“I hate that thug music.”

Disgusting racists are really coming out from their rocks again.

They make a good case for secession. Give racist slime some swamp land and throw up a fence to keep them out of the real United States. See how long they can live without being supported by the rest of us.

I think this murder is a direct result of Zimmerman getting away with murdering Trayvon Martin: it is now open season on black teenagers. Absolutely disgusting and sorrowful for our country.
Zimmerman was obviously attacked. There is no proof that this guy was, yet. You really are a dingbat, aren't you?

Obviously Z got out of the car and confronted TM. There is no proof TM started the fight.
The spooks in the Durango testified that Jordan Davis didn't open the door.

They are obviously liars and the trajectory of the bullets tell an entirely different story.

Even his wife testified that he was leaning out of the window. Quit trolling.
I'm not trolling.

How do you explain the trajectory of the bullets that went through the rear passenger side door of the Durango if it wasn't open?

Explain your theory please.

He was leaning out the window dumbass.
is anyone bothered by the fact that the couple went back to the hotel and ordered a pizza then watched a movie?
No. Why should it bother anyone?

Because if you truly think "thugs" are driving around threatening citizens with a rifle, you warn local police via cell phone so others don't die, is why.

And Dunn kept shooting AFTER the red SUV was retreating; accounting for angled shots into the front door. Dunn leaned out the window and kept shooting as the teens retreated.

Not stopping as they backed out shows intent to kill fleeing persons and split-second premeditation.

Florida does not fry prisoners any more. Dunn, meet lethal injection.

Regards from Rosie
We will now have the Zimmerman trial part two.

I don't know about that, but I would not want to be Dunn. If he can't absolutely prove he was in danger, they will fry him, if nothing else than to avoid the imminent riots that would follow an acquittal.

Honestly, though if the facts are as stated in the article... I hope they do fry him.
You mean like the "riots" that were promised if George walked? HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! 'Those' riots didn't happen b/c Sharpton couldn't figure a way to make a buck off them.
All Dunn has to do is claim the SYG law and now that the idiots at the prosecutors office have once again 'over-charged' Dunn (AC's favorite way to intimidate a person charged to 'plea'. Did I mention that virtually 100% are Black? BTW) Dunn can sit tight and keep his mouth shut and the prosecution has to convince a jury that the simians in the car, all or most already convicted street thugs were innocent little 'baby-boys' who looked just like 'T' did when they were six.
Good fucking luck with that. The jury members, whoever they are having lived in fear all their lives of simian street thugs will decide it's time for a little 'pay-back' for all the times they were intimidated by simian street thugs.
I understand Dunn took the stand today and was cross-examined for 2 hours. The prosecutor was trying to make it look like he shot at the car because he was "disrespected" by the thugs. He said "No, I was being threatened". Not sure how wise it was for him to take the stand.
According to your article, he said it while she was in the car before she left to go inside.

What a stupid tragic murder. I think people who play music like that are rude assholes, but under no circumstances does it justify murder. If the article is truthful, I hope they fry Dunn's butt!

according to the article it looks like he said it a second before shooting - which is not true and that is what I was pointing at.

Those were the last words Rhonda Rouer heard her fiance, Michael David Dunn, say before he fired 10 shots at a car containing four black teenagers at a Southside Gate gas station. One of those teenagers, 17-year-old Jordan Davis, was killed.
Media idiocy.

The article says that she was in the store before the shots were fired, that she didn't hear the confrontation that led to the shooting....what makes you think it says he said those words 'a second' before shooting?

Just because they were the last words she heard him say before the shooting doesn't mean they were said immediately before shots were fired....
Here we go again. A bunch of obvious 'low-information' members mentally incapable of understanding the most simple elements of the case. God almighty it must be quite the life living in a retards head.
The girlfriend is ON FUCKING SURVEILLANCE VIDEO in the store reacting to the sound of the gun shots!!!! She
d been videoed for at least a minute standing at the counter. So how the fuck could she have heard Dunn say ANYTHING "immediately" before he shot the simian pointing the shotgun at him?
All you LIB men who pee sitting down automatically taking the simians side how about trying to at least keep up?
is anyone bothered by the fact that the couple went back to the hotel and ordered a pizza then watched a movie?
No. Why should it bother anyone?
thanks for proving your an asshole!
You are dodging the question and spewing a personal insult.

To rephrase, I'm asking you why you think ordering a pizza should be something for people to be bothered about.

It's just a pizza.
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We will now have the Zimmerman trial part two.

I don't know about that, but I would not want to be Dunn. If he can't absolutely prove he was in danger, they will fry him, if nothing else than to avoid the imminent riots that would follow an acquittal.

Honestly, though if the facts are as stated in the article... I hope they do fry him.
You mean like the "riots" that were promised if George walked? HAAAAA HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! 'Those' riots didn't happen b/c Sharpton couldn't figure a way to make a buck off them.
All Dunn has to do is claim the SYG law and now that the idiots at the prosecutors office have once again 'over-charged' Dunn (AC's favorite way to intimidate a person charged to 'plea'. Did I mention that virtually 100% are Black? BTW) Dunn can sit tight and keep his mouth shut and the prosecution has to convince a jury that the simians in the car, all or most already convicted street thugs were innocent little 'baby-boys' who looked just like 'T' did when they were six.
Good fucking luck with that. The jury members, whoever they are having lived in fear all their lives of simian street thugs will decide it's time for a little 'pay-back' for all the times they were intimidated by simian street thugs.

