“I hate that thug music.”

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.

Jim Morrison rolls over in his grave. :tongue:

Why does whether or not the verse is sung have anything to do with whether or not it is poetry?

Ask any rapper that cannot sing or any singer that cannot rap and you will know why.

So I'm trying to be clear, but it's hard with your pretentious-sounding non-answers. :lol:

Are you saying that traditional song lyrics are not poetry, but rap lyrics are? Or that traditional song lyrics are kind of poetry, but not entirely, whereas rap lyrics are? Or that if someone were to sing rather than speak rap lyrics, they would no longer be poetry? :confused:
So you're saying evidence doesn't matter to them? We're only a modern society as long as we follow the evidence and make a case based on critical thought.
how many trials with white juries on the could you say the same thing about....
Emmett till :
Emmett Louis Till was an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. Till was from Chicago, Illinois, visiting his relatives in Money, Mississippi, in the Mississippi Delta region, when he spoke to 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store there. Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later.
an all white jury acquitted the two psychos even after they admitted to the crime...

Some things have changed since this horrific crime ... They no longer have to have to hide the bodies because now they have "stand your ground" laws.
I wonder if the flirted with my wife defense would fly today?
Jim Morrison rolls over in his grave. :tongue:

Why does whether or not the verse is sung have anything to do with whether or not it is poetry?

Ask any rapper that cannot sing or any singer that cannot rap and you will know why.

So I'm trying to be clear, but it's hard with your pretentious-sounding non-answers. :lol:

Are you saying that traditional song lyrics are not poetry, but rap lyrics are? Or that traditional song lyrics are kind of poetry, but not entirely, whereas rap lyrics are? Or that if someone were to sing rather than speak rap lyrics, they would no longer be poetry? :confused:

Pretentious??? I think you are confused. You cant hear what I am saying on the internet. Its not difficult to understand the difference between singing lyrics and rapping lyrics. If that difference escapes you I dont know what to tell you. If you don't like my answer ask for another persons input. Maybe someone can explain it better than I can.
“I hate that thug music.”

Those were the last words Rhonda Rouer heard her fiance, Michael David Dunn, say before he fired 10 shots at a car containing four black teenagers at a Southside Gate gas station. One of those teenagers, 17-year-old Jordan Davis, was killed.

On Saturday afternoon Rouer, crying and shaking uncontrollably, was compelled to testify against the man she intends to marry and told jurors what happened before and after Davis was killed on Black Friday in November 2012.

Her anguish appeared to unsettle the courtroom. Dunn, 47, and his family sitting in the front row fought back tears, and members of the Davis family looked at the ground as she hyperventilated and tried to keep her hands from shaking. Acting Circuit Judge Russell Healey took the unusual step of bringing Rouer into court before the jury was in the room in an effort to calm her down before she was called to the stand.

When she finished testifying, Rouer whispered, “I’m so sorry” as she got off the stand. It was unclear if she was speaking to a bailiff, Dunn, the Davis family or someone else.

This guy is a danger to society and should be put away for good.
White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
Only the kids do, as rap is a immature simple form of African tribal "music"
I love it when people who know jack shit about music,art, and show bizz in general spew ignorance...
you did know that all the nonsense you're calling fact, was said about rock, jazz, country, even classical music at one time or another.
in the 1950's rock and roll was "the devils music"....
you can take pride in the fact that your ignorance has a long and colorful history.

Wow. I missed that comment.

Tank, that's reeeeel dumb, even for you. And, completely inaccurate.
“I hate that thug music.”

Those were the last words Rhonda Rouer heard her fiance, Michael David Dunn, say before he fired 10 shots at a car containing four black teenagers at a Southside Gate gas station. One of those teenagers, 17-year-old Jordan Davis, was killed.

On Saturday afternoon Rouer, crying and shaking uncontrollably, was compelled to testify against the man she intends to marry and told jurors what happened before and after Davis was killed on Black Friday in November 2012.

Her anguish appeared to unsettle the courtroom. Dunn, 47, and his family sitting in the front row fought back tears, and members of the Davis family looked at the ground as she hyperventilated and tried to keep her hands from shaking. Acting Circuit Judge Russell Healey took the unusual step of bringing Rouer into court before the jury was in the room in an effort to calm her down before she was called to the stand.

When she finished testifying, Rouer whispered, “I’m so sorry” as she got off the stand. It was unclear if she was speaking to a bailiff, Dunn, the Davis family or someone else.

This guy is a danger to society and should be put away for good.

