“I hate that thug music.”

In the Dunn case, there is very little objective evidence of an aggressor placing Dunn in fear of his life, so he had to tell the jury how afraid he was. Dunn's testimony, then, will largely determine whether these jurors find him guilty or not guilty.

Opinion: Did Florida shooter make his case on the stand? - CNN.com

Clearly the burden of an imminent threat was not met by Dunn to justify using deadly force to ‘defend’ himself, any alleged threat had ended when the victim started to drive away, the point at which Dunn began shooting.
Listen up genius. The 'victim' was in the back seat. He wasn't driving as you claim. I don't expect you're type to be capable of comprehending much but at least try to follow the 'bouncing ball' if you want to be part of the discussion. If you can't even do that go take a rest on your shady porch. The welfare cheque is on it's way.
It's not music. They don't sing, they talk. There's no musical talent involved, just a bunch of criminals spewing out hate an aggression, glorifying rape and violence.

White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
It says they're probably in prison.

You cant be that stupid. How are they going to buy the music if they are in prison?
Wrong. Most rap music is not about that; most rap music is not gangster rap. Most rap music is either love type lyrics or protest lyrics.

Rap is poetry set to music.

Wouldn't that description work for any kind of music with lyrics? :eusa_whistle:

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.
It is rap with lyrics about beating people up, shooting them etc..

Wrong. Most rap music is not about that; most rap music is not gangster rap. Most rap music is either love type lyrics or protest lyrics.
Who's your favorite rapper?

Common, JZ.

Common's lyrics are better, imo.

His lyrics also send an important message to ALL young kids, of ALL colors. Too bad racist adults are afraid to listen to it.
In the Dunn case, there is very little objective evidence of an aggressor placing Dunn in fear of his life, so he had to tell the jury how afraid he was. Dunn's testimony, then, will largely determine whether these jurors find him guilty or not guilty.

Opinion: Did Florida shooter make his case on the stand? - CNN.com

Clearly the burden of an imminent threat was not met by Dunn to justify using deadly force to ‘defend’ himself, any alleged threat had ended when the victim started to drive away, the point at which Dunn began shooting.
Listen up genius. The 'victim' was in the back seat. He wasn't driving as you claim. I don't expect you're type to be capable of comprehending much but at least try to follow the 'bouncing ball' if you want to be part of the discussion. If you can't even do that go take a rest on your shady porch. The welfare cheque is on it's way.

Doesn't matter ... If some nutter opened fire on you, wouldn't you (or the driver) drive away as fast as you could rather than stay to become the nutter's next victim?

In this case, the nutter also ran away from his crime and went to a convenience store.
Rap is poetry set to music.

Wouldn't that description work for any kind of music with lyrics? :eusa_whistle:

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.

Jim Morrison rolls over in his grave. :tongue:

Why does whether or not the verse is sung have anything to do with whether or not it is poetry?
Wouldn't that description work for any kind of music with lyrics? :eusa_whistle:

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.

Jim Morrison rolls over in his grave. :tongue:

Why does whether or not the verse is sung have anything to do with whether or not it is poetry?

Ask any rapper that cannot sing or any singer that cannot rap and you will know why.
Nice try, but you're the one who announced you would run like a bitch if somebody showed you a shotgun and leave your girlfriend at the mercy of 4 thugs. You have documented your own cowardice. :lol:

You should be able to quote me on that then. I'll wait. :lol:

In the meantime you still are afraid of Black people.
I've never been afraid of black people. I've always found them all to be pussies like you. They're only brave when they're in a pack.
you mean like the Klan or the neo Nazis..?
my guess is at the first hint of real trouble you pull up your skirts and run away..
You should be able to quote me on that then. I'll wait. :lol:

In the meantime you still are afraid of Black people.
I've never been afraid of black people. I've always found them all to be pussies like you. They're only brave when they're in a pack.
you mean like the Klan or the neo Nazis..?
my guess is at the first hint of real trouble you pull up your skirts and run away..

Or pull down his pillowcase and light a match.
From my understanding, there are 3 black folks on the jury.

Yeah....he's toast.

Toast I sed...TOAST!!!

So you're saying evidence doesn't matter to them? We're only a modern society as long as we follow the evidence and make a case based on critical thought.
how many trials with white juries on them could you say the same thing about....here's one
Emmett till :
Emmett Louis Till was an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. Till was from Chicago, Illinois, visiting his relatives in Money, Mississippi, in the Mississippi Delta region, when he spoke to 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store there. Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later.
an all white jury acquitted the two psychos even after they admitted to the crime...
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From my understanding, there are 3 black folks on the jury.

Yeah....he's toast.

