“I hate that thug music.”


Everything like illustrating your fear of Black people. I would be afraid too if I were a pussy like you are. :lol:
Nice try, but you're the one who announced you would run like a bitch if somebody showed you a shotgun and leave your girlfriend at the mercy of 4 thugs. You have documented your own cowardice. :lol:

You should be able to quote me on that then. I'll wait. :lol:

In the meantime you still are afraid of Black people.
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I heard that the guy saw a shotgun pointed at him before he started shooting.

Only in his dreams. The kids weren't armed.

I suppose we'll never know for sure because there's no way for you to know for sure.

We know for sure. He shot everybody and then left, no weapons were found in the victim's car, no sticks, nothing that looked like a shotgun.

He's a crazy loon and will probably walk free.
neither is the shooter.
Actually at the trial he seemed very credible.Did you see the trial?

All that is left is closing statements tomorrow. And then deliberations and verdict.

Dunn took he stand even though he wasn't required to and he was very credible. I think the jury will say not guilty.

Very credible. Right. His fiance took the stand right after him and contradicted him. In other words, she made him appear to be a liar.Credible...:lol:

That may be enough to get justice for the kid.
Actually at the trial he seemed very credible.Did you see the trial?

All that is left is closing statements tomorrow. And then deliberations and verdict.

Dunn took he stand even though he wasn't required to and he was very credible. I think the jury will say not guilty.

Very credible. Right. His fiance took the stand right after him and contradicted him. In other words, she made him appear to be a liar.Credible...:lol:

That may be enough to get justice for the kid.

Not so sure after what I saw with the TM case. I think the guy is going to have to admit he shot the kid in cold blood for him to be found guilty. The ignorance and racism runs deep in this country. History supports that very clearly.
Very credible. Right. His fiance took the stand right after him and contradicted him. In other words, she made him appear to be a liar.Credible...:lol:

That may be enough to get justice for the kid.

Not so sure after what I saw with the TM case. I think the guy is going to have to admit he shot the kid in cold blood for him to be found guilty. The ignorance and racism runs deep in this country. History supports that very clearly.

This random stand your ground murdering has to stop.
According to the link, the comment Dunn made about “thug music” was made before Roeur went into the convenience store:

“Loud rap music was emanating from the Durango and when Dunn said he hated that thug music Roeur replied 'I know,' gave him a kiss and left Dunn in the car while she went in to get the wine.”

The thing that was most significant is when they called Roeur back to the stand and she testified that during the entire time right after the tragic event Dunn never said anything to her about being threatened with a gun, a pipe or anything else. Dunn and Roeur drove away from the convenience store, went to their hotel, ordered pizza, watched a movie and of course talked during all that time; however, Dunn never said a word about being threatened with a weapon.

The fact that Dunn never discussed this most critical bit of information with her right after the event could be viewed as proof he made the whole thing up when he was arrested. I believe this is how the jury will see it. I don't know about you, but if I killed someone in self-defense I would certainly discuss why I did it. If I were threatened with a gun, I sure as hell would be telling everyone about it.

NOTE: The link OP gave does not include the testimony Roeur gave when she was called to the stand the second time. I watched this part of her testimony on the news. I'm sure it's all over the Internet by now.

I was hoping something like this would come out to show his indifference. What amazes me is he claims to have seen a shotgun but instead of immediately backing out he turns and gets his gun out of the glove box.
Hey, just because YOU'RE a pussy doesn't mean everybody is.
best dodge ever!

Everything like illustrating your fear of Black people. I would be afraid too if I were a pussy like you are. :lol:
Nice try, but you're the one who announced you would run like a bitch if somebody showed you a shotgun and leave your girlfriend at the mercy of 4 thugs. You have documented your own cowardice. :lol:
it's obvious you have trouble with English comp....sad too, as it the only language you know...
btw that's not what Asclepias said, it's your fucking ignorant interpretation of it.
1. This isn't even one little bit the same as the Zimmerman/Martin case.

2. There is something fishy in the defendant's story. He thought he saw a shotgun so he shot the guy. How's that again? Did he already have his gun out? If so why? If not then he had time to draw his weapon from the hidden spot (concealed carry), so he has time to figure out if it really was a shotgun.

If you carry, you also have the responsibility to know the situation before you draw. George Zimmerman did it right. He didn't draw his weapon until he was being assaulted. This guy could have drawn his weapon but not fired it, or had his hand on it just in case. That's what I would have done. Be sure you need to use it. It isn't as hard as it sounds.
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1. This isn't even one little bit the same as the Zimmerman/Martin case.

2. There is something fishy in the defendant's story. He thought he saw a shotgun so he shot the guy. How's that again? Did he already have his gun out? If so why? If not then he had time to draw his weapon from the hidden spot (concealed carry), so he has time to figure out if it really was a shotgun.

