“I hate that thug music.”

So you're saying evidence doesn't matter to them? We're only a modern society as long as we follow the evidence and make a case based on critical thought.
I'm saying that now FOR SURE they won't let the shat slide like what that weak Puerto Rican juror who got bullied by that racist juror during the Trayvon Case who ended up saying in public, that she regret that they let a murderer get away....

Trayvon Martin Juror B29 says ?George Zimmerman got away with murder?: Comment 'devastates' slain teen?s mother - NY Daily News

They can bully 1 weak Puerto Rican female juror, but let them try bullying 3 black jurors.

Let's say your car broke down and you got out to look for help. You walked up to a 17 year old young men to ask for help and you were attacked. Would it be wrong and evil for you to ask for help?
If the jurors felt so proud and knew they did a good thing, why haven't they let their names be known?
“I hate that thug music.”

Those were the last words Rhonda Rouer heard her fiance, Michael David Dunn, say before he fired 10 shots at a car containing four black teenagers at a Southside Gate gas station. One of those teenagers, 17-year-old Jordan Davis, was killed.

On Saturday afternoon Rouer, crying and shaking uncontrollably, was compelled to testify against the man she intends to marry and told jurors what happened before and after Davis was killed on Black Friday in November 2012.

Her anguish appeared to unsettle the courtroom. Dunn, 47, and his family sitting in the front row fought back tears, and members of the Davis family looked at the ground as she hyperventilated and tried to keep her hands from shaking. Acting Circuit Judge Russell Healey took the unusual step of bringing Rouer into court before the jury was in the room in an effort to calm her down before she was called to the stand.

When she finished testifying, Rouer whispered, “I’m so sorry” as she got off the stand. It was unclear if she was speaking to a bailiff, Dunn, the Davis family or someone else.

I asked this on the other thread and I'm going to ask it here too. I believe the man in the "Loud Music Murder" is guilty. However, I have an observation. There is another horrible murder trail going on in Florida as I type this.

Three men killed a man and ruthlessly attacked a woman they left for dead after beating her, fracturing her skull and severing her fingers. They stabbed Vincent Binder to death. They attacked, beat and robbed several other people as well.

Second day of testimony in capital murder trial includes victim testimony | StAugustine.com

Why is it that these murders and attacks do not make the front page of every newspaper as the "Loud Music Murder?" its as every bit appalling and awful. Every day I look at the news this case in the OP is first and foremost, in fact its hard to find information on the case I mentioned on any front page of a internet paper.

It seems to me that at times the media dictates the crimes, and stirs the pot, labels them as racist and tries to stir emotion against a one murderer as opposed to another. One race against the other, when terrible crimes are being committed by all races. Emphasis being on Zimmerman, the man above, etc. It just seems uneven to me and stokes the racial divide.
That may be enough to get justice for the kid.

Not so sure after what I saw with the TM case. I think the guy is going to have to admit he shot the kid in cold blood for him to be found guilty. The ignorance and racism runs deep in this country. History supports that very clearly.

This random stand your ground murdering has to stop.

Exactly. It is just an open license to kill unarmed, innocent people because one 'feels' threatened. In this particularly case, however, it seems the killer had no reason to feel threatened and probably didn't, he just doesn't like black kids. Sickening.
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Actually at the trial he seemed very credible.Did you see the trial?

All that is left is closing statements tomorrow. And then deliberations and verdict.

Dunn took he stand even though he wasn't required to and he was very credible. I think the jury will say not guilty.

Very credible. Right. His fiance took the stand right after him and contradicted him. In other words, she made him appear to be a liar.Credible...:lol:

That may be enough to get justice for the kid.

I'm convinced it will be.

It is important to note that Dunn lied at least three times on the stand, and each lie is critical.

First: Dunn testified that Jordan Davis was getting out of his vehicle (Dodge Durango) to attack him. However, forensic evidence proved that Davis and his friends were all inside the Durango when Dunn pulled the trigger. This is critical because it undermines Dunn's credibility and goes to the heart of the self-defense claim. To prevail on a claim of self-defense, Dunn would have to prove he had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury at the moment the shots were fired. Since Davis was in the car with the windows up I don't think anyone on the jury will believe Dunn's life was seriously threatened.

Second: Dunn testified that right after the incident he told Roeur, his fiance, about Davis having a gun; however, Roeur, convincingly testified that Dunn never spoke to her about a gun, pipe or any other weapon. While Dunn's testimony is self-serving, Roeur's testimony is extremely credible since she is Dunn's fiance and is testifying against her own self-interest. Further, a letter Dunn wrote to Roeul from jail on December 5, 2012, contradicts what he later said on the stand. His letter states, "He asked what I had told you, and I then realized that we hadn't really discussed what happened as we were more concerned with whether or not anyone was hurt. Let me assure you ... there was a weapon." The fact that Dunn said nothing about a weapon until he was arrested tends to show he made the whole thing up. Since nothing resembling a weapon was ever found, I cannot see how a jury could possibly believe Dunn's account.

Third: Dunn claimed that after learning from a news report that someone had been killed in the incident, he called a neighbor who was in law enforcement to discuss turning himself in.. However Roeur testified that Dunn never called this neighbor and phone records prove no such call was made. Dunn was found because someone at the convenience store had recorded his license plate.

I will be stunned if Dunn's claim of self-defense is accepted by the jury. For legal reasons which are beyond the scope of this reply, Dunn may be acquitted of first degree murder but there is no way in hell he walks. I predict he will be found guilty of either first degree murder or second degree murder, most likely the latter.
It's not music. They don't sing, they talk. There's no musical talent involved, just a bunch of criminals spewing out hate an aggression, glorifying rape and violence.

White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
It says they're probably in prison.

What a stupid thing to say. Practically every white teenager in the Western world supports American rap. Idiot. :cuckoo: (And, btw, it is mostly not gangster rap, which may be about aggression and violence. By far, most of it is not like that at all.)
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In the meantime you still are afraid of Black people.
Even black people are afraid of black people, they are so violent

No one is more violent than white people. Its been documented in their own history Tank. Talk to me when any other ethnicity wipes out an entire civilization across a continent and a ocean from them.
Whites have had their moments of violence, but blacks have never had a moment of peace
White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
Only the kids do, as rap is a immature simple form of African tribal "music"

Do you people even realize that by far most adult, mature black people do not like rap either? It is a thing the current younger generation likes. Just the same as when we were young we all liked rock and hard rock. Jesus. People are so narrow minded and short sighted.

If that car had been full of white teenagers listening to loud rap music, Dunn would not have killed anyone.
White people fully support this music. What does that say about them?
It says they're probably in prison.

What a stupid thing to say. Practically every white teenager in the Western world supports American rap. Idiot. :cuckoo: (And, btw, it is mostly not gangster rap, which may be about aggression and violence. By far, most of it is not like that at all.)
WTF do you think "thug music" is, idiot? It's gangster rap. Pay attention!

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