“I hate that thug music.”

I was hoping something like this would come out to show his indifference. What amazes me is he claims to have seen a shotgun but instead of immediately backing out he turns and gets his gun out of the glove box.
Hey, just because YOU'RE a pussy doesn't mean everybody is.

Only a fool would turn his back to a shotgun and reach for a pistol. You probably would have frozen an pissed your pants in the same situation.
Backing up would have just made him an easier target. He would have been at point blank range.
I was hoping something like this would come out to show his indifference. What amazes me is he claims to have seen a shotgun but instead of immediately backing out he turns and gets his gun out of the glove box.
Hey, just because YOU'RE a pussy doesn't mean everybody is.

Only a fool would turn his back to a shotgun and reach for a pistol. You probably would have frozen an pissed your pants in the same situation.
Well, one thing is for sure. YOU would have run like a bitch and left your woman at the mercy of the thugs. Chicken shit.
In testimony, the fine upstanding young men in the Durango admitted in court that they went out to "pick up girls" (aka harass women) that night.

They all struck out, for obvious reasons. They're some ugly motherfuckers. Then they see a reasonably attractive MILF with some white nerdy dude and they turned into total animals.

Jordan's testosterone got the better of him. He's dead as a result.

You can't possibly be this stupid in real life.
Only people that have anger problems listen to it. :( And this is what replaced pretty and skillful music of the past?

This is the question we should be asking.

Completely ignorant statement.

Smarter then your stupid pointless statement. civilization was built on those two points....

Take a college class in history.
Only people that have anger problems listen to it. :( And this is what replaced pretty and skillful music of the past?

This is the question we should be asking.

Completely ignorant statement.

Smarter then your stupid pointless statement. civilization was built on those two points....

Take a college class in history.

Civilization was built on "pretty and skillful music"? It's your assumption that all hip hop/rap/"thug music" is bad and that everyone who listens to it has anger problems that is ignorant. Just because you don't understand the genre doesn't mean it has nothing to offer.
Simian thug music encourages pre-teen pregnancy, violence, misogyny, criminal acts at ear drum shattering volume.
Frankly what else can we expect from them? I mean it's not like these simians are accomplishing anything positive in their lives. 'Impregnating' a dozen young Black girls and having 'Whitey' pay for all your needs through hard earned tax payer dollars is hardly an accomplishment in life......except in 'Thug-Land'.
Hey, just because YOU'RE a pussy doesn't mean everybody is.

Only a fool would turn his back to a shotgun and reach for a pistol. You probably would have frozen an pissed your pants in the same situation.
Backing up would have just made him an easier target. He would have been at point blank range.

No dumbass. A moving target is always harder to hit than a stationary one. Dont you know anything at all?
Hey, just because YOU'RE a pussy doesn't mean everybody is.

Only a fool would turn his back to a shotgun and reach for a pistol. You probably would have frozen an pissed your pants in the same situation.
Well, one thing is for sure. YOU would have run like a bitch and left your woman at the mercy of the thugs. Chicken shit.

The only thing for sure is that Dunn is lying. His girl would have been safe in the store until the guy could draw his gun and go back for her. You would not last 2 minutes in a situation like that assuming the kid actually had a shotgun. They would have been picking your skull fragments off the passenger side window of your car if you reached for the gun.
Simian thug music encourages pre-teen pregnancy, violence, misogyny, criminal acts at ear drum shattering volume.
Frankly what else can we expect from them? I mean it's not like these simians are accomplishing anything positive in their lives. 'Impregnating' a dozen young Black girls and having 'Whitey' pay for all your needs through hard earned tax payer dollars is hardly an accomplishment in life......except in 'Thug-Land'.

There is rap and then there is gangsta rap. Since white youth are the biggest market for gangsta rap you should have numbers to back up your stupid ass theory.

According to Mediamark Research Inc, white fans underwrite the gangsta rap music industry by purchasing more than seventy percent of the rap music in this country. It is official. By far, the largest share of gangsta rap music sales is going to white supporters. So if a lot of white people are buying this music, and a lot of white people are paying for the development of this music, and a lot of white people who control the music industry are making a lot of money from the proliferation of this particular form of music, why do so many people insist that this is a phenomenon associated predominantly to the black community?


