'thug-rap' turned up so loud the woman's car is moving b/c of the volume.
Then observe whether the woman gets out of her car or whether she drives away.
I think in 100% of the cases the woman drives away.
Why? B/c the young Black men intimidated her to the point where she felt afraid. That was their intent. (Real men eh?)
That my friends is the definition of aggression. And what is the reaction of the young Black men? You fill in the blanks. Jumping around like baboons and laughing at the fear they caused on innocent person just for 'laughs'. Some life right?
And people wonder why young Black men are feared and abhorred.
Those young Black men who attempted to scare and intimidate Dunn were startled that anyone would have the balls to 'axe' them to turn the music down. Their reaction was to threaten Dunn. The next time the three remaining simians get 'axed' to go out and threaten innocent people for 'fun' they may think twice. Probably not.
How long before all of the remaining "children" as the Prosecutor called them are in a Federal prison?
I wonder what the young White prosecutor (pole dancer by night) would do if she were one of the thousand young White women? Would she ignore the loud music and the taunts and filth spewed by those young Black men? Or would she too drive away without getting out of her BMW? We know the answer.
"Long hot summer coming".
One should have to pass a conflict resolution course before being allowed to own a firearm. Sort of like one has to prove one can drive before having a driver's license.
What type of course do you think the tens of thousands of inner city Blacks who posses non-registered/illegal hand guns have to take?
Maybe how to determine if the pair of Nikes his cousin just stole is worth murdering him for?
Or maybe pass a proficiency test on how to load/unload the illegal hand gun. I'm guessing 90% of young Black men who posses (they obviously can not 'own' something that was stolen) illegal hand guns are too stupid to know how to remove the clip without killing their 'baby-mama' or her kid.
Take a thousand SUVs and stick four young Black men in them. Take a thousand vehicles of any assorted type and put one young White woman in each one.
Have the White woman drive up to a gas pump to pump her own gas. Then have one of the SUV's drive up beside her with the 'thug-rap' turned up so loud the woman's car is moving b/c of the volume.
Then observe whether the woman gets out of her car or whether she drives away.
I think in 100% of the cases the woman drives away.
Why? B/c the young Black men intimidated her to the point where she felt afraid. That was their intent. (Real men eh?)
That my friends is the definition of aggression. And what is the reaction of the young Black men? You fill in the blanks. Jumping around like baboons and laughing at the fear they caused on innocent person just for 'laughs'. Some life right?
And people wonder why young Black men are feared and abhorred.
Those young Black men who attempted to scare and intimidate Dunn were startled that anyone would have the balls to 'axe' them to turn the music down. Their reaction was to threaten Dunn. The next time the three remaining simians get 'axed' to go out and threaten innocent people for 'fun' they may think twice. Probably not.
How long before all of the remaining "children" as the Prosecutor called them are in a Federal prison?
I wonder what the young White prosecutor (pole dancer by night) would do if she were one of the thousand young White women? Would she ignore the loud music and the taunts and filth spewed by those young Black men? Or would she too drive away without getting out of her BMW? We know the answer.
"Long hot summer coming".

We understand. You are frightened and live in fear. You have created in your mind a state of affairs that keep you on the edge of your seat and petrified for your life. You will burn out early if you dont get some help. There may be an app for that.
Take a thousand SUVs and stick four young Black men in them. Take a thousand vehicles of any assorted type and put one young White woman in each one.
Have the White woman drive up to a gas pump to pump her own gas. Then have one of the SUV's drive up beside her with the 'thug-rap' turned up so loud the woman's car is moving b/c of the volume.
Then observe whether the woman gets out of her car or whether she drives away.
I think in 100% of the cases the woman drives away.
Why? B/c the young Black men intimidated her to the point where she felt afraid. That was their intent. (Real men eh?)
That my friends is the definition of aggression. And what is the reaction of the young Black men? You fill in the blanks. Jumping around like baboons and laughing at the fear they caused on innocent person just for 'laughs'. Some life right?
And people wonder why young Black men are feared and abhorred.
Those young Black men who attempted to scare and intimidate Dunn were startled that anyone would have the balls to 'axe' them to turn the music down. Their reaction was to threaten Dunn. The next time the three remaining simians get 'axed' to go out and threaten innocent people for 'fun' they may think twice. Probably not.
How long before all of the remaining "children" as the Prosecutor called them are in a Federal prison?
I wonder what the young White prosecutor (pole dancer by night) would do if she were one of the thousand young White women? Would she ignore the loud music and the taunts and filth spewed by those young Black men? Or would she too drive away without getting out of her BMW? We know the answer.
"Long hot summer coming".

We understand. You are frightened and live in fear. You have created in your mind a state of affairs that keep you on the edge of your seat and petrified for your life. You will burn out early if you dont get some help. There may be an app for that.

He watches too many stupid 'B' movies on cable TV and reads too many racist, right wing blogs. His head is up his you know what and all he can see is shite.
Last edited:
Take a thousand SUVs and stick four young Black men in them. Take a thousand vehicles of any assorted type and put one young White woman in each one.
Have the White woman drive up to a gas pump to pump her own gas. Then have one of the SUV's drive up beside her with the 'thug-rap' turned up so loud the woman's car is moving b/c of the volume.
Then observe whether the woman gets out of her car or whether she drives away.
I think in 100% of the cases the woman drives away.
Why? B/c the young Black men intimidated her to the point where she felt afraid. That was their intent. (Real men eh?)
That my friends is the definition of aggression. And what is the reaction of the young Black men? You fill in the blanks. Jumping around like baboons and laughing at the fear they caused on innocent person just for 'laughs'. Some life right?
And people wonder why young Black men are feared and abhorred.
Those young Black men who attempted to scare and intimidate Dunn were startled that anyone would have the balls to 'axe' them to turn the music down. Their reaction was to threaten Dunn. The next time the three remaining simians get 'axed' to go out and threaten innocent people for 'fun' they may think twice. Probably not.
How long before all of the remaining "children" as the Prosecutor called them are in a Federal prison?
I wonder what the young White prosecutor (pole dancer by night) would do if she were one of the thousand young White women? Would she ignore the loud music and the taunts and filth spewed by those young Black men? Or would she too drive away without getting out of her BMW? We know the answer.
"Long hot summer coming".

We understand. You are frightened and live in fear. You have created in your mind a state of affairs that keep you on the edge of your seat and petrified for your life. You will burn out early if you dont get some help. There may be an app for that.

He watches too many stupid 'B' movies on cable TV and reads too many racist, right wing blogs. His head us up his you know what and all he can see is shite.
So there are "too" many racist movies and "too many racist" blogs. How many is "too many"? One? The FACT that so many people are pissed off with the way 'young Black men' are behaving ought to tell you something.

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