“I hate that thug music.”

"****** should have ducked that's all" - Morgan Freeman.
I heard that the guy saw a shotgun pointed at him before he started shooting.

He did and witnesses saw the thugs driving around after the shooting trying to dump something but when you got barney fife doing the police work means they didn't find the weapon the thugs pointed at the man.He is a victim in all this but will not be sent to prison for defending himself against groids. Hope the AB is alive and well in Florida he will need it.
Funny you mention that. I went to the auto parts store today and watched a white guy shoplift a wrench. No one saw him even though he did it in plain sight. He just picked up the wrench and walked out. He even set off the alarm and no one did anything. I told the clerk he put a wrench in his pocket and the guy went out and confronted him. He gave the wrench back and took off.
Bullshit alert.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.

What a good snitch you are.
Bullshit alert.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.

What a good snitch you are.

I once saw a Mexican walk into a chop suey place, pick up a dog, and take it back to his burrito shop.

I told the clerk, but he said he didn't care because the dog was too old to use anyway.
"****** should have ducked that's all" - Morgan Freeman.
I heard that the guy saw a shotgun pointed at him before he started shooting.

He did and witnesses saw the thugs driving around after the shooting trying to dump something but when you got barney fife doing the police work means they didn't find the weapon the thugs pointed at the man.He is a victim in all this but will not be sent to prison for defending himself against groids. Hope the AB is alive and well in Florida he will need it.

I see the revisionists are at it already.

A racist thug murdered a kid for loud music. He was found guilty of that and will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

That life may not be very long however because also in that jail are black fathers of teenage children.

Not just clothes he's traded for jail house togs. He's also exchange his fake tears for the real thing.
"****** should have ducked that's all" - Morgan Freeman.
I heard that the guy saw a shotgun pointed at him before he started shooting.

He did and witnesses saw the thugs driving around after the shooting trying to dump something but when you got barney fife doing the police work means they didn't find the weapon the thugs pointed at the man.He is a victim in all this but will not be sent to prison for defending himself against groids. Hope the AB is alive and well in Florida he will need it.

I see the revisionists are at it already.

A racist thug murdered a kid for loud music. He was found guilty of that and will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

That life may not be very long however because also in that jail are black fathers of teenage children.

Not just clothes he's traded for jail house togs. He's also exchange his fake tears for the real thing.

He wasn't found guilty of murdering the "kid". They have to re-try him on that charge.

What he was found guilty of was his attempting to murder the other 3 "kids".
Funny you mention that. I went to the auto parts store today and watched a white guy shoplift a wrench. No one saw him even though he did it in plain sight. He just picked up the wrench and walked out. He even set off the alarm and no one did anything. I told the clerk he put a wrench in his pocket and the guy went out and confronted him. He gave the wrench back and took off.
Bullshit alert.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.

Saw a white lady at a Burger King last week lean over the counter, take a cup and go get a soft drink and walk out without paying. Told a clerk.

What a good snitch you are.

I once saw a Mexican walk into a chop suey place, pick up a dog, and take it back to his burrito shop.

I told the clerk, but he said he didn't care because the dog was too old to use anyway.
"****** should have ducked that's all" - Morgan Freeman.
I heard that the guy saw a shotgun pointed at him before he started shooting.

He did and witnesses saw the thugs driving around after the shooting trying to dump something but when you got barney fife doing the police work means they didn't find the weapon the thugs pointed at the man.He is a victim in all this but will not be sent to prison for defending himself against groids. Hope the AB is alive and well in Florida he will need it.

I see the revisionists are at it already.

A racist thug murdered a kid for loud music. He was found guilty of that and will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

That life may not be very long however because also in that jail are black fathers of teenage children.

Not just clothes he's traded for jail house togs. He's also exchange his fake tears for the real thing.

He shot a thug in self defense. ANYONE who has ever had the displeasure of being confronted by a pack of rabid animals aka "negro youth" know damn well what happens...they threaten you try to leave they attack...that's what happened and he defended himself...wouldn't have happened if the thugs would have turned the music down and respected EVERYONE'S ears in that parking lot. Turn that shit up when you are riding down the road but in close proximity to others.That boy learned respect the hard way. :)

He did and witnesses saw the thugs driving around after the shooting trying to dump something but when you got barney fife doing the police work means they didn't find the weapon the thugs pointed at the man.He is a victim in all this but will not be sent to prison for defending himself against groids. Hope the AB is alive and well in Florida he will need it.