Toast I sed...TOAST!!!

So you're saying evidence doesn't matter to them? We're only a modern society as long as we follow the evidence and make a case based on critical thought.
how many trials with white juries on the could you say the same thing about....
Emmett till :
Emmett Louis Till was an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. Till was from Chicago, Illinois, visiting his relatives in Money, Mississippi, in the Mississippi Delta region, when he spoke to 21-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the married proprietor of a small grocery store there. Several nights later, Bryant's husband Roy and his half-brother J. W. Milam arrived at Till's great-uncle's house where they took Till, transported him to a barn, beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. His body was discovered and retrieved from the river three days later.
an all white jury acquitted the two psychos even after they admitted to the crime...

Some things have changed since this horrific crime ... They no longer have to have to hide the bodies because now they have "stand your ground" laws.
White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
Only the kids do, as rap is a immature simple form of African tribal "music"
I love it when people who know jack shit about music,art, and show bizz in general spew ignorance...
you did know that all the nonsense you're calling fact, was said about rock, jazz, country, even classical music at one time or another.
in the 1950's rock and roll was "the devils music"....
you can take pride in the fact that your ignorance has a long and colorful history.
It says they're probably in prison.

What a stupid thing to say. Practically every white teenager in the Western world supports American rap. Idiot. :cuckoo: (And, btw, it is mostly not gangster rap, which may be about aggression and violence. By far, most of it is not like that at all.)
WTF do you think "thug music" is, idiot? It's gangster rap. Pay attention!
false the term thug music is a euphemism (you might need to look that word up) for ****** music . just
as the term thug has replaced ******..
In the Dunn case, there is very little objective evidence of an aggressor placing Dunn in fear of his life, so he had to tell the jury how afraid he was. Dunn's testimony, then, will largely determine whether these jurors find him guilty or not guilty.

Opinion: Did Florida shooter make his case on the stand? - CNN.com

Clearly the burden of an imminent threat was not met by Dunn to justify using deadly force to ‘defend’ himself, any alleged threat had ended when the victim started to drive away, the point at which Dunn began shooting.
Listen up genius. The 'victim' was in the back seat. He wasn't driving as you claim. I don't expect you're type to be capable of comprehending much but at least try to follow the 'bouncing ball' if you want to be part of the discussion. If you can't even do that go take a rest on your shady porch. The welfare cheque is on it's way.
is that your way of admitting he just handed you your ass?

Clearly the burden of an imminent threat was not met by Dunn to justify using deadly force to ‘defend’ himself, any alleged threat had ended when the victim started to drive away, the point at which Dunn began shooting.
Listen up genius. The 'victim' was in the back seat. He wasn't driving as you claim. I don't expect you're type to be capable of comprehending much but at least try to follow the 'bouncing ball' if you want to be part of the discussion. If you can't even do that go take a rest on your shady porch. The welfare cheque is on it's way.

Doesn't matter ... If some nutter opened fire on you, wouldn't you (or the driver) drive away as fast as you could rather than stay to become the nutter's next victim?

In this case, the nutter also ran away from his crime and went to a convenience store.


At the point the victim drove away, any supposed 'threat' ended and consequently the use of deadly force was not justified.
Wouldn't that description work for any kind of music with lyrics? :eusa_whistle:

Rap is more so poetry than most other forms of music specifically because their is very little singing done by the rapper. Its straight verses set to music. The interplay of words and figurative meanings are the focal point.

Jim Morrison rolls over in his grave. :tongue:

Why does whether or not the verse is sung have anything to do with whether or not it is poetry?
it has to do with meter (timing) clear as mud ...right.?

4. Here's one way you know that meter and rhyme schemes — all the things that many people have in mind when mentioning rules — are not primary. We can enjoy translations just as much (or more sometimes) as we enjoy poems in our own language. Those poems, in their original form, may have followed many rules that we can no longer experience. We are experiencing everything else — the story, the insight, figures of speech, observations, and vision. Let me make this point from the other direction. Wallace Stevens starts his marvelous "Thirteen Ways To Look At A Blackbird" like this: "Among twenty snowy mountains, the only moving thing was the eye of the blackbird." (I left out the line breaks and caps; even with them included, this is almost prose.) So where are the rules? But I tell you, this bit of magic could be translated into every language on the planet, and readers everywhere would fall silent before it. The picture is so vivid, so memorable. This for me is poetry — by virtue of its leap into unexpected truth. Oh, if only I'd thought of that! Make a list of the poems you really love and you'll find, I bet, a similar degree of originality, even oddness. Rules may have been followed but that's not what brings you back. What captivates are vistas new and lucky, feelings sharp and unanticipated.

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