IMO, that's what this is really about.

We've come to a point where nutters think they can murder for texting in a theater, playing loud music, eating Skittles while running from a stalker ... Black or white, its way past time to put the brakes on this attitude.

If these people were purposely running down others with a car, would we let them get away with it?
I agree. There are legal checks even on police as to what is considered an imminent threat or danger to life and safety. If we trained all civilians to follow the same process and procedures for defending the laws that police and military are required to pass before giving them authority to bear arms, maybe we'd have consistent standards on ALL sides, not to threaten anyone.

On that note, it is currently being protested that Obama and Congress had no right to bypass Constitutional checks and procedures to pass legislation that changes the interpretation of federal government authority.

This was pushed as a necessary measure because "lives and health of citizens were at stake". Funny, when prolife advocates argue to ban abortion as the fastest way to save lives of unborn children, this is also struck down as abuse of government authority and force of law. But someone insisted that health care DEPENDED on pushing mandates that violate rights and beliefs of others.

How can we teach people to respect the freedom and consent of others if our President and Congress don't?

My point is people on both sides of any conflict are both responsible for what is going wrong. If we all agreed what the rules and procedures are, which the Constitution was SUPPOSED TO DO, then we wouldn't argue after the fact, who bullied who, and who had the right to overstep bounds.

We should police and correct all cases consistently, NOT cherry pick, and only use cases to make a political statement for or against one side.

When Obama abuses executive and government authority, pushing for drones, spying and mandates/regulations that keep imposing on LAWABIDING citizens, who is stopping him?

If we can't even hold the President and Federal Govt to Constitutional standards when they are directly under it, how can we expect to hold citizens to "due process" voluntarily?

But that's what we need -- ALL citizens and also corporations to respect "due process of the law" instead of taking action and then getting sued or charged after it violates rights.

The President and Congress set a dangerous precedent pushing an unconstitutional bill until it is proven or corrected "after the fact". So this whole disrespect and overriding of "democratic due process" has to stop on all levels, from citizens to government, if we are going to teach RESPECT for Constitutional laws and procedures. NOT Politically bullying!

Be that as it may - such music at whatever volume does not give anyone the right to stand your ground in a public parking lot.

Just like texting in a theater does not mean your theater seat is where you stand your ground.

You don't like the music or the texting? Move away where there isn't any.

Regards from Rosie
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“I hate that thug music.”

Those were the last words Rhonda Rouer heard her fiance, Michael David Dunn, say before he fired 10 shots at a car containing four black teenagers at a Southside Gate gas station. One of those teenagers, 17-year-old Jordan Davis, was killed.

On Saturday afternoon Rouer, crying and shaking uncontrollably, was compelled to testify against the man she intends to marry and told jurors what happened before and after Davis was killed on Black Friday in November 2012.

Her anguish appeared to unsettle the courtroom. Dunn, 47, and his family sitting in the front row fought back tears, and members of the Davis family looked at the ground as she hyperventilated and tried to keep her hands from shaking. Acting Circuit Judge Russell Healey took the unusual step of bringing Rouer into court before the jury was in the room in an effort to calm her down before she was called to the stand.

When she finished testifying, Rouer whispered, “I’m so sorry” as she got off the stand. It was unclear if she was speaking to a bailiff, Dunn, the Davis family or someone else.

This guy is a danger to society and should be put away for good.

IMO, that's what this is really about.

We've come to a point where nutters think they can murder for texting in a theater, playing loud music, eating Skittles while running from a stalker ... Black or white, its way past time to put the brakes on this attitude.

If these people were purposely running down others with a car, would we let them get away with it?

You jumped the shark with the skittle crap. Shame, you almost sound reasonable at times
I agree. There are legal checks even on police as to what is considered an imminent threat or danger to life and safety. If we trained all civilians to follow the same process and procedures for defending the laws that police and military are required to pass before giving them authority to bear arms, maybe we'd have consistent standards on ALL sides, not to threaten anyone.

On that note, it is currently being protested that Obama and Congress had no right to bypass Constitutional checks and procedures to pass legislation that changes the interpretation of federal government authority.

This was pushed as a necessary measure because "lives and health of citizens were at stake". Funny, when prolife advocates argue to ban abortion as the fastest way to save lives of unborn children, this is also struck down as abuse of government authority and force of law. But someone insisted that health care DEPENDED on pushing mandates that violate rights and beliefs of others.

How can we teach people to respect the freedom and consent of others if our President and Congress don't?