All I will say to you is that the facts were much more in Zimmerman's favor compared to what was reported regarding Dunn, SYG and self-defense.
Davis was shot OUTSIDE the SUV. Dunn shot the simian sitting in his vehicle. So Davis opened the door of the SUV and got out. What was Davis planning on doing? Going into the store to buy a watermelon drink and some Skittles?
The dead fool left the vehicle he was in. Dunn says the idiot threatened to kill Dunn. At that point Dunn did the world another favor.
Note that the Black race-whores are laying low on this one. Did they learn something the last time?
I notice AC and her 'pretty-boy' lawyer who tried to frame George are at it again. That's the definition of insanity.
Davis was shot OUTSIDE the SUV. Dunn shot the simian sitting in his vehicle. So Davis opened the door of the SUV and got out. What was Davis planning on doing? Going into the store to buy a watermelon drink and some Skittles?
The dead fool left the vehicle he was in. Dunn says the idiot threatened to kill Dunn. At that point Dunn did the world another favor.
Note that the Black race-whores are laying low on this one. Did they learn something the last time?
I notice AC and her 'pretty-boy' lawyer who tried to frame George are at it again. That's the definition of insanity.

You are the definition of insanity. Racist pig. Someone ought to suck your brains out with a strong vacuum and feed them to rats.
I understand Dunn took the stand today and was cross-examined for 2 hours. The prosecutor was trying to make it look like he shot at the car because he was "disrespected" by the thugs. He said "No, I was being threatened". Not sure how wise it was for him to take the stand.
He did very well on the stand IMO.

The prosecutor guy came off as a thug. He kept asking Dunn the same question over and over. Like he was trying to intimidate Dunn and bully him.
Davis was shot OUTSIDE the SUV. Dunn shot the simian sitting in his vehicle. So Davis opened the door of the SUV and got out. What was Davis planning on doing? Going into the store to buy a watermelon drink and some Skittles?
The dead fool left the vehicle he was in. Dunn says the idiot threatened to kill Dunn. At that point Dunn did the world another favor.
Note that the Black race-whores are laying low on this one. Did they learn something the last time?
I notice AC and her 'pretty-boy' lawyer who tried to frame George are at it again. That's the definition of insanity.

You are the definition of insanity. Racist pig. Someone ought to suck your brains out with a strong vacuum and feed them to rats.

They don't even have the dignity to wash their pointy white sheets before turning up here. Don't even want to know what those gross stains are.

Trailer trash White Supremacists .

Regards from Rosie
As I said earlier, if the facts are as reported, I think he is in trouble.
The facts are not as reported by the leftist media. For example, MSNBC claimed Davis was unarmed.

The truth is much different. Actually the police found a deadly weapon, a folding combat knife to be specific, in his pocket.

Did Dunn say he saw a knife? Nope. Keep trying, though.
They found no gun at the scene of the crime.
The police didn't hardly even search until 4 days later. Before the police got there the Durango that Davis was in also left the scene and came back later. They could have got rid of weapons during that time period. They had plenty of motivation to discard any weapons because the driver was on felony probation. He wasn't allowed to have weapons in the Durango.

It's at the very least, reasonable doubt.

Dunn is walking.

Dunn didn't call the police at the scene. He fled, ordered a pizza then drove two hours back home the next day. The police didn't know to look for a gun. You're not very good at this.
I understand Dunn took the stand today and was cross-examined for 2 hours. The prosecutor was trying to make it look like he shot at the car because he was "disrespected" by the thugs. He said "No, I was being threatened". Not sure how wise it was for him to take the stand.

Not very wise at all since his fiance followed his testimony with her own, in which she contradicted everything he said.
No. Why should it bother anyone?
thanks for proving your an asshole!
You are dodging the question and spewing a personal insult.

To rephrase, I'm asking you why you think ordering a pizza should be something for people to be bothered about.

It's just a pizza.
i'D SAY YOU WERE A DUMBFUCK BUT I try not to state the obvious.
While at the cashier’s counter, Rouer heard the sound of gunshots, looked outside and saw Dunn leaning out of his window.
Read more at Jacksonville.com: Dunn Trial: Fiancee of accused killer is called to testify against him in court | Mayport Mirror

If she was at the cashier's counter which means she was not in the car at the moment - there is no way she could have heard him saying those words before firing 10 shots. He could have complained about the music but not exactly before shooting - as she was not in the car when he shot the teenager.

somebody is lying here - the media most likely. as always.

According to the link, the comment Dunn made about “thug music” was made before Roeur went into the convenience store:

“Loud rap music was emanating from the Durango and when Dunn said he hated that thug music Roeur replied 'I know,' gave him a kiss and left Dunn in the car while she went in to get the wine.”

The thing that was most significant is when they called Roeur back to the stand and she testified that during the entire time right after the tragic event Dunn never said anything to her about being threatened with a gun, a pipe or anything else. Dunn and Roeur drove away from the convenience store, went to their hotel, ordered pizza, watched a movie and of course talked during all that time; however, Dunn never said a word about being threatened with a weapon.

The fact that Dunn never discussed this most critical bit of information with her right after the event could be viewed as proof he made the whole thing up when he was arrested. I believe this is how the jury will see it. I don't know about you, but if I killed someone in self-defense I would certainly discuss why I did it. If I were threatened with a gun, I sure as hell would be telling everyone about it.

NOTE: The link OP gave does not include the testimony Roeur gave when she was called to the stand the second time. I watched this part of her testimony on the news. I'm sure it's all over the Internet by now.

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