If you carry, you also have the responsibility to know the situation before you draw. George Zimmerman did it right. He didn't draw his weapon until he was being assaulted. This guy could have drawn his weapon but not fired it, or had his hand on it just in case. That's what I would have done. Be sure you need to use it. It isn't as hard as it sounds.

Agreed, except I remember reading that he had the gun in his glove compartment. Seems to me like he had plenty of time to assess the situation if he had time to turn around, open the glove box, find his gun inside, then turn back around to let go 9 rounds. If the kid really had a shotgun and planned to use it, what the hell was he waiting for? An invitation to come via snail mail?
The murderer, Michael Dunn, is going to get the book thrown at him.

They can't let another teen murderer get away with cold blooded murder in broad daylight like that.

His RW A$$ is grass!!

Only in his dreams. The kids weren't armed.
Actually the weapon that the police recovered from Jordan Davis was shown to the jury.

People who say he was unarmed are liars.

I know you were diagnosed as being slow but even you should know a knife is not a shot gun nor can a knife shoot Dunn in his car. What kind of meth are you on?
Only in his dreams. The kids weren't armed.
Actually the weapon that the police recovered from Jordan Davis was shown to the jury.

People who say he was unarmed are liars.

I know you were diagnosed as being slow but even you should know a knife is not a shot gun nor can a knife shoot Dunn in his car. What kind of meth are you on?
guess he's never heard the phrase "you brought a knife to a gun fight!"
Actually the weapon that the police recovered from Jordan Davis was shown to the jury.

People who say he was unarmed are liars.

I know you were diagnosed as being slow but even you should know a knife is not a shot gun nor can a knife shoot Dunn in his car. What kind of meth are you on?
guess he's never heard the phrase "you brought a knife to a gun fight!"
Yeah you can tell that Davis was one very stupid individual.

Why the hell did have to freak out so bad? I think he was a psychopath or something.
I know you were diagnosed as being slow but even you should know a knife is not a shot gun nor can a knife shoot Dunn in his car. What kind of meth are you on?
guess he's never heard the phrase "you brought a knife to a gun fight!"
Yeah you can tell that Davis was one very stupid individual.

Why the hell did have to freak out so bad? I think he was a psychopath or something.
odd how humor is a good indicator of fact...
"We might be in trouble with the local gangsters, but I didn't do anything wrong," Dunn said, explaining his thought process leading to his decision to leave the well-lit parking lot where numerous witnesses had seen the altercation and aftermath.

The couple was staying at the bed-and-breakfast because it was pet-friendly and close to Dunn's son's wedding in Jacksonville, he said. They stopped at the gas station after leaving the wedding because Rouer wanted some white wine and chips, Dunn said.

That's when he heard heavy bass "thumping" from a red Dodge Durango parked next to him. Rouer testified previously that Dunn told her he hated "that thug music," which Dunn contested during his testimony. He said he wouldn't have used such terminology -- he said he prefers the term "rap crap" -- though he has labeled his fellow inmates "thugs" in jailhouse letters.

Defendant in loud-music trial: 'I thought I was going to be killed' - CNN.com

Dunn sounds just like one of our own USMB conservatives.
"We might be in trouble with the local gangsters, but I didn't do anything wrong," Dunn said, explaining his thought process leading to his decision to leave the well-lit parking lot where numerous witnesses had seen the altercation and aftermath.

The couple was staying at the bed-and-breakfast because it was pet-friendly and close to Dunn's son's wedding in Jacksonville, he said. They stopped at the gas station after leaving the wedding because Rouer wanted some white wine and chips, Dunn said.

That's when he heard heavy bass "thumping" from a red Dodge Durango parked next to him. Rouer testified previously that Dunn told her he hated "that thug music," which Dunn contested during his testimony. He said he wouldn't have used such terminology -- he said he prefers the term "rap crap" -- though he has labeled his fellow inmates "thugs" in jailhouse letters.

Defendant in loud-music trial: 'I thought I was going to be killed' - CNN.com

Dunn sounds just like one of our own USMB conservatives.
which one? I have a few suspects in mind.:eusa_whistle:
In the Dunn case, there is very little objective evidence of an aggressor placing Dunn in fear of his life, so he had to tell the jury how afraid he was. Dunn's testimony, then, will largely determine whether these jurors find him guilty or not guilty.

Opinion: Did Florida shooter make his case on the stand? - CNN.com

Clearly the burden of an imminent threat was not met by Dunn to justify using deadly force to ‘defend’ himself, any alleged threat had ended when the victim started to drive away, the point at which Dunn began shooting.

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