My point is people on both sides of any conflict are both responsible for what is going wrong. If we all agreed what the rules and procedures are, which the Constitution was SUPPOSED TO DO, then we wouldn't argue after the fact, who bullied who, and who had the right to overstep bounds.

We should police and correct all cases consistently, NOT cherry pick, and only use cases to make a political statement for or against one side.

When Obama abuses executive and government authority, pushing for drones, spying and mandates/regulations that keep imposing on LAWABIDING citizens, who is stopping him?

If we can't even hold the President and Federal Govt to Constitutional standards when they are directly under it, how can we expect to hold citizens to "due process" voluntarily?

But that's what we need -- ALL citizens and also corporations to respect "due process of the law" instead of taking action and then getting sued or charged after it violates rights.

The President and Congress set a dangerous precedent pushing an unconstitutional bill until it is proven or corrected "after the fact". So this whole disrespect and overriding of "democratic due process" has to stop on all levels, from citizens to government, if we are going to teach RESPECT for Constitutional laws and procedures. NOT Politically bullying!

Be that as it may - such music at whatever volume does not give anyone the right to stand your ground in a public parking lot.

Just like texting in a theater does not mean your theater seat is where you stand your ground.

You don't like the music or the texting? Move away where there isn't any.

Regards from Rosie
hey E you do realize your way off topic?
Ask any rapper that cannot sing or any singer that cannot rap and you will know why.

So I'm trying to be clear, but it's hard with your pretentious-sounding non-answers. :lol:

Are you saying that traditional song lyrics are not poetry, but rap lyrics are? Or that traditional song lyrics are kind of poetry, but not entirely, whereas rap lyrics are? Or that if someone were to sing rather than speak rap lyrics, they would no longer be poetry? :confused:

Pretentious??? I think you are confused. You cant hear what I am saying on the internet. Its not difficult to understand the difference between singing lyrics and rapping lyrics. If that difference escapes you I dont know what to tell you. If you don't like my answer ask for another persons input. Maybe someone can explain it better than I can.

I don't think I am the confused one here (except, of course, my confusion over your continued vague answers). I understand there is a difference in singing and rapping. However, you claimed that rap is more poetry because of the lack of singing. I still have not heard an explanation as to why that is. Until the words are sung or rapped, both are a kind of poetry. The same lyrics could be rapped or sung. So why is one poetry and the other not, or 'more' poetry than the other (whatever that means)?

I had hoped my Jim Morrison reference earlier, a man who has often been described as considering himself a poet before a musician, would get the point across. Just because the words are put to song, whether with traditional singing or rapping, doesn't affect their being poetry. ;)
'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.
So I'm trying to be clear, but it's hard with your pretentious-sounding non-answers. :lol:

Are you saying that traditional song lyrics are not poetry, but rap lyrics are? Or that traditional song lyrics are kind of poetry, but not entirely, whereas rap lyrics are? Or that if someone were to sing rather than speak rap lyrics, they would no longer be poetry? :confused:

Pretentious??? I think you are confused. You cant hear what I am saying on the internet. Its not difficult to understand the difference between singing lyrics and rapping lyrics. If that difference escapes you I dont know what to tell you. If you don't like my answer ask for another persons input. Maybe someone can explain it better than I can.

I don't think I am the confused one here (except, of course, my confusion over your continued vague answers). I understand there is a difference in singing and rapping. However, you claimed that rap is more poetry because of the lack of singing. I still have not heard an explanation as to why that is. Until the words are sung or rapped, both are a kind of poetry. The same lyrics could be rapped or sung. So why is one poetry and the other not, or 'more' poetry than the other (whatever that means)?

I had hoped my Jim Morrison reference earlier, a man who has often been described as considering himself a poet before a musician, would get the point across. Just because the words are put to song, whether with traditional singing or rapping, doesn't affect their being poetry. ;)

I'd have to disagree with your contention you are not confused. You first wondered why rap was considered poetry set to music and other music forms were not. Then you claimed you could hear me being pretentious. Since you can neither hear me nor was I trying to impress you I can only surmise you are indeed confused.

If you understand there is a difference between rapping and singing then you are halfway there. Rap involves primarily the same form as poetry and the focus is on the words as well. With singing the focus is on the music and the singers ability to hit notes, runs, etc. You can sing without uttering an intelligible word or even having a message. Try that doing that with rap and you start to understand.
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'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.

