“I hate that thug music.”

Oh, I have heard enough rap to know, loud hacks that can't read music. Auto tune. Bass. Music isn't about force, volume or urban hate. People have a right ot privacy, and all that BOOM BOOM BOOM isn't quite what the founding fathers had in mind for freeedom of speach.

Freedom of speech? What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Where is [MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION]? He might be able to shed some light on this since he was a lawyer?
Just heard the jury cannot decide of the first count, the most important. This is close to a mistrial.....UNBELIEVABLE!

On one count. Not the whole case. But which count??

The one they can't decide on is the Murder count for killing Jordan Davis.

It looks like they might decide on something less than first degree. A hung jury would be devastating.

Is there now an open season on young black men in Florida? WOW! JUST WOW!
That may be the case, but what makes you assume it is so?
Common sense. You don't wait for your assailant to shoot you before you react to his threat.

You can take a look to be a threat. At some point commons sense needs to be deployed. You really dont want the days of the wild west back do you?
When you participate in a culture of violence, blast your violent messages in people's faces in an attempt to intimidate them, you should expect people to feel threatened. And with the reputation blacks have earned (especially lately), it's no wonder whites are starting to react accordingly. Maybe those guys were not intending to kill Dunn, but they put themselves in the position of making him THINK they were. He may have overreacted but if he was in fear for his life, once the shooting started all bets are off.
On one count. Not the whole case. But which count??

The one they can't decide on is the Murder count for killing Jordan Davis.

It looks like they might decide on something less than first degree. A hung jury would be devastating.

Is there now an open season on young black men in Florida? WOW! JUST WOW!

I've been watching the live stream, and it looks like they are going to hang on the charge.

They sent out a question a little while ago asking if no verdict on that would be a mistrial on that count, or the whole trial. The judge told them it would only be for that count.

I don't think it would be seen as open season. They're probably going to convict on the 3 attempted murders.
Oh, I have heard enough rap to know, loud hacks that can't read music. Auto tune. Bass. Music isn't about force, volume or urban hate. People have a right ot privacy, and all that BOOM BOOM BOOM isn't quite what the founding fathers had in mind for freeedom of speach.
Freedom of speech is fine until you use it to threaten people. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, and blasting obscene and threatening gangster rap is pretty similar to that.
OK. Why is it you never hear some 60 year old white guy in his Mercedes convertible blaring Bach sonatas? It's not an issue. But when some black kid in a cheap Japanese sedan can buy a loud radio and he can pump out hateful ghetto rap when he gets WHIM, that is acceptable? BOOM BOOM BOOM. No it isn't. A liberal friend of mine years ago called rap "death music" and protested the local bodega because they didn't enforce the loud radio laws. It’s more about the volume, not the content I think. People are frustrated and they really don’t like people forcing their tastes upon others, and this is getting rather crazy.

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