“I hate that thug music.”

They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.
There was no gun. He 'felt threatened' because they were loud, raucous black teenagers. In Florida now, people think they have a license to kill black teenagers. Probably across the US too. If I had a black teenager in America at this time, I'd keep him/her as close to me as possible. Leave the country if I could. Nowadays, it is like they are all wearing a target.
Nothing kills black teenagers more, then other black teenagers
Nothing kills Whites more than other Whites.

What's your point, bigot?
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
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That's your opinon (which isn't worth shit).

The jury believes there was no gun. The argument now is the level of verdict.

sparky, the day of the white vigilante is over.
I didn't know you were in communications with the jury. Did you hear one of them say that?

Obviously, based on the verdict, the jury believed there was no gun. So you were wrong.

He will go to prison for a long time, and still can be retried on the first charge.

Good job, jury.
There was no gun. He 'felt threatened' because they were loud, raucous black teenagers. In Florida now, people think they have a license to kill black teenagers. Probably across the US too. If I had a black teenager in America at this time, I'd keep him/her as close to me as possible. Leave the country if I could. Nowadays, it is like they are all wearing a target.
Nothing kills black teenagers more, then other black teenagers
Nothing kills Whites more than other Whites.

What's your point, bigot?
Black teens kill way more than any other group
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
Attempted SECOND degree murder. That means you didn't plan to kill the person. How do you "attempt" to accidentally kill somebody. It makes no sense.
The jury believes there was no gun. The argument now is the level of verdict.

sparky, the day of the white vigilante is over.
I didn't know you were in communications with the jury. Did you hear one of them say that?

Obviously, based on the verdict, the jury believed there was no gun. So you were wrong.

He will go to prison for a long time, and still can be retried on the first charge.

Good job, jury.
Then why didn't they find him guilty of murder?
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
Attempted SECOND degree murder. That means you didn't plan to kill the person. How do you "attempt" to accidentally kill somebody. It makes no sense.

Actually, attempted 2nd degree Murder means he tried to kill them without premeditation and/or without depraved disregard for human life.

If they had thought that, they would have come back with attempted 1st degree Murder verdicts.
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

Some of the jurors may have bought his self defense claim with the murdered. When he continues to fire on the fleeing car, attempted murder of the survivors is an easy decision.
Attempted SECOND degree murder. That means you didn't plan to kill the person. How do you "attempt" to accidentally kill somebody. It makes no sense.

Second degree murder means it wasn't premeditated, that Dunn didn't go out that day looking to kill someone. Not that he was shooting at someone but not trying to kill them.
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

I agree. Given the options for the charge they could not agree on included 2nd degree murder too, or not?

Either way Jordan Davis would have turned 19 tomorrow, his family must be heartbroken, confused and angry. And I don't blame them one bit.
CaféAuLait;8629961 said:
They found him guilty of "attempted 2nd degree murder" but not of "murder". That seems inconsistent.

I agree. Given the options for the charge they could not agree on included 2nd degree murder too, or not?

Either way Jordan Davis would have turned 19 tomorrow, his family must be heartbroken, confused and angry. And I don't blame them one bit.

Some of the jurors may not have wanted to budge off the 1st degree Murder charge. The others may have felt that premeditation and depraved disregard for human life were not proved.

We'll only find out what happened if any of the jurors decide to talk to the media.

If they do, the prosecutors better listen carefully to what they say so they can fine-tune their strategy in the re-trial.
Just because he's a judge doesn't mean he interprets the law accurately. Ever hear of "activist judges"?

That may be the case, but what makes you assume it is so?
Common sense. You don't wait for your assailant to shoot you before you react to his threat.

You've mistaken my point. I meant why do you assume the judge is interpreting the law inaccurately, rather than it being an accurate interpretation and you don't like the law?
I didn't know you were in communications with the jury. Did you hear one of them say that?

Obviously, based on the verdict, the jury believed there was no gun. So you were wrong.

He will go to prison for a long time, and still can be retried on the first charge.

Good job, jury.
Then why didn't they find him guilty of murder?

That has already been explained to you, so, no, you don't get "just once more."
Ok, let's give the judge the benefit of the doubt and say there was no bias in his answers. To say what he said would tell me he has never been in a situation where he was being threatened by more than one person. You don't have time to assess the demeanor of the other 3 to determine if they are a threat or not. When you're fighting for your life you can't take any chances.

What does the judge's history have to do with it? If he has been in a situation where he was being threatened by more than one person, should he ignore the law or proper courtroom procedures?

You seem to be intent on finding a flaw in the judge when the flaw may be in the laws of the state (assuming such a flaw exists).
Just because he's a judge doesn't mean he interprets the law accurately. Ever hear of "activist judges"?

what legal basis do you have to think the judge is interpreting anything improperly? other than wishful thinking, of course.
Rap is about hate and death at a supernova volume . Big surprise someone was pushed over the edge reacting to it. Rap is about male dominance, violence, rape and homophobia at a volume even the CIA that used water boarding won’t do, in fear of the negative public reaction…Rap music is like that. Psychological warfare. It isn’t freedom of speech, but this is the level of craziness the country has sunk to.

Don't be a nitwit.

Hate and death is far from exclusive to rap. I listen to death metal, and I can assure you, there is at least as much hate and death in some of that as in any rap. ;)

Oh, I have heard enough rap to know, loud hacks that can't read music. Auto tune. Bass. Music isn't about force, volume or urban hate. People have a right ot privacy, and all that BOOM BOOM BOOM isn't quite what the founding fathers had in mind for freeedom of speach.

Music, like most art, is almost entirely subjective. You can't tell me what music is about, only what it means to you.

You don't like rap music? That's fine. Neither do I. I'm not going to try and use that as some excuse to blame a victim for being shot, though.

Oh, and this case has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

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