Why are the consumers of thug music 75% white? Are you calling your own ethnicity sub-human?
Pretentious??? I think you are confused. You cant hear what I am saying on the internet. Its not difficult to understand the difference between singing lyrics and rapping lyrics. If that difference escapes you I dont know what to tell you. If you don't like my answer ask for another persons input. Maybe someone can explain it better than I can.

I don't think I am the confused one here (except, of course, my confusion over your continued vague answers). I understand there is a difference in singing and rapping. However, you claimed that rap is more poetry because of the lack of singing. I still have not heard an explanation as to why that is. Until the words are sung or rapped, both are a kind of poetry. The same lyrics could be rapped or sung. So why is one poetry and the other not, or 'more' poetry than the other (whatever that means)?

I had hoped my Jim Morrison reference earlier, a man who has often been described as considering himself a poet before a musician, would get the point across. Just because the words are put to song, whether with traditional singing or rapping, doesn't affect their being poetry. ;)

I'd have to disagree with your contention you are not confused. You first wondered why rap was considered poetry set to music and other music forms were not. Then you claimed you could hear me being pretentious. Since you can neither hear me nor was I trying to impress you I can only surmise you are indeed confused.

If you understand there is a difference between rapping and singing then you are halfway there. Rap involves primarily the same form as poetry and the focus is on the words as well. With singing the focus is on the music and the singers ability to hit notes, runs, etc. You can sing without uttering an intelligible word or even having a message. Try that doing that with rap and you start to understand.

What I actually said is that the description poetry set to music could be used for any kind of music with lyrics. That continues to be true, unless you contend that lyrics which are sung rather than rapped are not poetry.

I said your post was pretentious-sounding. If you don't understand how I was using that phrase, I don't know what to tell you. Obviously I don't mean that I am listening to your voice. I mean that what you wrote had a pretentious tone to it. Rather than answer my question, you gave a 'ask someone who does it and you'll know' answer, which implies that I can't understand on my own and wouldn't understand any explanation you gave me, and also assumes I am not a traditional singer who cannot rap or vice versa.

What is or is not the focus of singing is entirely up to the singer/band. There is no rule that the focus must be on the music and the ability to hit notes. Singers can focus on the words, that is not something exclusive to rap.

What does 'rap has primarily the same form as poetry' mean? There are various kinds of poetry. Often poetry has no true rules or forms at all and is a free-flowing thing. What is the huge difference in rap lyrics and sung lyrics that makes rap more poetry (which is still something you have yet to explain, what is 'more' poetry?)? Is it not possible for rap lyrics to be sung traditionally, or lyrics from traditionally sung songs to be rapped?

I would say that the main difference between rapping and singing is not whether one is poetry and the other not, or one being 'more' poetry than the other, but simply the presentation of the lyrics. Those lyrics could be exactly the same. There is no need for poetry to be spoken, rapped or sung before it becomes poetry. All lyrics can be seen as poetry set to music.
'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.
what twisted nazi publication did you glean the non fact that " the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred!"
'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.

Why are the consumers of thug music 75% white? Are you calling your own ethnicity sub-human?
Apparently you do not have an IQ high enough to comprehend that 'Thug music' is puked out by pretty much 100% Blacks. Blacks comprise about 13% of the population.
Try very hard to comprehend this example:(I'll go really slow) Say there are 13 people making something and offering it to a total of 100 other people. Are you capable of understanding that the potential number of consumers far out weights the demand from the 13?
You make the same inane argument that "Whites commit more crime than Blacks". NOT BASED ON PERCENT OF POPULATION! Given this very simple to understand fact Blacks commit far more crimes than Whites.
Anyway, sorry to have asked you to use up todays quota into intelligent thought. You may take a rest now.
I don't think I am the confused one here (except, of course, my confusion over your continued vague answers). I understand there is a difference in singing and rapping. However, you claimed that rap is more poetry because of the lack of singing. I still have not heard an explanation as to why that is. Until the words are sung or rapped, both are a kind of poetry. The same lyrics could be rapped or sung. So why is one poetry and the other not, or 'more' poetry than the other (whatever that means)?

I had hoped my Jim Morrison reference earlier, a man who has often been described as considering himself a poet before a musician, would get the point across. Just because the words are put to song, whether with traditional singing or rapping, doesn't affect their being poetry. ;)

I'd have to disagree with your contention you are not confused. You first wondered why rap was considered poetry set to music and other music forms were not. Then you claimed you could hear me being pretentious. Since you can neither hear me nor was I trying to impress you I can only surmise you are indeed confused.