Across the country, white kids in comfortable suburban neighborhoods (mine was Greenbelt) sit in their cars or bedrooms or studio apartments, listening to the latest rap music that glorifies violence, peddles racist stereotypes and portrays women as little more than animals. We look through the keyhole into a violent, sexy world of "money, ho's and clothes." We're excited to be transported to a place where people brag about gunplay, use racial epithets continually and talk freely about dealing drugs. And then we turn off whatever we're listening to and return to our comfy world in time for dinner.

Make no mistake. If there was not a large white population buying this then it never would exist.
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neither is the shooter.
Actually at the trial he seemed very credible.Did you see the trial?

All that is left is closing statements tomorrow. And then deliberations and verdict.

Dunn took he stand even though he wasn't required to and he was very credible. I think the jury will say not guilty.

Very credible. Right. His fiance took the stand right after him and contradicted him. In other words, she made him appear to be a liar.Credible...:lol:
Only a fool would turn his back to a shotgun and reach for a pistol. You probably would have frozen an pissed your pants in the same situation.
Well, one thing is for sure. YOU would have run like a bitch and left your woman at the mercy of the thugs. Chicken shit.

The only thing for sure is that Dunn is lying. His girl would have been safe in the store until the guy could draw his gun and go back for her. You would not last 2 minutes in a situation like that assuming the kid actually had a shotgun. They would have been picking your skull fragments off the passenger side window of your car if you reached for the gun.
Obviously the punk with the shotgun thought he would scare Dunn by showing it to him. He wasn't expecting Dunn to have a gun of his own (and being ready to use it). That should be a lesson to you gangsta wannabes. Don't pull a gun on somebody if you're not prepared to use it. It may not have a good ending.
Well, one thing is for sure. YOU would have run like a bitch and left your woman at the mercy of the thugs. Chicken shit.

The only thing for sure is that Dunn is lying. His girl would have been safe in the store until the guy could draw his gun and go back for her. You would not last 2 minutes in a situation like that assuming the kid actually had a shotgun. They would have been picking your skull fragments off the passenger side window of your car if you reached for the gun.
Obviously the punk with the shotgun thought he would scare Dunn by showing it to him. He wasn't expecting Dunn to have a gun of his own (and being ready to use it). That should be a lesson to you gangsta wannabes. Don't pull a gun on somebody if you're not prepared to use it. It may not have a good ending.

What does your funny little bluff have to do with what I wrote?
Well, one thing is for sure. YOU would have run like a bitch and left your woman at the mercy of the thugs. Chicken shit.

The only thing for sure is that Dunn is lying. His girl would have been safe in the store until the guy could draw his gun and go back for her. You would not last 2 minutes in a situation like that assuming the kid actually had a shotgun. They would have been picking your skull fragments off the passenger side window of your car if you reached for the gun.
Obviously the punk with the shotgun thought he would scare Dunn by showing it to him. He wasn't expecting Dunn to have a gun of his own (and being ready to use it). That should be a lesson to you gangsta wannabes. Don't pull a gun on somebody if you're not prepared to use it. It may not have a good ending.
You honestly believe the boy had a gun?
The only thing for sure is that Dunn is lying. His girl would have been safe in the store until the guy could draw his gun and go back for her. You would not last 2 minutes in a situation like that assuming the kid actually had a shotgun. They would have been picking your skull fragments off the passenger side window of your car if you reached for the gun.
Obviously the punk with the shotgun thought he would scare Dunn by showing it to him. He wasn't expecting Dunn to have a gun of his own (and being ready to use it). That should be a lesson to you gangsta wannabes. Don't pull a gun on somebody if you're not prepared to use it. It may not have a good ending.

What does your funny little bluff have to do with what I wrote?
Obviously the punk with the shotgun thought he would scare Dunn by showing it to him. He wasn't expecting Dunn to have a gun of his own (and being ready to use it). That should be a lesson to you gangsta wannabes. Don't pull a gun on somebody if you're not prepared to use it. It may not have a good ending.

What does your funny little bluff have to do with what I wrote?

Everything like illustrating your fear of Black people. I would be afraid too if I were a pussy like you are. :lol:
What does your funny little bluff have to do with what I wrote?

Everything like illustrating your fear of Black people. I would be afraid too if I were a pussy like you are. :lol:
Nice try, but you're the one who announced you would run like a bitch if somebody showed you a shotgun and leave your girlfriend at the mercy of 4 thugs. You have documented your own cowardice. :lol:

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