“I hate that thug music.”

Tank does not like it when a black male speaks, writes and shows his superiority over him. I think SJ is the same way. They both think any black male that does that is "uppity", then resort to "jive ass negro" comments.

Which means they lost the battle.

They think I'm uppity on this board they would hate me in real life. Then again they almost certainly would not express their true feelings to me even though I could read it in their body language.
Tank does not like it when a black male speaks, writes and shows his superiority over him. I think SJ is the same way. They both think any black male that does that is "uppity", then resort to "jive ass negro" comments.

Which means they lost the battle.

They think I'm uppity on this board they would hate me in real life. Then again they almost certainly would not express their true feelings to me even though I could read it in their body language.
More internet tough guy talk. We've heard it all before.
Probably not. Most cowards go to message boards and holler ****** and jive ass. Unless they have a gun of course.
Tank does not like it when a black male speaks, writes and shows his superiority over him. I think SJ is the same way. They both think any black male that does that is "uppity", then resort to "jive ass negro" comments.

Which means they lost the battle.

They think I'm uppity on this board they would hate me in real life. Then again they almost certainly would not express their true feelings to me even though I could read it in their body language.
More internet tough guy talk. We've heard it all before.

You'll hear it again when I get introspective. Youre a pussified wimp. The difference between me and you is that I would say the exact same thing I'm saying now and you wouldn't do anything but take it. On the flip side you would never open your mouth to utter a stern word to me.
I don't think they know what introspective means. Don't get all uppity again with big words, Asclepias. They will resort to you being jive ass. :lol:
They think I'm uppity on this board they would hate me in real life. Then again they almost certainly would not express their true feelings to me even though I could read it in their body language.
More internet tough guy talk. We've heard it all before.

You'll hear it again when I get introspective. Youre a pussified wimp. The difference between me and you is that I would say the exact same thing I'm saying now and you wouldn't do anything but take it. On the flip side you would never open your mouth to utter a stern word to me.
So he says from the safety of his computer.
More internet tough guy talk. We've heard it all before.

You'll hear it again when I get introspective. Youre a pussified wimp. The difference between me and you is that I would say the exact same thing I'm saying now and you wouldn't do anything but take it. On the flip side you would never open your mouth to utter a stern word to me.
So he says from the safety of his computer.

Yes. I am safe from you. :rofl:
I'm glad they found the cowardly bastard guilty on something. i hope someone shanks his ass in the pen. i would put money on their books personally.
Would you do the same for anyone who offed the thug who killed that little baby? The baby probably dissed or threatened him, right?

Georgia man faces trial in killing of baby in stroller - NBC News

Thats the difference between animals like you and people like me. This guy should be killed as well. If he was white and had shot a Black baby you cave apes would be celebrating like the feral simians you are.
Too much of a coward to answer, but we already knew that.
Funny you mention that. I went to the auto parts store today and watched a white guy shoplift a wrench. No one saw him even though he did it in plain sight. He just picked up the wrench and walked out. He even set off the alarm and no one did anything. I told the clerk he put a wrench in his pocket and the guy went out and confronted him. He gave the wrench back and took off.
Give me the name of the store, so I can call and see if this story is true

Right after you prove to me you are not really a teenage girl.

LOL :lol:
As expected, the 1st degree murder charge proved difficult. Thankfully, this guy wont breathe free air ever again facing 60-105 years in clink.
When it comes to crime, they are the right ones to fixate on

Funny you mention that. I went to the auto parts store today and watched a white guy shoplift a wrench. No one saw him even though he did it in plain sight. He just picked up the wrench and walked out. He even set off the alarm and no one did anything. I told the clerk he put a wrench in his pocket and the guy went out and confronted him. He gave the wrench back and took off.
Bullshit alert.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.
I was happy when I heard Dahlmer got killed in prison. Guess that makes me a baaaaaad girl. Ok.
In the eyes of God, yes. Let me ask you a question, Gracie. If by some chance it turns out there WAS a shotgun, would you still be hoping Dunn is murdered in prison?

I wouldn't pay to have him shanked but I wouldn't care if he was.
IF there were a shotgun...hmm. Kinda hard to go with ifs. But lets pretend and say a shotgun WAS found. Then I would want another trial for him and see what else shakes loose.

I am having a hard time with him going home and having a pizza instead of calling the cops that he was supposedly attacked.

Same with me. It demonstrates a depraved indifference toward the victims.

The penalty for loud music and insults is not death.
Funny you mention that. I went to the auto parts store today and watched a white guy shoplift a wrench. No one saw him even though he did it in plain sight. He just picked up the wrench and walked out. He even set off the alarm and no one did anything. I told the clerk he put a wrench in his pocket and the guy went out and confronted him. He gave the wrench back and took off.
Bullshit alert.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.

SJ doesn't think white people commit crimes. That's absolutely hilarious. What a fucked up mind he must have.

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