If you understand there is a difference between rapping and singing then you are halfway there. Rap involves primarily the same form as poetry and the focus is on the words as well. With singing the focus is on the music and the singers ability to hit notes, runs, etc. You can sing without uttering an intelligible word or even having a message. Try that doing that with rap and you start to understand.

What I actually said is that the description poetry set to music could be used for any kind of music with lyrics. That continues to be true, unless you contend that lyrics which are sung rather than rapped are not poetry.

I said your post was pretentious-sounding. If you don't understand how I was using that phrase, I don't know what to tell you. Obviously I don't mean that I am listening to your voice. I mean that what you wrote had a pretentious tone to it. Rather than answer my question, you gave a 'ask someone who does it and you'll know' answer, which implies that I can't understand on my own and wouldn't understand any explanation you gave me, and also assumes I am not a traditional singer who cannot rap or vice versa.

What is or is not the focus of singing is entirely up to the singer/band. There is no rule that the focus must be on the music and the ability to hit notes. Singers can focus on the words, that is not something exclusive to rap.

What does 'rap has primarily the same form as poetry' mean? There are various kinds of poetry. Often poetry has no true rules or forms at all and is a free-flowing thing. What is the huge difference in rap lyrics and sung lyrics that makes rap more poetry (which is still something you have yet to explain, what is 'more' poetry?)? Is it not possible for rap lyrics to be sung traditionally, or lyrics from traditionally sung songs to be rapped?

I would say that the main difference between rapping and singing is not whether one is poetry and the other not, or one being 'more' poetry than the other, but simply the presentation of the lyrics. Those lyrics could be exactly the same. There is no need for poetry to be spoken, rapped or sung before it becomes poetry. All lyrics can be seen as poetry set to music.

To your original question I gave this answer.

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.

You wanted to dissect that further and I told you to:

Ask any rapper that cannot sing or any singer that cannot rap and you will know why.

I write poetry and rap lyrics. They are very similar in structure in that they usually convey a profound message in a figurative fashion. Rap has the added difficulty of using words that rhyme or sound like they rhyme when rapping. The talent of rapping is something a lot of singers do not have and the reverse could be said of rappers. Since rapping hinges on the words being more figurative than literal just like poetry then its closer to poetry than singing. Thats the difference.
'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.

Why are the consumers of thug music 75% white? Are you calling your own ethnicity sub-human?
Apparently you do not have an IQ high enough to comprehend that 'Thug music' is puked out by pretty much 100% Blacks. Blacks comprise about 13% of the population.
Try very hard to comprehend this example:(I'll go really slow) Say there are 13 people making something and offering it to a total of 100 other people. Are you capable of understanding that the potential number of consumers far out weights the demand from the 13?
You make the same inane argument that "Whites commit more crime than Blacks". NOT BASED ON PERCENT OF POPULATION! Given this very simple to understand fact Blacks commit far more crimes than Whites.
Anyway, sorry to have asked you to use up todays quota into intelligent thought. You may take a rest now.

Nice try at a deflection. :lol: You skipped all over the point that 75% of the consumers of thug music are white. What say you to that? Are those 75% of white consumers sub-humans or not?
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'Thug music' is just that. It appeals to the lowest form of human being. Is it any wonder why the entire Black race across the globe is abhorred?
If it's not stealing your Grandma's pension money or fucking your 11 year old cousin or sucker-punching a little old White woman b/c "you're bored" life isn't 'fun'. The other races in the world are very fast reaching the point where it's time to stop this sub-human behavior. Once it starts there will be a global war against those you are apparently genetically not capable of living in a civilized peaceful world. It will never end until every man woman and child can walk on any street safely anywhere on the planet at any time day or night.

Why are the consumers of thug music 75% white? Are you calling your own ethnicity sub-human?
Apparently you do not have an IQ high enough to comprehend that 'Thug music' is puked out by pretty much 100% Blacks. Blacks comprise about 13% of the population.
Try very hard to comprehend this example:(I'll go really slow) Say there are 13 people making something and offering it to a total of 100 other people. Are you capable of understanding that the potential number of consumers far out weights the demand from the 13?
You make the same inane argument that "Whites commit more crime than Blacks". NOT BASED ON PERCENT OF POPULATION! Given this very simple to understand fact Blacks commit far more crimes than Whites.
Anyway, sorry to have asked you to use up todays quota into intelligent thought. You may take a rest now.
does talking out your ass come naturally or do you practice > Whites Commit More Crimes Than Blacks, FBI Says on EthicsDaily.com

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