I see the revisionists are at it already.

A racist thug murdered a kid for loud music. He was found guilty of that and will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

That life may not be very long however because also in that jail are black fathers of teenage children.

Not just clothes he's traded for jail house togs. He's also exchange his fake tears for the real thing.

He wasn't found guilty of murdering the "kid". They have to re-try him on that charge.

What he was found guilty of was his attempting to murder the other 3 "kids".

maybe the jury will talk

but it seems to be because of that last volley of shots

shooting at the rear of the SUV
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis
I see the revisionists are at it already.

A racist thug murdered a kid for loud music. He was found guilty of that and will now spend the rest of his life in jail.

That life may not be very long however because also in that jail are black fathers of teenage children.

Not just clothes he's traded for jail house togs. He's also exchange his fake tears for the real thing.

He wasn't found guilty of murdering the "kid". They have to re-try him on that charge.

What he was found guilty of was his attempting to murder the other 3 "kids".

maybe the jury will talk

but it seems to be because of that last volley of shots

shooting at the rear of the SUV

I think that is correct.
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

You should have read the other CNN story. He's looking at 75 years for the 4 charges he was convicted on.

Prosecutor Erin Wolfson explained Saturday night that each attempted second-degree murder conviction carries a minimum sentence of at least 20 years. There's also a 15-year sentence possible on the conviction for shooting into the teenagers' vehicle.

Dunn convicted of attempted murder in 'loud music' trial - CNN.com
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

LOL He's facing a maximum of 90 years. Each count has a maximum sentence of 30 years. He should be in prison for the rest of his life. If he serves even 30 years, he'll be 77 years old before he gets out. That would be pretty good, maybe even amount to life.
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

LOL He's facing a maximum of 90 years. Each count has a maximum sentence of 30 years. He should be in prison for the rest of his life. If he serves even 30 years, he'll be 77 years old before he gets out. That would be pretty good, maybe even amount to life.

You are forgetting the 15 years for firing at a moving vehicle.
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

under Florida law

dunn qualifies for the 10-20-life

so for three convictions he will get 20 years each minimum

and the throwing missiles conviction gets bumped up to a 1st degree felony

since a firearm was involved making another 20 year minimum

under the 10-20 life rule there is no time off for good behavior

now how will the judge attach the convictions

consecutively or concurrently

one would in essence give him at least a 20 year sentence

the other would give him a 80 year sentence
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

LOL He's facing a maximum of 90 years. Each count has a maximum sentence of 30 years. He should be in prison for the rest of his life. If he serves even 30 years, he'll be 77 years old before he gets out. That would be pretty good, maybe even amount to life.

You are forgetting the 15 years for firing at a moving vehicle.

which also gets bumped up to a 1st degree felony with a max of another 30 years
Why are we still arguing about this? He's guilty as hell. Time to move on.

We're still discussing because "stand your ground" is found (sort of) not to be a license to kill in this case. But it's still out there waiting for the next anger fueled killer to try to hang a defense on.
There is a lot of music with the THUMP THUMP THUMP. When a car gets behind me and my head starts to throb with the beat, I try to change lanes if I can. If one is ahead of me, I fall way back. The only thing that makes me smile is the thought of them in that car going "eh?" in oh...about 10 years.

I like to crank up the music in my car. I don't listen to rap, but I love Symphonic Metal. I will wind my window down and have the volume up high. Its my car, and I will have the music as loud as I like. I don't mind it when other people have their music up loud, either.
What I don't like is when another car pulls up beside me and turns up their volume, trying to get it louder than mine. Then we have a volume war on our hands before the lights change. :doubt:

Try Bagpipes....:D
I didn't ask you, butt breath.

What you ask or not ask remains immaterial. Those who think like the perp have been on notice. He will have all sorts of new friends in his new hotel. Lucky him. He did not heed the number one rule of life: pay attention.
And those who think like Trayvon or the 4 thugs in the car have been put on notice too.

Yeah...how dare you be black and walk with skittles and an iced tea in the rain...how dare you listen to your music loud with your buds....!
Anyone that listens to this kind of music is quite possibly more likely to have bad thoughts. Does this give anyone the right to kill them in old blood? Hell, no. I am glad this piece of shit is going to spend many years behind bars.

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